Circle Of Happiness

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  • Dedicated to My Little Bro Walt Diggidy Dogg

Circle Of Happiness

"Ok, well, here's us." My slave said drawing a circle with his finger on the table,"And the sun is happiness, and your in space! Right next to the sun and your like a mirror. Well, your like reflecting the light from the sun, directly on us, and it's killing us."

I broke out into giggles and replied waving my hand,"Aw, don't flatter me to much....Slave. Mwhahaha!"

Kia gave me a crazy look before running his fingers through his brown hair,"What's up with you and this slave phase your going through?"

I rolled my eyes,"Don't question me....Slave! Mwhahahaha!"



"What are you a cat?"

"No, it's a sound, watcha'!"

He got up and I looked up at the huge, lanky tower that stood above me. "Let's go get some grub, I'll buy."

I stood up but only reached his chest and patted his chest,"No way, Slave's can't buy things."

He raised an eyebrow,"Okay, Master."

I grinned as I grabbed his hand and sprinted out of my room dragging him along, out of my house. He stopped suddenly and I let go of his hand tumbling forward almost hitting the ground face first,"Jerk."

He slyly grinned and said,"I'm tired. Carry me, Master."

"What the nipples?!"

He sheepishly grinned and pouted,"Please?"

I replied flabbergasted,"You way like 300 pounds!"

Kia was tall so, he didn't look fat at all but he weighed a lot! He rolled his eyes,"I only weigh 270, man.”

I gasped,"I only weigh 120 pounds, who do you think I am? Super man?"

"Nah, I thought you were a werewolf."

I groaned and said,"Fine."

"Fine what?"

"I'll carry you."

He grinned madly,"For real?"

"Yes, now hurry up before I change my mind!"

"Yes, master!"

I turned around and prepared to be crushed. He jumped on my back and my hands held his legs against my back and he hummed happily while playing with my hair. I felt like there was a million pounds weighing down on me as I took the most painful three steps of my life before collapsing face first into the floor and Kia screaming like a mad woman. Everyone was staring at us like, we were the crazy ones.

He jumped off of me screaming and jumping,”Ahhhh! My iPod!” Kia pulled it out of his pocket and rubbed it up and down against his face,”My baby! Are you okay, you didn't get hurt did you!?”

My jaw dropped as I flipped around and grunted,”Stupid slave.”

“Oh, Master....I forgot about you.”

I rolled my eyes,”Help me up, Slave.”

He put his iPod back in his pocket and easily lifted me up from under my arms,”No problema' Master.” He plopped me on my feet and asked,”Do you want to be carried now?”

I sighed not wanting help from my Slave but I was still aching from my fall and carrying King Kong on my back,”Yes, please.”

He smiled happily as he lowered himself as I climbed onto his back and he held my legs in place. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder,”So, where are we eating?”

He let go of one of my legs and pointed across the street towards the mall,”I suppose we could go to the mall.”

I pointed,”Let's go now Slave!”

I tugged lightly on his hair and he said,”I, I, Master!”

I left my fingers tangled in his hair as his swiftly crossed the street and more people gave us crazy looks. I lightly swung my legs and we continued on to the mall and way more people stared at us, plus some even pointing. I was getting annoyed at people staring at us but then I thought of something awesome. I jumped off Kia's back and started running around in circles around him screaming,”Welcome to my circle of happiness!”

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