Sorray, I just don't know. xD

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Her bright, silver eyes shined brightly as the ray of lights that bounced through the Jungle danced over her golden face. She pushed her long, black hair aside, allowing it to tumble down her back as the tips touched the floor. She slowly stood up from her crouching position and stood sideways amongst the tree. She watched with interest as the Mother tiger stalked it's prey which was a rather large wild hog. It's kin was right by it's side intimidating as best as it could it's Mother's moves.

I slyly followed them, as silent as an empty soul as, the Mother tiger continued stalking it's prey till it decided it was ready to go in for the kill. My eyes, opened wide suddenly when I heard another rustle from the bush on the side of the Mother tiger and it hissed loudly forgetting about it's prey as a huge male Tiger pounced out of the bush in front of the Mother tiger. She stood protectively over her kin, her back arched, growling loudly at the larger male in front of her. Apparently, this male is not wanted here. I continued watching as he growled back and the Mother tiger thoughtfully went against fighting this male. She spun around, grabbed her kin by the neck and sprinted off, disappearing. The male growled and chased after her on the hunt. I could tell he was going to murder them. I held my spear as I quickly climbed up a nearby tree and jumped tree from tree chasing the tigers. By the time I reached them I was already to late.

The Mother tiger's kin was huddled in a corner against a stone wall rising high, water trickling down from the waterfall above slightly damping it's fur. The mouth of the male lion was covered in blood and you could see the fear in the kin's eyes. I jumped down off the tree silently while throwing the spear as hard as I could into the giant cat's spinal cord. It screamed, a blood curdling scream that seemed to echo throughout the restless jungle and collapsed on it's side, dead.

The baby tiger ignored me as it quickly ran past me into he jungle and I quickly followed it silently. It finally stopped at it's Mom, who was lying on the floor, bleeding from her chest. Her beautiful coat was getting stained with blood and dirt. I stared sadly at the baby tiger as it cried out a sorrowful whine while rubbing up against it's Mother that was barely breathing. The Mother's tail would ever so softly, lift from the Earth before placing itself back down against the ground. The cub climbed up and curled up into a ball on it's Mother's neck and by now the Mother's eyes were closed. I knew she was going to past soon and I slowly sat down against the tree, watching.

Every once in awhile, I would see her light blue eyes slightly open and look directly at me before she closed them again and did that for a few minutes. There was nothing I could do for this tiger. She had already lost to much blood. She roared painfully before mustering up all her strength she started to get up. Her cub wide-eyed jumped off it's Mother and I stood watching in awe as the Mother tiger staggered over to me, it's kin rubbing up against it's leg as it sloppily walked over to me. It came into the brush I was hiding in and towards the tree I was sitting against. It looked at me straight in the eyes that seemed to be asking, help, and it suddenly pushed it's kin towards me. The baby tiger kept on walking back to it's Mother from my legs that the Mother cat pushed it's kin on. Finally, the Mother growled at the baby cat and the Mother's kin's ears went back as it slowly stood back up, crawled up to it's Mother licked it before quickly sitting back down on my legs. She seemed to smile before giving her kin a quick stern look before looking me in the eye again and slowly turned around and walked into the deep brush of the Jungle and disappeared.

The baby tiger stayed on my lap, it's warm paws on my bare skin, as it started to let out sad cry's for it's Mother to come get it. I stared sadly it knowing it's Mother wasn't gonna' come back but die. I licked my lips, not knowing what really to do with this baby Tiger. It's Mom just gave it to me. I sighed before grabbing the cub in my arms and standing up. It glanced up at me before standing up and wrapping both it's arms around my neck and resting it's head against mine. I held more up so, it's feet weren't stretched. It's like hugging me. It started to cry again and I ignored it as I ran through the brush and jumped over, fallen trees and large rocks as I headed towards my home. By the time I got there it was late since I traveled farther than I usually did and climbed up the huge tree to the tree house above. My tree house was small but in near future wouldn't falter holding a full grown lion or lady. I unwrapped the weed locking my door and the door swung open. I walked in and set the lion down as I locked the door again. I started to lock it because when I first built it, I had a problem with wild animals getting in and eating up everything. I closed the windows that were just wood that went out and secured them.

