Soul Escape

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Soul Escape

Hell. The worst place in the universe. Your submerged in small grey cells, with rusty metal bars and there's and endless amount of us here. You stay in the cells forever. You never let out and it's impossible to leave. I've been in mine for - I stopped counting but we're never given anything. My throat has been parched since forever and my stomach roars madly every second. We're constantly whipped after hours and hours of burning in the fires of hell. After, they finally stop your spirits rise just for one second and you know the bastard of a Devil, he doesn't believe in happiness sets us all on fire a second later. I despise this place but I can't escape. I died and was sentenced here by the Holy Court. That stupid God has something against me too.

But, I rather be with him than this place. I screamed as suddenly fire erupted from the place I standing and seared through my tired soul. I fell to my knees and screamed, tugged, and bashed everywhere as the fire burned me painfully. After, too many hours it finally stopped and I ran my fingers through my knotted, black hair with a sigh. I hate this place. I need to escape. I know I don't deserve to be in hell. I was framed. Doesn't make sense? The Holy Court saw the evidence and now I'm stuck here. They don't understand that I didn't summon demons into the world. They didn't understand. And now I'm stuck here. I bit my bottom lip furiously. I went against the bars and stuck my head out. They were wide but I'm to scared to go all the way through. I would probably make it. I am skinny. I looked out and looked right and left and just saw the dim red lights and an endless cells gong left and right. I heard the horrifying screams of men and woman and looked to my right. I saw a girl around my age with long, blond pale, hair and super green eyes. She's was pretty but she was wearing super mini shorts and a tube top totally showing off her bust. I looked at her and she looked back at me. We didn't smile at eachother and I whispered,"What did you do to get here?"

She looked around and whispered back,"Was a prostitute and got murdered. You?"

I frowned. "That sucks. I was framed."

She nodded not daring to smile,"That sucks too."

If you smile here you get to the punishment chambers. Most horrifying place in hell. I don't really know why they made it anyways. Why would you be happy here. I thought about it for a second. Maybe it's my way out. I broke out into a sly grin and said,"I'm getting out of here."

She made a horrified face before skittering to the corner of of her cage and making her self as small as she can. I soon could hear the Weepers walking down the long hallway to my cell. Their lifeless faces and dull eyes bored into me as I gave them killer smiles and winked. They growled at my happiness and I started to grin wider while singing,"I'M SO HAPPY!!!! SOOO!!!!! HAPPY!!!!!! BECAUSE I LOVE FIRE AND FIRE LOVES ME!!!!!! AND I LOVE WHIPS BECAUSE THEY BREAK MY BACK LIKE CHIPS!!!! AND I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE DEVIL BECAUSE HE'S SO EVIL AND MEAN..HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS OHHHH SOOOOO VERY SIRENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Weepers flinched before flinging open the cage door and crazily grabbing a hold of my arm and dragging me. The one on my right send to the one of the left,"We gotta' another crazy one."

The one of the sighed,"Let's take her to the torcher chambers."

I grinned and them while saying brightly,"YAY!!!!!"

I decided to stop walking and let my feet drag behind me as they dragged me past endless hallways my voice echoing through all of them,"IIIIIIII'MMMMMMM SOOOOO HAPPY! HELL IS THE HAPPIEST PLACE EVER!!!!! I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY LOVE IT SOOO!!! IT REMINDS ME OF MY GRANDMA'S BIG TOOOOEEEEE!!!! WHICH WAS VERY HAPPY!!!!!"

The guy on the right with flaming red hair punch me hard on the side of my face and roared,"Shut up! I've been dealing with your stupid singing this whole walk and I'm tired of it!"

I grinned an ugly bruise forming on my cheeks and screamed/sang,"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHOO! ONCE, THERE WAS A PERSON! WHO WAS A VERY NAUGHTY PERSON! HE NEVER SMILED!" I looked to the guy who punched me and raised an eyebrow at him while grinning. He glared and I continued loudly,"HE WOULD RUN MILES! GETTING FIT, JUMPING OVER PITS! HE WAS A VERY STRONG PERSOOOONNNN! BUT HE WOULD BE ALWAYS CURSEN!!!! ONE DAY HE CAME ACROSS THE PERSON OF HAPPINESS!!!!!" I opened my mouth wide while smiling wide and winked mentioning it was me,"AND HE TRIED TO BATTLE THE PERSON WITH HIS POWER OF EXTREEEMMMEE CATCHINESS! BUT THE PERSON OF HAPPINESS ALWAYS WINS!!!! BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT SIIIIINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!"

By now he was super mad! I'm guessing we we're only a couple doors down from the torchering chambers and he ripped me from the grip of the other gaurd that was holding me. He threw me against the wall and kicked me in my stomach. I coughed loudly as blood seeped out of my mouth and he punched my neck which hurt. Alot. I coughed again as I looked up at him and mustered up the best smile I could. I coughed,"Love you too."

He punched my head again as anger seeped through him and I was about to pass out but the other guard stopped him while saying,"Stop. She get the punishment in the torchering chambers."

He sighed cooling down and kicked my shin. I groaned as he took his eyes off of me for a second. For some reason Satan decorated his palace with crazy weapons everywhere and with all the strength I had I wretched the huge sword off the wall. I inspected for one second before realizing what sword it was. It was the sword that Satan specially fights with. I stared in awe at the pure black sword that hard black demon wings on it going outward above the handle with red carvings of fire into it. They immediately saw me and I the one that didn't hurt me said,"How did you take that off the wall? Only, Master can do it."

I smiled wickedly while tightening my grip on the sword as it the blade erupted into flames. I swerved my body in a loose circle as if I was drunk before stepping the fastest step forward I've ever took in my life and with as much power as I could I sliced both of the gaurds heads off. I bowed as the sword flamed went out and I stared at it trying to figure out what to do with it. I sighed before opening my eyes shocked as it turned into a choker with a black chain and attached in the middle there was a red amulet with black wings on it.

I quickly put it on as I quickly undressed myself and put on stripped the guy that hurt me to his boxers and slipped on his armor since he was skinnier than the other guy. I grabbed his helmet and hit the top. I jiggled it and finally the guys head popped out. I smiled and said while plopping it on. It was quite big but it worked. I smiled,"Have a nice day."

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