A Sibling's Love

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A Sibling's Love

I cuddled more into my older brother. HOLD IT!!!!!! Don't think wrong. I just sleep with him sometimes when it gets to cold when my Mom isn't around. He's always so freakin' warm while I'm like a freakin' popsicle. I could feel the heat radiate off of his bear chest. My bro is 16 while I'm was 15. We shared a room but we had our own bed. It sucks but we got over it. I sleepily opened my eyes and streched out, hearing my back crack. I sighed and yawned and cuddled into him again. "Chris, get up!" I murmered. He stirred and I repeated,"Get up or else I won't. You're so freakin' warm."

"No, you first." He whispered and hugged me closer.

I sighed said,"No, you first. I can't get up until you do."

"Try." He begged.

"No, now get up or else I'll scream for Mommy." I threatened. I wouldn't really but whatever.

He sighed and threw the blankets off of us. He sleepily sat up and rubbed his shiny, black hair. Even though it was messy it still looked nice. I patted down my wild hair and sat up too. We both looked at eachother and glared. I rolled my eyes and jumped out. I strechted out and walked to my closet. "I call shower first."

He sprung and ran to his closet. "No way. I do!"

I raced and we both chose random clothes. I ran to the door and got pushed to the ground by Chris. He smirked at me as he raced out of the room. I prepared for this. I set boogie traps. I got up and exited the room. I ran and watched as he tripped over the string I set so he could trip over. "URBAHH!!!" He screamed as his body hit the floor. Which was hiliarious because he's like 6'4. I broke at laughing as I jumped over his body. He glared up at me and suddenly grabbed my foot as I was in the air. I started towards the ground and screamed as I hit it. I looked back at him as I glared at him. We were both on the floor and we both scrambled to stand up while pushing eachother down. I got up first and started running towards the bathroom and the end of the hall. Suddenly, I saw my little, evil, and overly cute sister come out of her room right next to the bathroom and started walking towards it with her clothes. Me and my brother started sprinting towards the restroom and I could see my little sis smirking as we got closer. We reached the bathroom at the exact time my sister went into it. Me and him were right next to him trying to stop my little sister until she closed it straight on our faces. We both gasped in horror since we were both to close to stop and we both tried to stop. We both were suddenly falling face first and banging our foreheads against the bathroom door. "THAT LITTLE BRAT!!!!" I roared. "GET OUT OF THERE BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!!" I screamed at her through the door pressing the bump that was coming on forehead.

Chris patted my back and said,"Come on. We have to be the mature people here." He looked at me and then said evilly,"Let's just go cut up her stuffed animals."

I smiled and he did too. We dropped our clothes and I said,"You get the knifes and I get the stuffed animals."

He nodded and ran off to the kitchen. I ran to her room and grabbed all the stuffed animals in sight which included her favorite stuffed bear. I lugged them all to the kitchen and went to the backyard. My brother followed me out and He handed me a knife. We both laughed evilly as we sliced up her stuffed animals and I got an idea,"Don't cut off there heads. I got an idea." He nodded and we quickly sliced them all up. We evilly smiled at eachother and I looked around for the rope. He looked at me weirdly as I finally found it. "Heh...Heh...This is gonna' be fun." I said.

He evilly smiled and nodded in agreement.

After, we finished we strolled happily back into the house and went to the living room. I plopped down on the couch and he sat down next to me making me bounce up. I grabbed the remote and me and him watched the TV.

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