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I heard the familiar crack on my skull as my Dad punched me. He threw against the wall and I let silent tears slide down my face. I fell towards the floor and then my Dad was on top of me franticly punching at every angle he could punch. I cried out and he jumped off of me astonished then angry. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!" he screamed at me.

I whimpered and he kicked me hard in my stomach. He kept kicking me and I starting coughing up blood. It hurts. It hurts so much. My tears increased and everything became blurry. I slowly got up. I'm not gonna' deal with this anymore Mom. Ever since you left Dad turned into a monster. I'm not gonna' die. I bit my lip and held onto my stomach. I wiped the blood from my mouth and screamed at him right before he was about to strike at me,"Don't take your anger out on me because Mom broke your heart. I'm your freaking' daughter!!!!! I'm not gonna' be beaten by you anymore!!!!!"

His eyes filled up with rage and I ran painfully to the door. I swung it open and sprinted down the street. I could hear my Dad at my heels shouting at me with rage. I could feel myself slowing down and then I felt a sudden pain on the back of my head. I fell on my knees and with wide eyes touched the back of  

my head. It was wet. I looked at my head and saw blood all over my hand. I looked up my Dad with horror. He stared at my with rage as he dropped the bloody bat and with the other hand lift it up to my head. He swung the knife down in his hand and I screamed as a gun went off.

I stared with wide eyes at my Dad as he stared at his chest with horror then at me. He quickly lifted up the knife again and yanked me towards him with my shirt. I gasped as the knife came down at me and then a gun went off again and then my Dad let go of the knife and fell backwards. I took one look at him and he was shot through his head. I crawled away from him and wrapped my arms around myself. I sobbed into my arms and suddenly felt someone's arms wrap around me. I heard someone say in a deep voice,"It's ok. He's gone now. It,s ok now. I'm here."

After, awhile I stopped crying and started to hiccup. The guy let go of me and I stayed on the floor limp as he got up. He looked at me concerned and asked,"Can you get up?"

I shook my head and he lifted me up from under my arm pits. I felt myself rising and I felt like a little kid getting lifted up. My feet soon hit the floor and he slowly let go. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him. He was wearing a cop uniform and looked about my father's age. He had jet black hair combed back and striking blue eyes. He was very handsome and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the man that my Mom ditched my father for. He smiled at me sympathetically and I stared at him curiously.

"Come on. Let me take you to the car. I'm lutenit Peirce."

I titled my head to the side as he escorted me to his cop car. He opened the door for me and I numbly got in. He closed it and opened the front door and radioed someone about my Dad or something. I could feel my body aching all over and everything was swirling. I whispered," Mr. Peirce, everyhing is spinning."

He looked at with horror and concern and started shouting into the radio talking dispatch thingy. I felt my eyes closing and I couldn't hear anything anymore. Before I was completely surrounded by darkness I whispered,"Thank you Mr. Peirce for saving me from my Dad."

I took one last look at him and he was stroking my hair and tears were rolling down his face. I let out a weak smile and then the darkness took me away.

I woke up and I was in a hospital bed. I closed my eyes again and reopened them. I saw tubes in my arms and there was a breathing thing on my mouth. I lifted up my arms and then my other ones testing out them. I moved my fingers and wiggled my toes. I threw my head back deeper inside the pillow and looked at the curtain as it moved. I stayed silent as a nurse came in and walked up beside me while looking at some charts.

She checked my fluids and I quietly stared at her. Finally, she looked down at my face and let out a shocked scream. I opened my eyes surprised and said tiredly,"Surprise."

She then shouted,"Doctor!!!! Doctor!!!! She's awake!!!"

Suddenly, a doctor burst through the curtains out of breath. He had a long white hair that was combed back and went to his shoulders. He also had the lightest blue that we're almost the same color of his white coat. He had the white skin that seemed to blend with his coat and was wearing black glasses. Albino? I never seen an albino doctor but come to think of it. I've never seen an albino.

I stared at him curiously as he stared at with shock. He looked about 28 and said,"Nice seeing you awake Ms. Tails."

I titled my head to the right and suddenly all the memories came flooding back to me. I asked while my voice came out all raspy,"How long was it out."

"Oh, not that long. Only about 3 months." He said causally

He walked up to the machines and did some doctor stuff,"3 MONThS!!!!" I half shouted my voice coming raspy. Man, I need a drink.

He handed me a water and replied while smiling his white teeth,"Well, it's beeter than sleeping forever right?"

I gulped down the water and said more normal,"What do you mean.....forever?"

He patted my head and said,"Well, you died honey."

I opened my eyes shocked and shouted,"OH MY FREAKIN' GOD!!! I'M DEAD!!!!"

He smiled again and said,"No, you're not dead but you did die. I saved you of course but it was very hard. Your brain was practically pushed in." I gulped and nodded,"But you're all better now."

I smiled and when he walked near me again I grabbed him into a hug and thanked happily,"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He laughed and hugged me back. After we larded he said with a wink,"No problema'. It's my job."

I smiled happily at him and then saw my Mom barge in out of breath. She ran up to me and gave me a long hug. MOM?!?!?!

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