Smile :]

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I watched as the pink cherry blossoms flowed through the air like velvet. I looked up to the clear sky's and sighed sadly as a tear escaped my eye,"We have all gathered here today for the death of Dominike Roverra. Dominike was a special girl. Always kind to others and never harming a soul. She passed away three days ago due to a horrific car accident due to a drunk driver. May she rest in peace in heaven and help give her loved ones strength to deal with their loss." The preacher said and read a quote from the bible,"He will swallow up death with victory and the lord GOD will wipe away the tears from all faces..." The funeral wore on and I couldn't help but to clench my big brothers hand. He looked down at me worryingly but I just stared at the closed casket while tears streamed down my face. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."

I couldn't help it anymore. I broke down into sobs and my brother brought me into a tight hug as I cried into his shoulder. He petted my hair soothingly as he rocked back and forth in a soothing manner. Everyone stared at us with pitiful looks.

After, awhile my brother let me go but he still has arm around me. He kissed the side of my head and the rest of the funeral ended with a blur. It took a lot out of me to attend the after party and try to keep a conversation going but I was too sad. I gave up and went to my bed room. I lived in a one room apartment with my Mom ever since my big brother moved out when he turned 18.

I looked around at the room and winced as memories of Mom and I came flooding back all at once. I felt tears slide down my cheek again and I groaned frustrated. I hafta' stop crying. I promised myself that I would after my Dad died. Yeah, but at that time I didn't think my Mom was going to die 4 years later. I plopped down on our, I mean now mine and looked around the cluttered room.

Mom's work clothes were hanging on the door ready to be worn but she never got back from the store to put them on. I knew I shouldn't went with her. If I didn't stay home to watch stupid TV this would've never happened. I took a deep breath trying to hold in the tears. It didn't work and I broke into sobs as I pushed my legs up onto the bed up to my my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I fell sideways into the fetal position as I cried my heart out.

Within, the next couple of seconds my brother knocked on the door and came in since I wasn't answering. He stared at me with a pained expression before he came and sat down next to me making the bed go down. I immediately sprung to him and wrapped my arms around his chest as I sobbed into his chest. He sighed sadly as he started to pet my head and ran his fingers through my hair. He whispered soothingly before he voice started to crack and he hugged me tighter,"It'll be ok. We'll be ok as long as we have each other."

Two weeks later a bus driver fell asleep and ran him down when he was crossing the street on the way from work to his car.

I felt over whelmed with sadness and remorse. I just wanted to die. I would be locked up in my room of my fosters parents house for hours end just staring at the blade, wanting it to end. One day, I finally picked it up and placed the cold metal on my skin. I didn't cut myself but just felt it. How it felt on my skin. It didn't feel like anything. Just cold. Cold, and lifeless. Exactly like me and that made me sad. I dropped the blade and curled up into a ball before breaking out into sobs. My foster parents were gone somewhere, I never see them around.

I walked to my room while sniffling and rubbing my eyes with my fists. I opened my room door and walked to my closet. I threw a black hoody over my bright green tank top and put on my black Uggs. I grabbed my iPod touch and my black headphones that were Beats by Dr. Dre. I placed them on my head as I put my iPod on shuffle and walked out of my room. I grabbed my key that was attached to a silver colored key strap and I've have no clue how they got to get the string that color. I placed my key in my back pocket letting the strap hang out of my skinny jeans pocket and put my iPod in my other one.

I walked out of my room slowly closing the door. I walked out of the house and put my hood over my grey hair with black tips. I have no clue how I was born with grey hair. I had grey hair since I was a baby and it's pretty. It's more like a silver. I died the ends black because I think it looks nicer that way. I looked around the vast white landscape of snow and let out of breath. I watched as it turned white from them coldness and walked to the sidewalk the was scraped recently but it was being covered in snow again since it was snowing.

I sighed while listening to my music. I hate where I live. I mean it's summer and it's snowing right now. It's because we're in Alaska right now but I'm being transferred to another foster home tomorrow in California and hopefully be adopted already. I don't even know why my social worker shipped me out here in the first place. I walked to a nearby park and stared up at the black lamp posts that were turned off as I walked past them. No one was here.

I walked past the frozen trees till I reached and a black bench. People's names we're engraved in it but I didn't care to look. I put my head back on the frozen as snow fell on me and on top of me. I stared at the frozen pond that was 20 feet ahead of me and wondered if the fish were cold.

I closed my eyes and I guess I fell asleep. I woke startled when something warm was placed on top of me. I opened my eyes shocked while shivering and everything was dark except for the near by lamp posts. My nose and cheeks were a pink from the cold and my sweater was damp from the constant snow hitting it. There was guy about my age or a little bit older was placing a warm blanket on me but kept checking behind him if he was being chased. He didn't notice I was awake till he looked directly at me.

I gasped shocked. He had shaggy black hair and green-hazel eyes with a blue rim. He had beautiful eyes and I've never seen anything like them. He had long eye lashes that would make any girl jealous and the nicest lips I've ever seen.

He stared into my one green-blue eye with brown specks in it and my other bright blue eye that had a giant red spot right of the iris. I licked my lips since they were getting chapped and he opened his eyes shocked. I stared at him more confused then scared as he checked behind him one more time. I looked behind him and didn't see any one.

He pulled something out from under his coat and then I got nervous. Was he gonna' pull out a gun or something? I don't think so, since he took the time to put on this warm blanket on me. It was a small white furred puppy that was sleeping. I couldn't figure out what kind of dog it was. It slowly opened it's eyes while yawning and it had violet eyes which was really weird and amazing. He stared into my eyes again and I looked away uncomfortable. It was like he was staring into my soul.

He smiled and said,"Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile." I slightly opened my mouth and sadly smiled. It seemed foreign to me since I haven't smiled since my Mom and Brother died and he smiled back. He checked behind him again and I guess he heard something I didn't. He ruffled my hair since my hood fell off and said,"You look prettier when you smile."

I opened my eyes shocked and managed to say,"Thanks."

He smiled,"No problem, Princess." His eyes flashed urgency and he placed the small, tired puppy on my lap. I pulled my headphones off my head, placed them around my neck and stared at him with a confused expression. "I'm gonna' need you to watch over this dog for awhile. I found him but I can't take care of him. So, can you take care of him for me?" I watched him shocked and before I could answer he ran off smiling and shouting,"Thank you!!!!"

What!!?!!?!! I didn't even agree. I watched the puppy shiver and I couldn't help but to smile at the cute thing. I slowly got up and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and placed the puppy under my sweater against my shirt. It cuddled into me and I held it against my stomach as I quickly walked home. My foster parents were having sex and were very loud. I went to my room and I put my head phones on my head as I blasted music. I put the puppy on my bed and undressed into my underwear. I put on some mini black shorts and a grey tank top. I flicked off the light and crawled into the bed. I watched in awe as the puppy walked over to me wobbly while crying as it came nearer. He finally stopped when he crawled in under the blankets with me and curled up into a ball against my stomach because I was laying sideways.

I sadly smiled again as I softly stroked the puppies fur and I could it's heat radiate off it's body and warm mine. I whispered,"I think I'll name you smile." Before I fell into a deep sleep.

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