Boy Horrorz

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Boy Horrors

I can't help it. I don't know why but I'm absolutely terrified of boys. One time someone called me sexist but I just can't handle it. I have a sad case an Androphobia. It's a boy phobia. I tried to break it many times by trying to talk to a guy but I get way to scared. I think guys are cute and stuff but I'm way to scared to care about their looks. The only guys I'm not scared of or ever made eye contact with were my family. I have a Dad but he owns an all boys school so, I don't see him much. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I hate my phobia but what can I do. I dried myself and walked to my closet. I put on overalls but they were cute. There were dark blue and instead of pants there were shorts that went a little higher than my mid thigh. Also, the buttons you are supposed to clip it on to were purple stars instead of buttons. I put a black tank top under it and I slipped it on and put on purple long socks that went right above my knee. I put on cute heels that were the same color as my outfit and combed my hair. I braided my hair right above my band so it was like a braided hair band. I left my long, dark brown hair down. I put moose in it and it dried quickly in it's huge natural curls. I love my curly hair. It's bearly past my waist and It looked so pretty but it's soooo heavy! I shook my hair and inspected myself. I looked pretty. My black eyes seemed to sparkle and my dark pink lips were pinker than usual. I put on some eyeliner and mascara. I also put on some hoops and grabbed some chapstick. I put some on my lips and smiled. Something gonna' happen today. I don't know weather if it's gonna' be good or bad but somehting's gonna happen. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. My only sister eyed me and said teasingly,"Where you going? Got a date?!"

I violently shook my head and said,"Something gonna' happen today..."

She evil laughed and said,"Yup, your right about that."

She stopped laughing and put her attention back to her book.

My mom came down and she looked at me and smiled. "Today, we're gonna' cure your phobia."

I sighed and slumped down on the couch,"Ma, I already told you that I tried."

"I know, I know but I got a different tactic and I'm positive it's gonna' work. Go pack your stuff."

I shrugged and nodded. I got up and walked up stairs back to my room. I pulled out luggage and packed up all my clothes, shoes, laptop, and iPod touch. I walked back downstairs with my huge suitcase. I set it against the home door and said,"What, are we going on vacation?"

"Nope, it's more like you are."

"I am? What do you mean?"

My Mom smiled even more and said,"Your gonna' go live with your Dad and he said he'll let you go into his school."

I stared at her in sheer horror and shouted,"MA!!!! I CAN'T!!! IM SCARED OF BOYS SO, YOUR SENDING ME TO AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL!!!!"

"Yup," she stated completly proud of herself.

I pouted and said,"Whatever." No point in fighting since she always wins.

She smiled at me and hugged me. "It's ok. I'll visit you as much as I can and so will your sister."

I could see me sister slightly nod because she was so into her book.

I sighed and she said,"Well, go. Your aunt is going to drive you there so go."

She shooed me out the door and I grabbed my bag and rolled it out to my aunt's car. Sometimes I wonder about my parents. I threw my bag in the back and I jumped in her car and said,"Hi, Aunty."

She smiled at me and started the car. I waved at my Mom as we drove away and that was all I remembered since I passed out from shock.

"Get up, Tracy. We're here."

I opened my eyes sleepily and said,"Where's here?"

"Your Dad's school."

"I don't want to go. Today's the last day of beak. Let me sleep."

She slapped my face and I screamed,"I'm up!!!!"

She was my lovable 24 year old aunt. She smiled innocently and I glared at her. "I don't want to go Aunty. PLEASE SAVE ME!!!!!"

I took her in a tight hug and she struggled to get out. After, she sternly said sternly as I got out,"No, just go. I have to drive all the way back to California now so,  just go."

I glared and said,"Whatever."

I got out my suitcase and she jumped back in the car. "BYE, LOVE YOU!!!!"

She screamed out the window as she drove away. I turned around to see the big, bad boys highschool. This is my worst nightmare. I walked foreward seeing no guys yet. I gulped still nervous and rolled my heavy bag along with me. I stopped in front of the school and whipped out my cell. I dialed my Dad's number and he answered,"Hello?"

"Hi, Dad. Where do I meet you?"

"Well, you gonna' live in the same house as me so, I'll just send someone over to get you."

"Ok, see you in a bit."

I hung up and prayed it would be a girl. I felt someone tap my back from behind. I yelped and jumped away. I turned around and it was a guy. I gulped and managed to smile. He eyed me and I started to feel conscious.

He then looked me straight in the eye and I could feel myself panic. I immidiatly looked away. I gulped. OMG!!!! We just made eye contact!!!!

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