Sheesh! I'm not fat.

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  • Dedicated to My bear Jello

Sheesh! I'm not fat.

I fiddled with salad because my Mom thinks I'm fat. I weigh one hundred and ten pounds!!!! How am I fat!! I'm seventeen for pete sakes not a little kid!!!! She weighs like ninety pounds!!! "Eat your salad!" She barked out me for like the hundredth time.

I groaned and got up. "I'm out of here."

She glared and said,"You can't just leave! I paid expensive money to get into this restaurant."

I rolled my eyes and said,"And I care because. I'm going to McDonalds!"

I could see people looking at us. My moms expression was priceless. She was absolutely horrified. "You won't. Sit down your causing at scene. Eat your salad. Your already thick let me help you."

"I'm not thick Mom. I love you and I think it's stupid that food is gonna' ruin what's left of our relationship. I don't know if something is wrong with your eyesight because I'm not fat. I actually recommend some food because you don't look skinny. You look unhealthy. If you don't eat some stuff to fatten yourself up I will."

I turned around and walked swiftly out of the expensive restaurant. I took a deep breath and sighed. Man, I need a car. I walked to which I believe was the way to McDonalds and brightened up when I saw it. I walked to it and went in. I searched my pocket for cash and I had ten bucks. I walked up to the cash register and asked for a Big Mac, large fries, and a vanilla shake. I'm not fat, I just like eating a lot. I sat at a table and looked around. No one was here. Must be a slow day. Well, it was like 10 'o' clock at night but whatever! I heard the cash register person call my number and I went up and got my food. I returned to my table and smelled the wonderful food. I whipped out my phone and texted my best friend Cynthia. 'hey!!!! meet me at mkeydeez! i hav no ride.. plezzz!!!'

I got a text back like in two seconds. She like a text goddess. 'Shur bae...dinner ddnt wrk out well...keep safe..'


I ate a couple of fries and took a sip of my shake. I should wait until Cythia gets here until I eat. I heard someone come into McDonalds and turned around expecting Cythia. Instead I saw a tall, lanky guy in all black with a white mask on. Oh, crud. I numbly turned around and bit my lip nervously. Please, don't be a robber. Please, don't be a robber. I begged to God. My prayers weren't answered. "Give me all you money and no one gets hurt."

Dang it!!! I attempted to try to crawl under the table but he heard me and said,"Sit back down!!! Stop trying to hide!"

I looked at him and he was holding a pistol out at me. DANG IT!!! I sat back down in my seat and drank my milkshake again. He seemed occupied threatening the people for money. I quickly texted Cynthia,'som1 tryin 2 rob mcdonaldz. cal 911!!'

I sent it and quickly put my phone in my bra. I drank my shake again and then I felt a cold thing against my head. I turned my head to it and it was the gun. I gulped and he ordered,"Come with me or one of them die!"

I opened my eye shocked and saw a bunch of terrified workers laying on the floor with their hands up. I numbly nodded and picked up my bag with my food in it."What are you doing!?"

"Well, I'm hungry. I'm getting kidnapped and I'm hungry."

He sighed and grabbed my bag and my hand. He ran out of the store dragging me along with one hand and the other hand carrying my food and the money bag. He quickly opened a black vans door and pushed me roughly in. He closed it and ran to the driver's seat. He jumped in and started the car. We left McDonalds and that's when in all sunk in. I WAS KIDNAPPED!!! OMG!!!! I felt someone poke me and I looked up. There was another guy all dressed in black with a mask on too. He said,"Would you like to sit down on a seat."

I nodded and wobbily got up to a seat next to him. I sat down and he put my seat belt on for me. I looked around and notice there were about 5 other guys in the car. They were all in black and had on white masks on. They looked like undercover ninjas. "So......Do you guys think you could drop me off at my house?...Maybe right here? I can walk." I offered.

They all looked at me and broke into laughter. I pouted and said,"Come on. I just want to go home!"

The guy that put my seat belt on sighed and said,"It's too late. Since he brought you your stuck with us until we caught. If we get caught." I bit my lip and he said,"Do you have a cell phone?"

I bit my lip again and violently shook my head. Thank goodness my phone was sent on silent. "Um? Mr. Driver can I have my food?" I asked taking another sip of my shake.

He gave me my bag quickly and I opened it happily. I got my Big Mac and took a bite out of it. They all watched me eating my food except for Mr. Driver. I finished eating my Big Mac and started to slowly eating my fries and they just started at me as I finished those too. I took another sip of my shake and they were all still staring at me. I raised an eyebrow at them and said,"Is is really that interesting? Watching me eat."

The all nodded and I shook my head. I turned to Mr. Nice. He's the one that put on my seatbelt and said,"Where we heading Mr. Nice."

"Can't tell ya. Mr. Nice?"

"Yeah, well since I don't know your names and I'm pretty sure you're not gonna' tell me you're Mr. Nice and he's Mr. Driver."

He chuckled and said,"That's nice I guess. What's your name."

I smiled and said,"Macy."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Mr. Nice said.

I blushed and thank goodness it was pretty dark. "Thanks...Um? Do I look fat to you?"

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