Chapter 31

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"why do we have to go to class.'' Taylor wines.

"Taylor we don't know how to control our powers we don't know anything about the supernatural world we have to learn about our world." I say. we walk into Mrs. Easts class and sit in the same sets we sat in yesterday. I look around at the empty classroom.

"where is everyone?" I ask Taylor. she looks at me and around the class and shrugs.

"I think me you chuck and James are the only ones in this class, and James isn't coming because you knocked him out! I cant believe I missed that!" she says with a laugh. "anyways you broke his nose and gave him two black eyes." Taylor says. I feel bad i broke his nose? I mean he deserved it but I still feel bad he fell hard and fast when I hit him.

"wheres chuck." I ask Taylor and she frezzes.

"um........ um...... um him and james were fighting last night and he didn't get much sleep he was still in bed when I left." she says fast. its awkward she said it really werid like she was trying to hide something from me. I don't think shes telling the truth. I was about to say something but Mrs. East walked in with a man with black hair and green eyes. I look away from a weird taylor and pay attention to Mrs. East and the stranger.

"hi girls I see that the boys desided not to show. not a very good sign. anyways this is Axel he is a ghost whisper he is going to help franny learn how to control your powers. I will be helping Taylor control her powers." Mrs. East say. axel comes up to me. He looks around lukes age.

"so your the great saviour." Axel says looking me over.

"that's what everyone's calling me so I guess?"

"don't doubt yourself honey, its not an attractive quality." axel says with a smirk and winks at me.

"how are you even going to help me aren't you still learning yourself how old are you like 18?" I say confused.

"my father is the greatest ghost whisper ever. I think I know what i'm doing honey." he says with a grin that would make any girl melt. good thing I have Luke. I think to myself. I haven't seen him all day when I woke up he had made breakfast and left a note saying he was taking care of some business what ever that means. so I had breakfast by myself. I guess he didn't like me going to the hall by myself?

"lets get to it honeybuns." Axel says. honeybuns? oh man this is going to be a long morning.


it turns out that Axel was a good teacher I learned how to summon spirits and chose which one I wanted to see me. he showed me some tricks and said I am learning fast.

" ok guys their is 10 minutes left please sit down and I can teach you some history.' mrs. east says as she walks over to the black board. Axel goes and sits on the chair behind the desk and shakes his head. I giggle a little he looks at me and grins. just then theirs a knock at the door. mrs. East opens the door revealing Luke. the sight of him makes my heart jump out of my chest and my hands sweat. Mrs. East looks at Luke who is looking at me.

"may I come in?" he ask her never taking his eyes off of me. Mrs.East nods her head. I get out of my chair and run into his arms.

"I missed you so much." he mumbles into my hair as he hugs me I smile and hug him tight. Luke lets go of me and looks over at Axel, and then over to Mrs. East.

"what the hell is he doing in here? with my mate?" he yells. I look up at luke.

"I'm here to help your mate learn how to control her powers." Axel says with an evil grin. Luke pulls me out of the class. I wiggle my way out of his grip.

"what the hell Luke?!" I yell " why are you so mad?" I scream. He looks taken back by my comment.

"It's none of your concern." he says in a serious voice.

"unbelievable!" I say as I walk past him.

"where are you going?!" he yells from behind me I feel his hand on my arm as he turns me around.

"It's none of your concern!" I spit as I walk away. I cant believe he did that he's such a dick!


the rest of the day went by fast we learned how to fight and use weapons. I wasn't all their. I had so much things going on in my head. luke was across the room staring at me. I cant be here with him just looking at me like i'm a caged animal.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I say to Braden he nods his head and I make my way out of the training room.

"Franny stop Franny." He says. I can't believe this.

"What do you want luke?!" I snap. Not wanting to hear anything he has to say.

"Let me explain myself." Luke says with pleading eyes. Oh damn it those eyes.

"2 minutes." I say as I cross my arms. He nods his head.

"I used to be best friends with Axel he was like a brother to me. We spent everyone waking hour together. He is 2 years older then me but it didn't seem to matter. When I was 14 my oldest sister Rosa was 18 at the time. And usually around your 18 birthday you find your mate. Well one day me and Axel were in the backyard when my sister came out and frozen in her tracks so did Axel. I thought it was weird and wasn't sure what was going on until she said it. Mate. She was mated to my bestfriend. He rejected her with in the next week because he 'didn't want to settle down' my sister was so depressed that she ran away. Everyone things she's dead." Luke said in a sad tone that made my heart break. I thought throw this for awhile.

"Why didn't you tell me about her?" I ask him.

"I was going to when the time came." He said i nodded my head.

"I'm sorry." He says looking into my eyes.

"No I'm sorry I should have given you a chance to explain." I say he smiles.

"Let's go home." Luke says with a small smile.

"What I can't I'm training!" I say.

"I just told Braden you were leaving with me." Luke says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I'm a werewolf I can talk to my pack in mind links." Luke says. Ya that makes sense.

"Will I ever be able to do that?" I ask I hope I do I want to be able to experience it.

"Yes." Luke says with a shy smile. The joy starts to rise.

"Really?!" I ask he nods his head. "When?" I ask.

"When you are fully mated to me." He says.

"Oh." I say looking away from luke. We walk out of the castle in silents. I don't now what to think. We soon approach the house luke walks to this office. I follow close by. He walks in and sits behind his desk.

"I made you uncomfortable I'm sorry." He says in a strong voice.

"No it's fine." I say.

"I'm sorry I have to go now I have business to take care of." Luke says as he stands up and and kisses my cheek.

"Ok be safe." I say.

"I will I'll be home late so don't wait up for me." Luke says as he walks out of the office leaving me sad and confused. Is this how it's always going to be him leaving?

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