My Robot Best Friend

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My Robot Best Friend

I opened my eyes and saw my best friend robot was cleaning my room. I tiredly got out of bed in my boxers and tanktop. I looked at my robot and inspected him. His brown hair was messed up, his super green eyes looked bright, and he was wearing regular jeans and a black hoodie. I smiled at him and said,"Jace, why are up so early."

I walked over to him and he said,''I had a nightmare."

"Oh. I see. Well, next time you have a nightmare you can sleep with me, ok?"

He smiled happily and nodded. Jace was an interesting robot. So far as I know he's the only robot that has dreams, or even sleep and has the ability to lie. He doesn't lie to me but he could do it. He also eats and enjoys there flavors. I know this is all true because I got him checked out by an robot repair shop. He's a special one and I love him. I don't love him like that I just care for him. He's a new robot and his age is 20. I'm 18 and he lives in my condo with me. He's still new to everything so he tries his hardest to get everything right but, I always tell him it's ok because no one gets everything right on the first try. He even has thoughts and feelings and his eyes change colors depending on his mood. His emotions on his face change too. He can yell and cry and all those other things but it's funny because other robots can't. Other robots eyes just stay the same blue color while his are green. It's very weird. I bought him at a thrift shop because people thought he was broken but I knew better. He is registered in my name and no one could take him away from me. Not even the authorities. He has a tracker in him if he gets stolen or gets lost which never happens because if you steal a robot you get life in prison. You should never steal a robot. He was cheap while other robots are about $10,000 to $1,000,000. Mine was about $1,000 dollars which was really cheap. I bought hhim on the spot because I just had to take him home. I helped him pick up the rest of the junk in my room and then told him to make breakfast.

He asked,"What would you like us to eat."

I smiled at him and replied,"Whatever you feel like." He's a good cook. His eyes turned purple for pleasure and ran out of the room to make breakfast.

I smiled and got ready. I took a quick shower and threw on some white shorts, a pink shirt with some beads in the shape of a star on the top. I put my dark brown hair with blond highlights into a high ponytail and threw on some star earrings. I walked downstairs and met by the smell of pancakes, bacon, sausage, and pomegranates. He always eat pomegranates with breakfast and that's it. I don't like eating it with breakfast but I do it for him. I sat down on the down next to him and started eating my food. After we finished I said,"Thanks."

He smiled and said,"Um. Can we go to the zoo today?"

I took our plates to the sink, smiled at him and said,"Sure. I haven't went to the zoo  in awhile."

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