Chapter 30

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The rest of the training day went by fast all we did was watch people fight and when we got throw everyone we learned some fighting stances.
"Ok everyone remember that tomorrow morning we will have to go to class and after lunch you will come here and we will tech you how to fight and train you." Braden says.
"Everyone is desisted." He says. I walk towards the door where luke is standing waiting for me. I walk over to him and when he sees me he starts to smile. He hugs me and whispers.
"I've missed you." He whispers. I start to laugh.
"It's only been like 2 hours." I say with a laugh. He cups my face.
"Two hours too long." Luke says I smirk.
"Let's get your things." Luke says as he grabs my hand.
"Your things?" A voice seas from behind I turn around to find Taylor.
"Where are you going Franny?" She asks me.
"I'm I'm.... Im going to live with luke." I say.
"What? Why you just met him." She says. Luke tenses.
"Luke this is Taylor Taylor this is Luke." I say. Taylor looks at him. And reaches her hand out for him to shake it. He looks at me and shakes her hand.
"Are you going to keep her safe?" She asks him.
"Yes!" He says.
"Ok! Don't let anything happen to her! Can I talk to you Franny?" Taylor asks. I nob my head. I walk over to where Taylor is.
"He's safe he's good. " she says. "I'm glad that you guys are mates cause I don't like you with James I don't trust him something isn't right with him. You have to stay close to luke make sure James doesn't come near you I don't trust him something is up with him." Taylor says looking around.
"Ok thanks for looking out for me!" I say.
"Ok...... Isn't it funny tho that you were in love with him like 6 hours ago!" Taylor says as she starts to laugh.
"Ya I guess." I say with a little giggle. It's weird to think that because after I met luke I couldn't look at James the same I can't even believe I was in love with him.
"LOVE?" Luke screams. I turn around to find his eyes black and him shaking.
"You were in LOVE with him?!" Luke screams. I run over to luke. And put my hand on his chest.
"Luke please calm down." I say looking into his black eyes. He stops shaking.
"You little bitch!" He yells. "You were in love with that piece of shit?!" He screams.
"Luke stop!" I yell. He looks down at me.
"You don't tell me what to do!" He yells.
"I do when your acting like a dick face!" I scream. He walks away from me I follow him not saying anything. We walk throw the castle. Where are we going? Just then he rounds the corner where my room is.
"How did you?" I ask. He turns around his eyes are still black.
"Your scent." He says simple. He start to head for the door when I pull him back he turns around to face me.
"You know I don't love him. I mean I never think I really did." I say looking into his dark eyes. He puts his hand on my face and his eyes go back to the beautiful green.
"I know........ I just don't want my mate being or touching anyone else but me!" He says. I nob my head.
"Same goes for you." I say. And before I know it his lips crush down on mine. It's filled with love lust and happiness. We part and he pulls me to him. We stay their for awhile not saying anything just relaxing in each other's arms.
"Ew what the hell is going on here?" James yells from behind us. Luke tenses.
"I just came to get my things." I say as I let go of Luke. We walk in and I start putting the little amount of clothing I have in the little bag.
"How does it feel being the biggest slut in the world!" James says in my ear. I turn around to hit him but Luke has him against the wall holding him by the neck.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY MATE?" He screams. James has trouble breathing.
"Luke stop it's not worth it!" I yell he lets go of James but not before he punchs his face.
"Dude it's true I mean this morning she wouldn't keep her hands off of me!" He yells. I run up to James and punch him straight in the nose making him pass out. Luke comes up and hugs me from behind.
"I'm the luckiest man alive." Luke says as he kisses the top of my head. "That was so hot." He says I smirk.
"What the hell happened in here?" Chuck yells. Luke pulls away from me and stares at Chuck.
"Who are you and what are you doing in this room?" Luke asks. I start to laugh.
"Luke relax this is my brother Chuck, Chuck this is my mate Luke." I say. Chuck looks at me and then at Luke.
"What are you doing in here?" He asks him.
"I'm here to collect my mate things and be on my way." Luke says. Chuck looks over at he looks so sad.
