Photographically Blind

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Photographicly Blind

My alarm clock went off and I groaned. I hit the snooze button and tossed the blanket off my body letting the cold air destroy all the heat that I had under the blankets. I tiredly rubbed my eyes and got up. I put one step in front of another caustiously since this was a new house and I didn't know my way yet. I finally reached my bathroom and stripped myself. I felt both the knobs in the shower trying to figure out which one was heat and which was was cold. I gritted my teeth before quickly turning the right knob and hot water poured on me. I gasped and turned the other knob equalling out the heat so, it was warm. I lavished my body with soap a long with my hair. After, 30 minutes I jumped out and brushed my teeth.

I walked out of the bathroom the towel wrapped around me. My wet hair dripped behind me and my wet footprints were left on the wood floor. I walked onto to my rug and I wiggled my toes on it. I reached my arms out feel the wall. I finally reached it and followed it to my closet. I opened it and walked in. I traced my finger over the drawers feeling the brail that was engraved in it telling me which clothes were in which. I chose some dark skinny jeans, a white tanktop, a black leather jacket and I put on some dark tinted black cop-like sunglasses. I felt around till I reached my full length mirror that was in there and found my camera that was right next to it sitting in a shelf. I aimed at the mirror and smiled as I snapped the picture. I pressed a button on a camera so, I could see my pictures and stared at my outift. I looked good other than the fact my hair was all wet. I grinned and took off my jacket. I held my jacket and camera as I walked out of closet and back into my room. I closed the door behind me and placed my jacket on the bed.

I took a picture of my room and pressed the button again. I inspected the photo of my room looking for comb and hair stuff. I found it and placed the camera down as I walked over to it. I gingerly combed my hair and blow dried it dry. I tousled it and slipped back on my jacket. I pushed back on my glasses since they were falling off and took another picture of myself. I looked at the camera and smiled since I looked good. I looked towards my walls were there was huge picutres of sceneries most I've token myself.

I found some socks and slipped on my black combat boots. I licked my lips walked out of my room. I walked down the hall trying to remember if there was any small tables around. I manadged to make it to the kitchen and I located my phone that was charging near the stove. I slipped it my back pocket and made myself some cereal. I quickly ate and grabbed my small camera. I took a picture of my living room and found my black bag with the silver chains. I walked up to it and put my small camera in it and located my wallet. I pulled out my phone and traced my fingers over the brail telling me it's numbers and quickly dialed my Mom's number.

She answered within' the first ring and she said excitedly,"Hi, sweety!"

I replied,"Hi, Ma. Do you think you can take me to work today until I get my job to pick me up?"

She laughed,"Of course. How do you like the new condo?"

I smiled,"It's great. I just wish I could "see" it."

She laughed,"Yeah. It's ok, all you need is your camera."

I agreed,"Yup, that's I need. Call me when you get here."

"Ok, sweety."

We both hung up and I slipped it back pocket and slipped on my black highhills that only went to my ankle. I found my work bag that held my expensive camera and my walking stick. I unfolded it and hled it in my other hand. I grabbed my keys from my bag and walked out of my condo. I locked the door behind me as I slipped it back into my bag. I used my stick as I escorted myself to the elevator. I pressed the button and I heard someone grunt as they closed their door and stroll up next to me. I could hear them stuff their hands in their pockets and I could tell it was a guy since I could feel him looming over me. I waited patiently for the elevator to come which was taking an awfully long time. After five minutes the guy asked me,"Is this thing broken?" In deep, voice that could probably charm mocking birds.

I looked towards him and replied confused,"I have no clue."

He sighed,"Should we take the stairs?"

I gaped,"We're 35 floors up!?"

He said cooly,"I'll carry you."

I opened my eyes shocked and mumbled nervously,"It's ok. I'll just walk."

He shrugged,"Suit yourself but when your tired just tell me."

I shyly nodded and asked,"Where's the stairs?"

He informed,"Follow me."

I nodded as I heard him turn around. Oh god, this guy could rape me or something.....I nervously gulped as I followed him using my stick to feel my way out and he finally opened a door. He knocked on the wall and I heard it's echo assuring me that this was the stairs. He sighed before saying,"This sucks."

He started his way down and I quickly folded up my stick and slipped it in my bad. I put my hand on the railing and cautiously walking down the stairs. He wasn't talking and I could hear was his slow footsteps descending a couple steps down from me. Finally, he said,"So, your my new neighbor?"

I smiled while nodding,"Yeah, I just moved in here a couple days ago."

"Nice, so how do you like it here? It has nice views." He pointed out.

I laughed,"I'm blind."

He laughed back,"I know but your room has one of the nicest views. It's too bad you can't see it."

I smiled,"Yeah, I'll just take a picture of it then."

He asked confused,"How will that help?"

I smiled,"I don't know but I work as a photrographer so, it just makes sense to take a picture of something beautiful."

He laughed,"True, true. Wow, I've never in my life met a blind photographer."

I grinned,"Yeah, I get that a lot."

He laughed and asked,"So, where do you work?"

"At Joker Studios."

He gasped a low gasp shocked and asked,"Down town?"

I nodded while smiling,"Yeah! I'm sooo happy! My boss transgferred me over here because he said that their boss wanted me for my photographies! I seriously almost died from happiness!"

He chuckled,"Hi, Ms. Rescue. I'm your boss. Haha, wow! This is so weird."

I gaped at him,"You-You! Your Davidson Kinder!?!?!?!"

He laughed,"The one and only."

Oh my gosh! It is just me or did I meet my idol!?

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