No Way On Barbie Am I Moving To Japan

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No Way On Barbie Am I Moving To Japan

I walked out of my school. Light Highschool and headed home. If you didn't know my name it is Diamond Coaster. I'm 5' 7, have long hair to my butt. Well, this is how my hair can only be discribed. Well, I was born with pure black and deciced last year that I didn't like it. So, I went to get my hair done and bleached it almost perfectly white but instead of the whole thing the hairdresser left some black hairs in it. We died those blond and added collors in them. So, I had white hair and throughout it was the colors of the rainbow. You don't even know how awesome it is. I have voilet eyes and I get it from my mother. Most of my family from her side has that colored eyes. I have full lips and I could say I was very attractive. All, the boys like me and it's so annoying. I am not easy. I only had one boyfriend and I'm 17 years old. We broke up in freshman year because I was trying out dating but soon figured it was stupid. I haven't actually like or had a crush on anybody yet so I'm waiting it out. I only have one hater and it's a guy. One of my friends dating him, broke up with him and he went all beserk on me. I could say I'm popular but not really. I'm just friends with everybody. I'm way too nice. Seriously, when ever anybody drops somthing or accidently falls I help them up. If someone pushes me and drops their stuff in the process I pick it up for them and say sorry. I don't believe in violence unless I get furious. You do not want to see me furious. It's like why would I be mean back. It's just immature. I walked to the parking lot and got into my black jeep. Aw, I love jeeps. I let the top down and rode him with let sun warming up my face. I got home and opened the door. I looked to the side and noticed that a bunch of stuff was packed and was by the door. I looked at my parents sitting on the couch and asked,"What's all that stuff?"

"It's your stuff."

"Why'd you move all my stuff from MY room towards YOUR living room?"

"Because you're moving to Toyko, Japan." They replied there face like stones.

I ran to my room and checked it. All my stuff was missing! OMG! I ran back downstairs and yelled at them,"NO WAY ON BARBIE AM I MOVING TO JAPAN!!!!!!!"

They replied,"Yes, way on barbie you are moving to Japan. We packed everything in your room and your moving in with a foster house I think. Other people live there so it would be fun."

"Mom, do you really think it would be fun to move to Japan!?"

My mom nodded and my dad said,"I'm gonna' pack up your stuff in the car and your leaving right now. Oh yeah, we're taking your phone away and your getting a new one when you get there."

I attempted to grab my phone from my pocket but it wasn't there. I looked around my pants pockets and couldn't find it anywhere. Just then my mother said,"We have your phone. You left it on the counter this morning."

I sighed and walked outside to were my dad was. I climbed the car that was supposed to take me to hell. I can't even say bye to my firends. The chuffer took me me away and to the airport. I grabbed all my luggage and went threw the proceedures. I took my seat in the first class Japan airplane. I sighed as I got comfy in my big black seat. I sat outside and watched people boarded. I don't wan't to go Japan but, then I remembered I was wearing my pink shirt that said,"I'm huge in Japan." And it has a huge stick figure and it's pushing down abunch of building small buildings. Wow, there gonna' stare at me. I smiled to myself as I felt someone come sit next to me. I looked to my right and noticed it was a very good looking guy. I turned back to my window as he started to look at me. He said,"Hi, I'm Jeremy."

I turned my heads towards him and said,"I'm Diamond."

He smiled back and say,"So, Diamond. Why are you going to Japan?"

"Parents are crazy and shipping me over there to a foster or boarding house. Whatever it's called."


"Why are going?" I asked.

"I live there." I stared at his face in shock. He was Japanese! He chuckled and said,"No, I'm not Japanese but my parents wanted to live there so I live there. I was visiting a friend here."

"Oh. I get it. Well, I hope I get the same highshool as you."

"Yeah, me too." He said and smiled.

"Oh, yeah! Is it cold there?" I asked. I hate the cold. But, you know what I hate the heat too. Will I ever be content!?!?


"Do I have to wear a skirt." He nodded and looked at him shocked. "Japanese are freakin' amazing. Well, I going to sleep so wake me up when we get there."

I fell asleep and woke up very tired. Jeremy was shaking me and saying,"Come on sleeping beauty! Get up!"

I groaned and got up. I got up from my seat and my bags I brought on the plane. I got my iPod touch, the one with the camera, and walked off the plane with Jeremy. As we walked off the plane he said once we reached the inside of the aiport with little Japanese people running around everywhere and some tall Japanese guys walking around. He then said,"Welcome to Japan."

I sighed and said,"Yup, we're here."

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