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well, i was gonna make diz 1 a stori bt then gt brd so yeah c=!


I sat in my comfy couch watching the news. The news reporter said,"Currently 10 teens gone missing this week at the around the same time but at different locations. We currently believe they were kidnapped by many people working together but we have no evidence at this time." Blah, blah,blah. All this stuff is crud. This is why I don't watch the news. They only say bad stuff. Well, want to know what the news reporter really said under the lines. She said,"Right now 10 obnoxious teens were kidnapped. They probably deserved it any way. Well, it's also very strange that they all went missing around the same time. I'm pretty sure they were all in gangs. Also, we don't have a clue were they are at or what is happening to them. For all we know they could be dying." I flick off the TV and walk over to my computer. It's old. Like one of the very first computers that were made. Not really. It's like 2007 but I love it. I turned it on and it huffed and puffed. Once the screen lit up I went on to the internet. It took awhile to load but it happened. I typed in the address bar ''. The site came up and I typed in my user name and password. It then went to my homepage and I wrote in my status,'Ay! all u stuuuupid kidnapperz out dher! if u dink ur nt gonna gt caught ur jst plain stuupid...n u guyz will all rot n burn in stop kidnappin ppl n gt a life!!!!'. I had a feelin' that I would regret posting that but whatever.Too bad, It's already posted. I looked at my friends and saw that 10 of them were deleted. I whispered,"Weird. I wonder why they deleted their accounts." I looked at there pictures and there was an 'X' over there picture. It always does that when people erase there accounts. I sighed and logged off. I got up and walked towards the kitchen. Oh, yeah! My name is Sky. According to the school my last name is Bonsai but I don't believe in last names so I'm just Sky. I am not pretty but I'm not the ugliest person in the world. I'm average if that's possible. I have dark red hair. It's dyed. I have regular ugly brown eyes. Not so long eyelashes. I'm short and a little overweight, just a little. Both of my pitiful parents died in a plane crash and I was the only one to survive out of the whole plane. Only one! I mean seriously there were probably way better people on the plane than me. I was two when this happened so I really don't remember my parents. I hate it when people say sorry to me when I mention it to them. Like shut up. It wasn't your fault. Freak! I live alone in the house my parents bought in the San Jose, California. We were on our way here from France because that's were my parents lived. Yes, I am french. Plus, Hawaiian, African, Caucasian, Mexican, black, and Indian. I know that doesn't make any sense but I don't understand it either. I live here with my uncle but made him a deal two years ago when I was 14. Well, this is what happened.

"Ay. Uncle. You think I can live alone from now on because your kinda' you know never here." I said and smiled sheepishly when I was 14. My uncle practically raised me and he hated it. Well, that's what I thought. He was nice and all and he loved me but he was 18 when he got me and now he's 30. He hasn't have a girlfriend once because of me and never got to experience what normal guys do. He was stuck raising me. So, now I'm letting him free since I'm capable of raising myself.  

He looks up from his newspaper that he's reading and says,"What makes you think that."  

"Well, I don't know. Please, Uncle. It would teach me independence and you need to get a girlfriend. I don't know. Maybe even get married and have some kids of your own. Not me." I said gesturing to myself when I said,"Not me." He sighed and I went on,"Please! Come on! Uncle you never once got to do anything normal for 12 years! You need to get married and have a family! Or else you are gonna' grow old and die alone. Well, of course I'll always be there but seriously! You need a life outside of me!"  

He sighed again and said,"Fine. But, I will come and see you on the weekends and come eat dinner with you every Tuesday and Thursday. You will have to keep your grades up and when ever I come this house better be clean."  

Wow. That was easy. I ran up to him and hugged him and kissed his cheek and said,"Thanks, Uncle! Love you!" I smiled and skipped to my room.

So now I'm living alone, I'm 17, getting straight A's and my uncle is coming over today to eat. It's also a Tuesday. Yup, so I'm now going to make my famous spaghetti for my uncle and his wife and his adorable twins. Yipee! That was not sarcastic. I love when my uncle and his family come over. It's so fun and his kids are so cute! Well, I'm kinda' like there Aunty so that's what they call me their Aunt Sky instead of cousin. One is a boy and one is a girl! Seriously, they are like they freakin' cutest three year olds twins ever! I open my cabinet and and get the ingredients. I start making the food and by the time that I'm done cooking,and set the plates. They're at the door. They ring the bell and I run to answer it. I open the door and they come in. I just love these guys!

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