I watched the baby tiger as it stopped crying and sniffed everything in my house. My table, my chairs, my bed, the door, the shower. I pushed the cat away as I bent down and took off the rock that exposed a whole about half the size of my hand as I pulled a lever. Suddenly a hallow bamboo stick popped out from the roof and water that I found directly under my tree spurted out from under the ground with my irrigation system and rained down. I stood away from the water and quickly took off my clothes, which was just a leopard skinned top that just held in my boobs and stopped right under them and leopard skinned underwear that had a the same leopard's skin loose skirt that 3 inches from my waist.

I stepped into the cool water as the baby tiger started to smell my clothes and began to cleanse myself. A few minutes later I pulled the lever again and quickly dried myself with fur of a wild deer. I grabbed my clothes before walking to my dresser and placed them in the the hamper next to it. I pulled open the dresser and inspected all the clothes I had made. Over the last five years I had made a lot of clothes but all of them looked the same just made of different fabrics. I grabbed the one made out of a black panther's skin and walked over to my small table where there was broken mirror in front of it. I grabbed my comb and started to comb my hair in front of it, and it was already almost dry when I finished. I walked away from the mirror and looked at my larger table sitting in front of my large oven made of stone for cooking. I turned around and looked up at my cupboard above my mirror. I opened the cupboard’s door and saw dried food wrapped in leaves and spices.

I sighed. I didn't catch anything today because I got caught up watching the tigers. I grabbed two pieces of dried meat and walked to a shelf above my bed. It was filled with books and I pulled one out. I sat down on my bed, and patted on my blankets full of different skins of animal that were extremely warm. I looked at the tiger and patted down a spot next to me as I made clicking noises with my tongue and offered the second piece of meat. The cat cautiously looked towards me but I knew it would come since it was hungry. It jumped on my bed and stumbled before getting back up and crawling up to me with it's butt up. I giggled with a raised eyebrow as I unwrapped his piece before sticking it out for him. He took it quickly and huddled at the edge of the bed as he tore up his piece.

I sat against the wall as I used the light from the moon to read my book, as I gnawed on my meat. After, maybe two hours of reading I marked my page and plopped it back in it's rightful place in the shelf. I looked towards the tiger, it's bright blue eyes like it's Mother's stared me down and I smiled at it. I got off the bed and pulled open the blankets. I crawled in and rested my head against my pillow.

I yawned before pulling the blanket higher and closed my eyes drifting to sleep. I woke up and sleepily opened my eyes as I felt the baby tiger climb into me it's paws sinking into my stomach as I climbed higher up to me and crawled in under my neck. I leaned my head the other way before falling quickly back into sleep.

I woke up to sound of thousands of birds chirping loudly and stretched out letting out a big yawn. The tiger opened it's eyes next to me and yawned too. I softly pushed it off of me and got up stretching. I threw off my panther outfit and jumped into the shower. I quickly washed myself before slipping back on my panther outfit but this time putting on the short skirt and combed my hair. Once it was dry I grabbed my spear and looked over to the baby tiger. I was getting frustrated with just calling it tiger so, I said to it,”Your name is Mystic.”

It stared at me confused and I walked up to saying,”Mystic,” as I rubbed the side of it's face.

It purred as it leaned into my hand and finished the rub before turned around. I opened the back door which was just a deck with wood going out so, he couldn't jump off and die and it is was surrounded by nets so, birds and monkeys couldn't get it. He could relieve himself out here. I said,”I'm going hunting, be good.”

I threw a piece of dried meat towards him and he tore at it as I unlocked the door before locking it again.

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