Enslaved Love

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wow....so my history teacher was like reviewing slaverly with us which i thought was prtty stupid becuz we did it lyk 2 years ago bt i was all into it and yup so I jst wrote one! well, mie internet iz slow so itz nt edited or spell checked so dnt hate me! also mie "L" is lyk nt working n i hafta to press hard on it so if theirs some missing L's its the laptops fault! >.<


Enslaved Love

"DAD!!!!!" I shouted while running down the stairs almost tripping on my face.

"Yes, honey!!!!" He shouted back from the kitchen. He was sitting at the dining table and drinking some water while reading a newspaper. He looked at me astonished and said outraged,"Did you know their trying to outlaw slaverly!?"

I smiled,"That's great!!!!!"

He shook his head,"No, this is bad. If they ban slaves in the US then who are gonna' harvest all the cotton."

I looked at like he was crazy,"I don't know father but I would harvest the whole all day and all night if I could to free them. People don't deserve to be owned and work." He sighed because I was just about to give him one of those rants about how bad slaverly is and to let ours go. We had thousands of slaves that worked in our cotton fields. We were the nation's leading cotton distributer and the weathiest. My Dad is a good guy but he just won't let them go. He feeds them a lot so their stomachs are always full and theirs cabins so slaves live in. They live in great conditions but what does it matter. There still owned. That's the fact I don't like. The pretty much live like regular people here but 5 people per cabin. He said I had to decide for giving a slave each their own bed and blankets or their own home with only every couple slaves their own bed. Of course I chose for each and every one to have blankets and a bed so, my Dad said that he would make a cabin big enouph for five each. "Father! I heard you bought more slaves!!!!! What's up with that!!!! You promised you wouldn't buy anymore!!!!!"

He sighed again and started,"Charlette, I told you. I'm sorry but It's summer and the cotton is growing more rapidly than usually. We needed more people."

I looked at him in disgust,"DAD YOU CAN'T BUY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! IT'S JUST COMMON SENSE!!!!!"

I marched out of there and ran out of the house. I plopped down on the back porched and sighed while kicking a stone. When is the underground railroad gonna' be finished already so, I could help these slaves escape to the free states. Why are there rights token away just because there from another country. Or because they look different from us, whites. You know, I'm really starting to hate our race. I looked out at the cotton fields. You know, just because I'm sixteen doesn't mean that I'm not gonna' do anything. I looked back out at the cotton field and saw thousands of hard working Africans harvesting cotton because they were stolen and placed here in America where we can just buy them off and make them work for us. You know, most slave masters bearly even feed there slaves and cloth them. They even physically abuse them for simple mistakes everyone makes and for nothing. It's just aweful! That's why I do everything I can to give these slaves the best life they could have but none of them are leaving yet because of the under ground railround isn't finished yet. I sighed and got up. Let's do this!

I ran back into the house and ran always up to my room. I slipped off my light blue, long dress that flowed under my knees. I ran to my closet and found the trunk in the back of my closet. I opened the trunk and searched until I found what I was looking for. I found a white shit that used to be longer but I cut off the sleeves and cut it so it went tightly around me to the end of my stomach. I also found some plain, baggy overalls and some work boots that all the slaves had. I put on the matching work uniform and searched through the box again and my black ribbon. I tied my bang up so, there was this little pony tail on the top of my head. My hair was really short and went just past my ears. My Dad was astonished when I cut but I decided to cut it when my Mom died. Cutting my hair was like letting her go to me. I peeked out my door and screamed,"Dad!!! Don't bother me!!!!"

I closed the door and locked it. I ran to my window and opened it. I looked down at the abonded bed a story down from my window and stuck one leg out. Here I go! I put my other leg out and put both my legs out and stuck my feet out in a crack inbetween the bricks. I looked down and gulped. No matter how many times I do this it's still scary as hell. I let go of my window pane and fell myself falling downwards. I could feel the rush and I held back my scream. I suddenly hit the bottom and I felt my body bounce back up from the bed and red leaves fall of me. I sighed relieved that I was alive and got up. I jumped out and dusted myself off. I took one look at the house before sprinting down through the trees to the fence where on the oppisite sides the Slave's living quarters are. I ran up to the brick fence and dropped to my knees. I looked around to make sure no one was around and jumped the stepped on a huge rock that was against the red, brick wall. I pushed myself up and jumped over the fence. I dusted myself off and looked in front of me. I saw a guy that looked only a year older than me. He was a light brown and had dark brown eyes. He was very, very handsome and he smiled at me flashing his white teeth.

I smiled back and said not recongnizing him,"Hi! I'm Charlette but just call me Charly."

He walked towards me and lifted my hand. He bowed as he kissed my hand not breaking eye contact with causing me to blush. He stood back up and said in a deep, strong voice,"I'm Harritet but everyone calls me Harry." I noticed he still had my hand and I was to embarrased to say anything. Instead, all I did was blush. He looked at my outfit and asked,"Why are in a Slave's work clothes? You aren't a slave."

I wondered if I should tell him the truth or not but just did,"I know. My father owns this plantation."

"Why did you come? Is it because you pity us?" He asked not angered but curious.

"No, I can't pity people that are so strong. I came because my Dad said he needed more help that's why he bought more slaves so, I came to help. I always help anyways." I replied truthfully.

He opened his eyes shocked. Suddenly, someone shouted,"HARRY!!!! WE GOTTA' GO NOW!!!!"

"COMING!!!" He shouted back.

He kissed my hand another time and said,"I'll be back. Can we meet tomorrow around the same time?"

I nodded and he smiled a sweet smile before letting go of my hand and running away from me. I was frozen there as my hand fell back to my side. I think I've fallen in love. This is bad. I've fallen in love with a slave.

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