Bad Eating Habits

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Bad Eating Habits

I ran my fingers through my black hair tiredly as I yawned. How much longer does this stupid class even have to go on. I mean why do I even need to go to college any way. I already learned all of this stuff but nooo! You have to refresh your mind! My Dad's such a pushover some times. I rubbed my fingers up and down my black cross necklace with diamonds in it. I let go it letting it loosely hit my chest and watched the clock as class ended. I got up and strolled out of the classroom. I made it to the hallway until I was stopped and I groaned annoyed. "What is it, Rachen?"

He smirked,"Please save the sex sounds for when we're in bed."

I gave him a disgusted look and asked,"Seriously, Rachen what do you want? Your polluting my air. Get away from me."

He touched my arm and clenched it. I raised an eyebrow at him as he started sprinting somewhere dragging me along. We finally stopped and we maybe ran like 10 miles literally. I glared hard at him and growled my eyes darkening,"RACHEN!?!?!?!"

He put his arm up in retreat and said,"Chill, I just needed to talk to you in private."

I sighed and flattened my hair. "What?"

"I was just wondering if you could do me a favor?"

I raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously,"What kind of favor?"

He gulped and asked,"Can you come with me to the human world?"

His eyes were opened wide and I gave him a weird look,"Why?"

He sighed,"For my cousin's bachelor party we're all going there to party and get drunk.."

I gave him a look,"And why do I need to go?"

He fell onto his knees,"PLEASE!!!!!!! I CAN'T GO WITHOUT YOU!!!!!"

He suddenly crawled up to me and wrapped his legs around my legs and hugged my thigh his head resting on my hip. I tried to shake him off but he was to strong and to heavy,"Get off of me loser!"

He begged,"Please!!!!!"

I groaned,"Why!? All you buddies will be there so, just go. It's a bachelor party meaning ONLY FOR GUYS!!!!"

He hugged my leg tighter and I was beginning to lose feeling in my right leg,"Please!!!!! I really can't go without you!!!"

I sighed,"Seriously! Rachen!!! WHY IN THE WORLD DO I NEED TO GO!! What are you scared of the humans!?!?!?!"

He suddenly became stiff and silent. I gave him a look before he said forcing,"Aha! Your funny. Of course I'm not scared to them..."

I raised an eyebrow at him and asked,"If your not then just go by yourself."

He started shaking violently before whispering,"But I can't go without you."

I sighed before looking at Rachen,"Freaking wimp!!!!!"

He recoiled before glaring up at me. He sighed and asked,"Can you come with me or not?"

He looked down and then I felt like a jerk. I sighed and accepted what he guilted me into to,"Fine, but I ain't paying for anything."

He grinned,"You don't need too!"

He bounced up in a millisecond and wrapped his arm arm around my waist. He tenderly smashed our bodies together and then suddenly wind started rustling around us as our surroundings became red. We arrived in a hotel room and I raised an eyebrow at Rachen before socking him,"You should've told me we we're leaving like right this second!!!!!"

He grinned as he pushed some loose blood red strands out of his face. I glared at his bright green eyes but he just grinned back. I rolled my eyes at him and looked at the time. It was 8 in the morning. I yawned and asked,"Tired?"

He yawned and agreed. I kicked off my shoes, pants, and shirt as I crawled into the comfy good smelling hotel bed with the cold sheets. Rachen was just staring at me and I stated before falling asleep,"Night Rachen."

He shook his head,"Night."

I felt Rachen crawl into bed with me and he subconsciously wrapped his arms around my stomach pressing my back firmly against him. I mentally groaned. He must've forgot his stuffed animal Jamie so, I guess I'm his temporal replacement. I sighed before falling back to sleep,"You owe me one."

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