Cell Phone Charmer

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Cell Phone Charmer

"Truth or Dare?" My bestfriend asked her bright green eyes challenging me.

"Dare." I replied.

She smirked and said while whipping out a small paper from her back pocket,"Well, a while back like two years ago, I was talking to a guy and he gave me his friends number just in case he thought one of my friends wanted to hook up with his friend. I totally forgot about it and just found it in my room yesterday....And I want you to call him."

"Right now!?" I asked kinda' scared. I'm am not good at talking to people that I don't know if I can't see them face to face. I love talking and meeting people but if I can't see them no way buzoo! Even if he was the hottest guy on Earth I wouldn't do it.

She shook her head,"No, when I leave. If you don't do it, no don't even think about the possibilities that can happen to you if you don't do it..."She smiled wickedly and then said while getting out and walking out of my house,"Don't delete your phone calls so, I can check them later."

I looked at the table with the number scribbled on it and sighed. I picked it up and walked towards my room. I locked the door behind me and sat indian style on my bed. I stared at the number for a long time before timidly starting to punch in the numbers. After, I finished I went through a mental breakdown trying to press call. I couldn't press it. That's what I thought until I accidentally pressed it and I yelped. I put my phone to my ear as the phone rang. I sighed relieved he's not answering so, I can hang up. Suddenly, I heard a deep, soothing voice say from the other line,"Hello?"

I couldn't reply since I was in shock and I couldn't just hang up on him. "Hello?" He repeated.

After, like the third hello I whispered,"Hello?"

"Speak louder. I can't hear you...Wait! Who is this!" He said.

I was so nervous my hands were getting damp. I wiped my hands on my pants and said with more strength,"Um?....Hi. I'm Star..."

I could tell he was confused,"Do I know you?"

I shook my head and replied,"No, but my friend gave me your number..."

"So, you just got my number and randomly called me?" He asked amused.

I said depressed,"Yeah, I'm sorry. It was dare and...I'M SO SORRY IF I BOTHERED YOU! I'll hang up now..."

I was about to press end when he said urgently,"No!"

"What?" I asked confused.

"No, don't hang up. What's the point of calling someone randomly if you're not gonna' talk to them at least."

I asked,"I'm not bothering you?"

He laughed,"Not one bit."

I smiled,"Ok! What's your name anyways?"

"Guess?" He mused.

I bit my bottom lip and thought about it,"Hint?"

"I'm Black and White." He stated.

I rolled my eyes and guessed,"Jerry?"

"Way off."




"What! No! Are you just rhyming?"

I laughed,"Yeah."

He said amused,"Come on! It's really easy."

I groaned,"It's not easy! Give me a hint a least."

"Ok, it's start's with a T."






"What?! But that was kinda' close."

"Travis......?" I asked very doubtful.

"BRING! BRING! BRING! You got it right!" He said excitedly.

I laughed,"Woooooowwwwww..."

He laughed and said,"So, Star how much you wanna' bet that you're cute."

I shook my head,"No! I'm actually really ugly! I'm like really fat, a rat literally lives in my hair, I have chinky eyes, and I have scabs all over my arm from the spiders that live in my room that constantly bite me."

He laughed,"Yeah, right. Your probably really cute."

I sighed,"Look! I'm really ugly."

"Then send me a picture." He offered amused.

My mind went completely blank. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Was the last thing I said before clicking ending the call and throwing my phone at the edge of my bed. I crawled up against my pillow and scolded myself,"That was really rude Star."

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