King of Sweety Pinktee World

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Ello! Crazy ppl readin diz! iz a stori.....kinda a one shot thing n i probably only continue it if u im nt sure....itz jst kinda a retarded stori i had 2 rite in class for mie i lyked it so much..yeah so im gonna stop rambling! c=! read da txt below! c=!!!!


I walked through the beautiful meadow that I was probably the best thing I ever approved of. Well, you see I'm the King of Sweety Pinktee World. Yes, surprised that I'm the king and I'm a female. Please, don't be surprised by our world's name. I mean seriously some other planets have seriously retarded names. Like Earth! Who the heck names a planet, Earth!? Just thinking about makes me laugh. Our last King died and he was a very noble and majestic mouse that I highly respected. His wife, the queen, is a lovely little mouse and helped people in need. They are both to my likings.

That was until the King died leaving his poor queen alone to rule. You see both of them made this place whole. Leaning on each other for help and balancing everything out but when he died everything went mad! Half of our cities and colonies broke away from us. They started to rebel and the poor little queen had no idea what to do. That's when the traitor comes in, not me of course, his name was Cook. He was a very noble dog that led our armies. I'm ashamed of myself, I actually liked him. He helped all the evil colonies and cities that separated from us ambush and try to take over the good side, as in us. You see how I used the word 'try' well, it will all make sense in the next sentence.

That's where I came in! Whoopee! So, since I'm evil genius I knew before hand what he was doing because what can I say Bunnies are geniuses! Not really, there way to nice and are way to absent minded. I'm probably the only genius out of all of the bunnies except for one bunny I heard of that lives in Wonderland. I hope to meet him one day. Yeah, so back to my story. I gathered what's left of our good army and recruited many strong animals. We ambushed them before they ambushed us and I saved the day! Also, there was a twist too. Turns out the little queen new about this too. She poisoned her husband and started all this on purpose. I don't know the reason but I don't care. Me and my army took over the evil side making this world at peace again and also kicked the queen out and I took the thrown!

But the even though the queen got kicked off the thrown and put in prison she wasn't going to get off that easy for ruining my lovely planet. Oh, no,no,no! She did not. I had a council meeting and took ideas from all the representatives and government to decide her final punishment. Almost everybody agreed that we should give her to the filthy rats and just let them have fun with her. Guess who didn't agree, Me. I shook my head. Even though I'm a evil genius I believe doing that kind of thing is sane. I just decided to behead her. Sweet, simple and would get her to hell faster. A couple days later I was sitting in my purple, comfy, velvet, royal chair watching with the public her beheading.

She looked me in the eye and said mockingly," Hm....It's so sad. Your head is so big but your dick is so small. Oops! I'm sorry! Your a girl, right?! My bad!" She laughed evilly as the ax came swinging down on her head and severing off. I smiled wickedly and thought,"Serves you right! Burn in Hell!" Then I got up from my seat and randomly pointed to a Mother Cat with an adorable kitten in her arms and said,"You there! Motherly Cat, you shall have my royal sitting chair." I then looked at on of my guards and said the him,"Please, take this chair to that motherly cat's house and escort them there." 

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" She says happily smiling so big I thought her face was going to crack. I gave a sweet smile to her and walked towards my limo, the guards following behind me and went to my palace. Yup, so now I'm happily strolling through my meadow! Gosh, I love being King. I'm the most smartest, talented, nicest, meanest, best, and beautifulest king that has every ruled this Kingdom. I am beautiful. Most bunnies are black, white or different colors like brown. But I'm a beautiful dark purple. I also wear a elegant black ribbon around one of my ears. My eyes are pure black and are big and perfect. I would have became a model, I suppose, If I didn't decide to rule. I looked at the ground at one of the flowers and it was yellow Poppy! Oh No they didn't!  

I specifically said only Queen of the Night Tulips! I stomped over to it and smashed it with as much hatred as I could muster! I then picked it up and ripped it rapidly apart with my sharp claws. I sighed. As a King I have responsibilities and if people don't follow them and listen to me. How am I going to rule. This is going to go one way or another and that's my way. If people don't listen there going to have to pay. With their lives.

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