Sir! Yes, -OH HELL NO!!!!-

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Sir! Yes, - OH, HELL NO!!!! -

"Mom!!!! I'm telling you his for the fifthiest millioneth time! I AM NOT LAZY!!!!! DO I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU!!!!!" I screamed at her and glaring.

She gave me an ice cold stare back and even on the inside I was scared there was no way I'm going to my Dad's all boys army camp. "Don't use that kind of tone with me." She stated coldy and I flinched.

I grumbled like an old man and she stated,"You are going and that's final."

I turned away from the anger and started pleading,"Mom! You do know it's all guys right? Like not a single girl. Like all guys. Like I will be the only girl there surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenage guys."

She laughed,"It's ok. Your cousin's there. He'll protect you."

I whined,"But MA!!!! I'll miss you soo much! I don't wanna' go! Please Ma! I'll live with you until I'm like 80 or something! Come on, Mama. I need you! Not a bunch of dudes."

She laughed and said,"I love you too and you don't need me that much. You need your Father too and it'll be good bonding time. And there's no way your living with me till your 80."

I let out a dry laugh and said,"Well, then fine!"


"Fine!" I screamed.

She gave me a warning look and said,"Go pack your bags."

I made a face at her behind her back and sighed finally,"Fine."

I trudged to my room and closed the door behind me. I fell onto my bed and screamed the loudest I could into my pillow. After, five minutes of straight screaming I got up and took out 3 suit cases from under my bed. I pack up everything and it was cool because I got to live in my Dad's house instead of in the cabins with the boys. I sighed and zipped up my bags. I leaned all the suitcases against the door and looked at my now empty room. I grabbed my stuffed white, huge bear named Jello and hugged him tight.

I somehow managed to take all my three suitcases to the living room and leaned them against the door. I held on to Jello's hand and let go of his body swinging him a couple inches above the ground. I walked to the kitchen and saw my Mom putting on her jacket and checking for her car keys. I sighed as she said,"Let's go to the airport."

I nodded and she started walking to the door and took two of the small suit cases while I took the small on. We walked out the door and I shut it behind me. I threw Jello up so, I was hugging him with one arm and walked towards the open trunk. I threw mine in along with the ones she already threw in and shut it closed. I got in the car soundlessly and she started off. We drove in complete silence the whole way there me hugging Jello tightly probably killing him if he were alive.

I suddenly heard a voice in my head,"You really have a strong grip don't you? Are you trying to kill me?!"

I looked around shocked and scared and my Mom gave me a strange look. I asked,"Did you just here that?"

"Here what?" She asked not taking her eyes off the road.

"Never mind." I replied shaking my head. I'm just going crazy.

I heard a sigh in my head. I gasped and it said,"Please loosen your grip on me."

I suddenly felt furryness hold onto my arms and I let go of Jello and totally freaked out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

My Mom gave me look and said,"Why are screaming!?"

I gasped and pointed to my bear and moved my hands around my neck and then pointed to my brain all wide eyes while saying,"Habita-habita-habita!"Pointing to the bear again,"Habita-habita-habita!"

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