Power Outlet

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well, srry diz iz bery short bt im bery bord c=


Power Outlet

I sighed as I slumped against the wall. What gives my little brother the right to go on the ski trip without me. Oh yeah! I broke the law! Freakin' idiot parents. I told them I didn't drink at that party. The cops weren't supposed to come. I sighed and said aloud,"This sucks!"

Suddenly, my surroundings stated getting bigger as every second passed. What the heck! I looked around and everything was huge. I screamed,"Mom! Dad! Why did everything get huge! I looked around and realized I shrunk! OMG! There was a sticky note on the the side of the power outlet the said go inside of here. What is this! Freakin' Alice in wonderland?! I climbed one of the wires that were plugged in and crawled inside one of the power outlets. I looked around only to see bright lights and lots of miniature people like me strolling around. Wow. If I knew this was all in one power outlet I could of shrunk along time ago.

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