Who Knew Working at Macys Could Bring Such Luck

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I walked out of school towards the park across the street from it. It was Friday and I was all pumped up! "Whooooo!" I shout loudly and happily.

The long, horrible week was over and now I get to go be lazy! I walked through the park and came across a middle school. My brother was a sixth grader while I was a Senior. I walked past the supervisors since we were cool. I walked towards my brother's classroom and past a bunch of little people. Middle schoolers were so short. I waited outside of his classroom and all his friends know me. All there friends name to me were Jonathon but they don't get it that I'm just way to lazy to memorize their names. A second later they all came filing out of class and I siaid happily since I was in a good mood," Come on! I'll buy you a freakin' ice cream."

My brother smiled and nodded and his friends all said hi to me. Important tip. If a bunch of people greet you at the same time give them a glamourous smile and give them the peace sign. It works like a charm. I walked ahead of him and he followed me like a little duckling. It's hilarious and cute. We walked out of his school towards the highschool. My lil' bro wasn't speaking because he was using his gadget technology bimbo stuff. Me, I stick with my cell phone and Black OPS!!!! Air high five baby! We reached the high school and many students were already gone. I grabbed and unlocked my baby. It was my beautiful burgundy Acura! After, years of saving I finally got it perfect. It has the fastest engines around, guys are jealous, expensive rims. It every guys dreams and it's an Acura! Who in the world hate Acuras!!!!! My brother hopped in the passenger seat and I hopped in the drivers. I bumped the music and 'Yeah, 3X' was on making singing loudly and get even more pumped up. My brother was staring at me while I was crazy. He's more conservative. I smirked at I'm and said," How was school?"

He smiled and exclaimed,"Great!!!! Uh? Sis, do you think I can go to Washington?"

I raised an eyebrow and replied,"School trip? I thought you didn't go till eight grade."

"Yeah, but they decided in eight grade we're gonna' go to Paris!!!!"

I opened my eyes shocked and replied," You lucky butt!!!!"

He smiled and said,"I know. So, can I."

I smiled and said,"Sure. Just give me all the junk I need to know."

Wow, this is gonna' expensive. How am I gonna' afford it? I have too. I have him

at least what's left of the good in our horrible life. Me and my brother are orphans.

They both died in a car crash when I was 16 and my brother was 9. It been two

years and has been pretty hard but, I'm supporting us. I will not be separated from

my little kid. He suffered so much at such a young age. I work full time as a store

manager at Macys. I work heavy hours, and they pay is nearly enough. We're living off our parents money that they left for us but we use that for our expenses. The condo that we live in is already payed off but I still have to pay all the bills. There's so many. On top of that I need to buy clothes, food, and toilet paper and all the other things adults have to do. I also need to keep up my grades so, I could get into a good college. I'm surprised I haven't died yet from post dramatic stress.

It's hard but, I to try my best for my brother and me. We reached the ice cream

shop and we jumped up. I could see my little brothers eyes light up and we walked to the entrance. We went in and I got two scoops of chocolate chip and he got some crazy things that probably only tasted good to him. I paid for them and we sat down. "Ay, bro. Today I'm working late and I'll probably be home at eleven. Remember, don't open the door for anyone. And I then I'm off the whole weekend."

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