Hearing You

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Hearing You

I really didn't know I could hear people thoughts. Well, that was until I heard yours and it's funny because your the only person's I could hear. Who knew my new young teacher is actualy a big jerk.

"Mr. Dark what is the capitol of California?" A random guy asked.

I stared at Mr. Dark waiting for him to answer his question but instead like always I heard his thoughts,"Wow, I can't believe my class if full of such stupid kids. I'm way smarter than all these idiots."

"It's Sacremento Mason."

Mason nodded before scribbling it down. Mr. Dark your a jerk for being so hot. I stared at him trying to figure out why I could hear his thoughts and I could here him,"Why is she staring at me? It's seriously getting annoying. I mean, I don't mind too much. I know a lot of girls are in love with me so, I guess it was bound to happen."

I rolled my eyes,"I'm staring at you cause' you're the teacher and I'm waiting for you to teach us."

He gave me a shocked look as he thought,"That's weird." He said towards the class,"Everybody turn to page 180 and read chapter 8."

He thought,"I really don't feel like teaching right now. Just let them read or whatever."

Wow, what a slacker. "I want to smoke." He thought.

"Smoking isn't aloud on the school campus." I stated while quickly scanning my history page.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Smoking isn't aloud on the school campus."

"I know that. Do your work." He said but he was really thinking,"What the hell is up with this girl!"

"I already read this."


"I already read this. Why do you keep on making me repeat myself?"

"It's only been five minutes."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"She's getting annoying." He fake smiled and said,"Nothing. Read the next chapter then."

I sighed,"I already read it."

People eyes were drifting towards us and he said,"Fine, then read the next one." He thought,"It's not like she read the whole book already. It's 400 pages long. We don't even go through the whole thing."

"I know that but I already read it all."

He groaned in his head. "This girl is getting-"

"My name is Sahara. There's no need to call me 'girl'."

He gave me a shocked look,"It's like she can read my mind?!"

"I can. Been since school started."

Everybody was staring at us now in complete confusion. "What, how!? She can read my mind? Wait! SHE CAN READ MY MIND!!!!!!"

"I already told you that I could."

He suddenly shouted,"3 weeks of detention!"

"What?" I said shocked. Everybody was staring back and forth between us and I sighed,"What did I even get detention for?"

"Evading personal privacy!" His thoughts shouted but he said outloud,"Disrupting the class while in session."

"Ay, it's not like I wanted to but your thoughts are so loud it's annoying."

Everybody was super confused now and I couldn't blame them. It was pretty creepy too when I first met him and I heard his thoughts I was so scared because I heard him but I didn't know where it was coming from. Soon, I figured out it was his thoughts and a half-year later I finally decided that I will and look it backfired on me. I now have 3 week of detention. Man, life sucks sometimes.

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