A Man Of Very Few Words

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The Man Of Very Few Words

I asked while clenching a wrench in my mouth,"Screw Driver."

Phineas handed it to me not taking his eyes off if the blue print he was making for a new invention. I grabbed it and started tightening the bolts. He asked while drawing the contraption,"Hey, Isabella and I are going on a vacation with the kids and I'm wondering if you want to come? Candace is comin' to with Jeremy and their kids. It's gonna' be like a family thing."

He looked towards me and I thought about it,"Yeah. Sure."

He nodded and started to draw again and I dropped the screw driver and grabbed the wrench from my mouth. I began tightening the bolt and Phineas asked,"How's Sonar?"

I replied,"Good. She's sleeping right now."

He smiled,"Yeah. I always know where she's at unlike Perry." Phineas stated while shaking his head,"Yeah, I always wondered he went."

I looked up to the roof,"Yeah, me too."

I shook my head before getting back to work. Me and Phineas finished our project within a few hours. He smiled while placing his hands on his hips,"Niiiice. Our Dairy Queen is done."

I nodded inspected the machine. It was thin and was about a foot tall. It was made specially for Lactose and Tolerant People. You pulled down the slot and it placed whatever item in it which had milk in it and it extracted it but the item still tasted the same. I nodded and said,"I'm going to be headin' home now Phineas."

He smiled broadly his mouth full of teeth,"Ok! Ferb were leaving in a few days so, call me."

I nodded and spun around. I stuffed my hands in my pants and walked out of the rather large work room where we constructed our things. Our inventions stopped disappearing on us after we moved out of our Mom's house. I always wondered where they went. I walked out of our building and walked up to my car that I made. It was sleek and I believed it fit me perfectly. I got in and placed my black sunglasses on my face. I inserted the keys into the ignition and smiled at the sound of the engines roar. I flicked a piece of my dark green hair out of my face and zoomed out of the parking lot. As I was driving all I could see was pictures of our inventions and our faces everywhere. You could say we've gotten pretty famous since we've gotten older due to our inventions. It took me a long time to get used to it because it involved me to speak more than I normally did.

After, some time I reached my home. I zoomed up the curvy road up the mountain till I finally reached my house that overlooked the city. I pressed one of my buttons in my car and the glass garage opened. The garage glass changed from clear in the day time to black in the night and was necessarily the easiest thing to break. Phineas made it for me last year for my 24th birthday.

I parked in my garage and watched as my garage automatically closed behind me. I grabbed the keys as I exited the car and walked up to the door. I entered my house and I was greeted by my robot, Hailey.

I gave her my keys as she greeted smiling while tilting her head,"Hey, Ferb. How was your day?"

Her hair was up in a high pony tail and if any one would've guessed she was just an ordinary human girl. "Good."

She nodded,"Great. Your dinner is on the table."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." She stated while blinking and walking off. I walked towards my dining room and sat down on the black chair. It scooted itself in for me and a napkin was placed on my lap. I pulled up my white sleeves and grabbed the fork. I started to eat the spaghetti that tasted fairly good and after gulped down the water next to it. I gingerly ate the ice after and patted my lips with the napkin. I left it on the table and I got up. I pulled off my shirt as I walked to my bedroom and didn't bother to turn on the lights. I unlaced my belt and unbuttoned my pants as I stood behind my window that was one of my walls and overlooked the whole city. Thanks to us Danville was turned a new capitol city.

I stared at the bright lights that shined against the darkness and yawned. I stretched out and walked to my closet. I changed into my workout clothes and walked out of my room towards the workout room. I worked out for till 1 and after took a steaming shower. I sighed happily resting my forehead against the wall as the hot water rushed along my back and untangled all my tense muscles. After, I got out and wrapped the towel around my waist. I took a few breaths as I brushed my teeth.

I left my bathroom and started got read for bed. I slipped on some black sweats and walked to my bed. I yawned and ran my fingers through my hair as I got under the covers. I finally noticed Sonar when she climbed up the covers and snuggled against my side. I laid my hand on her head as I instantly fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up  and did what I usually did every morning. Got up, got ready for work, ate, and feed Sonar.  I put on a black suit with a white tie and placed my black sunglasses on my face. I grabbed my car keys and strolled into the garage. There was really no set time to go to work but I prefer ed to go around noon since that's when I usually woke up. I got into my car and exited my garage. I rolled down my window letting the wind rush through my hair and flicked on the radio. I hummed along and as I reached town I saw a nearby park.

I always liked parked. They always made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I sat down on a nearby bench. I leaned back and watched the little kids playing on the playground. I smiled and closed my eyes while sighing. I suddenly heard squealing and a little boy came running up to me screaming,"Daddy!" He wrapped his little arms around my calf and stared up at me. He had short charcoal colored hair and large, innocent aquamarine colored eyes. He was wearing loose skinny jeans that had black suspenders connected to them but hung down. He was wearing a black and grey plaid shirt and had on fake reading glasses. I didn't even know they even that small. He looked about five and I stared down at him confused.

A women came rushing behind him saying,"Dustin! What are you doing?! Come back here!"

She looked around my age and was dressed nice like her son. She was wearing ash colored jeans that had a considerable amount of rips in it from the thighs, a white shirt that had a printed pink flower on it with a black leather jacket paired on top. She had black plat form heels and large hoop silver earrings that went to her shoulders. Her burgundy hair was curled perfectly and flowed down to her waist. She was gorgeous.

She stated sincerely while trying to pry her son off of me,"I'm so sorry! I don't know what gets into him sometimes!"

Dustin wouldn't let go and kept on screaming,"Mommy! This is DADDY!!"

She sighed exhausted and stated,"Dustin. This man is not your Father."

His eyes got larger and he bubbled,"Bu-bu-bu-but...Can he?" He stared up at his Mom his eyes pleading,"Please Mommy. I really want a Daddy, so can he be mine?"

I stared at the kid highly amused and she bent down so, they were face to face. She put her finger under his chin and said,"No, baby. I'm sorry. He can't be your Daddy."

His eyes started to fill up with tears and he started his voice starting to crack,"Bu-bu-bu-but, my real Dad doesn't love me. I bet he will."

She sadly smiled,"My baby. Awh, come here."

She opened her arms and the little boy took one last glance at me before running into his arms while crying. She smiled and picked him up as she got up. He cried into her neck and she stated,"I'm so sorry. He's never done that before."

She plopped down next to me and I replied,"It's ok."

She smiled at while trying to calm down her son,"Yeah again. I'm sorry. He really misses his Dad." I nodded and she offered her hand,"Hi. I'm Charlette Koller."

I shook hands with her,"Frank Flecther but I go by Ferb."

She smiled and opened her eyes shocked,"Your the mad scientist!" I nodded amused,"Your brother is Phineas right?! Wow. This is amazing! You guys created so many things that helped the world."

I nodded and stated,"Yup, that's us."

She smiled brightly causing her eyes the same color as her sons to light up,"Wow, this is amazing. You are an awfully smart man."

I nodded and noticed her son has calmed down and was staring at me. He asked me,"You don't talk much Daddy."

I smiled amused,"Not much, son."

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