"Where you going Fran?" He asks me in a sad voice.
"It's a village just south of the castle a 5 minute walk." I say looking down.
"Why?" He asks me.
"Cause I need to be with my mate." I say looking him in the eyes.
"You'll protect her?" Chuck asks Luke. Luke nods.
"She will be safe with me." He says.
"I'll see you everyday for training and meals." I say Chuck nods. I give him a hug and leave the room. We walk out of the castle silently. The walk to the village was quite. The sun almost set as we approach the house. Luke opens the door for me.
"Welcome to your new home!" Luke says. "Becky is just setting up your room she insisted on doing it." Luke says with a smirk. He puts my bag by the front door an walks past the big kitchen and into an office he sits behind the desk and starts to do some paper work. His office is big it has a wall of bookcases to the left and a couch to the right his desk is In front of a big window. I sit down on the couch.
"So tell me something about yourself." I say wanting to know more about this man I call my mate.
"What do you want to know?" He asks me looking up from his work.
"How old are you?" I ask him. He smiles.
"18." He says.
"When did you become alpha?" I ask him.
"Good question when I was 16." He a says.
"Why so young?" I ask not sure if it's a normal time or not.
"My father died when I was 16 I had to take over the pack." He says. I walk over to him and sit on his lap. I can feel hu pain in the way he said it. I hurts me.
"I'm sorry." I say was i bury my face into his shoulder he raps his strong arms around me.
"It's ok babe." He whispers as he kisses my cheek.
"Do you still have your mom?" I ask.
"Yes and she's so excited to met you." Luke says. I look up at him.
"Now I get to ask you something." Luke says. I nob my head.
"How did you get throw living with out your family?" Luke asks me.
"What how do you know that?" I ask him. He smirks.
"Franny everyone nows everything about you how you had to live in 26 different houses in the past 2 years because your family 'died' how Sandy took you in and you started to learn all this stuff about yourself." Luke says with a smile.
"How?" I ask.
"We are supernaturals we have our ways. But only the four leaders know.... We had to keep our savour safe." Luke says as he puts his hand under my chin. I move away from him.
"So was this all your plan to make me your mate so I would be protected?" I ask.
"No no! You don't pick your mate your mate is given to you." Luke says. Luke cups my face.
"You don't need protecting. You are so strong you just need to see it." Luke says he puts his forehead against mine.
"I" luke starts to say something but is interrupted.
"Luke frannys room is ready." Becky says as she walks in I look over at her.
"Sorry did I interrupt something." Becky says with a smirk. I shake my head.
"Yes yes you did sis." Luke says. Becky shrugs.
"Franny I'll show you to your room." Becky says. I nob my head and get off of lukes lap. He pulls me into his chest and kisses me.
"Goodnight beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I smirk and follow Becky out of lukes office and up the stairs. Their is 4 doors in a hall to the left and one door to the right. He walks over to the single door.
"This is the master bedroom luke wanted you to sleep in here he's going to sleep in one of the guest rooms." Becky says. I give her a questioning.
"He doesn't trust himself around you." Becky says. I walk into the room and it's huge their is a king size bed and a couch theirs a bathroom attacked to the room.
"I got some clothing for you I think we are the same size." Becky says.
"Thank you." I say. She smiles and comes up and hugs me.
"Your going to be good for luke he needs some one like you." She says as she pulls away from me. I smile even throw I'm so confused.
"Have a good sleep." Becky says as she walks out. I am left in my thoughts. I go in the bathroom and head in the shower. I try to relax and get all the events out of my mind. I get out and put on my cloths. I exit the bathroom to find luke standing there looking throw his closet. When I walk out he turns around.
"I'm sorry I just need my cloths." Luke says as he grabs a pair of pj pants.
"It's ok thanks for letting me stay here but I could have stayed in a guest room I don't want to take your room from you." I say. He turns around and smirks.
"Franny this is our room I'm not going to sleep in here until you are comfortable with me." Luke says. I smile.
"Thank you." I say as I walk up and hug him he kisses the top of my head.
"Your welcome my mate."

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