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“I honestly have no faith in human kind at all. Everyone is stupid, or their demeanor is so overbearing they have not a single clue at all what they are doing in their life. I have to be frank when I say everyone living on this Earth is a failure and it’s over.

Our species, ‘Human Beings’, which we call ourselves means: Any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage. I’m sorry. I had to bold, and italicize those two words. Wow! Isn’t that the understatement of the year! We must be arrogant to say the ‘us’ human beings have a ‘superior intelligence’. I know Monkeys smarter than half the population. We in general are as low as animals. We basically are animals, when I think about it. We eat, we poop, we have sex, we have kids, do nothing in our lives, and die.

 Oh, did I miss being a total catastrophe to our own  planet. Did you know, that we are the only species on Earth that can make our own selves extinct. Yeah, you’re probably all in your chair, reading this, with a look on your face doubting everything I say. If I could care less about anyone in this world or what they think, it wouldn’t be possible and the world would probably end as we know it. If and only if someone out there knows what I’m trying to say and understands why I hate humanity so much, I might have faith for that one lost soul lost in a sea of hopelessness but of course, there isn’t any one because everyone is stupid and won’t be able to grasp the concept.

I’m going to die soon. Age has had its toll on me over the years so, I’m hopefully going to die in the next few years. After, living here for almost a century, you learn a few things, and whether I go to Heaven or Hell. At least, the Demons or Angels won’t be a dumb as the knuckle-heads living on Earth.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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