I Met A Douchebag Over the Break. What about you?

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When, I wrote this I was really scared because of how freely I used dialect but I like the way it came out.


I Met A Douchebag Over the Break. What about you?

My whole P.E. class sat in a huge circle our coach standing in the middle. It was pretty stupid. It was called Share Time or something like that and every time we leave school for more than two days when we come back each student has to tell what they did. It's really stupid. I mean we're in highschool, having "Share Time", in P.E.  I know. I don't understand either.

"So, what did you guys do over the break. Um? Sabrina, you go first."

I sighed as the whole class turned their attention to me. If we don't tell him he takes off points from our grade. I thought of what I did over the break we had off and finally stated while crossing my arms,"I met a douchebag over the break. What did you do?"

He laughed his belly jiggling everytime he laughed,"That's funny. If you may ask all I did was sleep this weekend."

I sighed again as everyone started to say what they did even more bored than me. I closed my eyes suddenly remembering Mr. Douchebag.

Ok, well. This is what happened. Well, over the break my little brother and I spent the weekend at my Dad's house. My little brother is only 13 and I'm 15. He's soooooo annoying but I gots to love him. So, we went over to my Dad's house and we agreed on time's to play the video games. Like he plays from 11 AM - 9 PM and I play the rest but then he goes off and meets this supposebly totally awesome guy and wants to play with him longer past 9. Me, of course being mean and all say,"What the fudge! I let you play all day without asking you once and when it's my turn you just wanna' go and play longer with you little friends! Oh hellll no!!!!"

Then he goes off and screams,"Your the meanest sister in the world!"

Then I snap,"FINE! But I got to play to since it's my turn!"

So, we end up 'Left4Dead2' with this fool. I gotta' admit he's (the douchebag) good but he wouldn't shut up like the whole game. Well, some of the things he said were actually hiliarious but if you did anything to him he just shot you until you died. I'm personally shy when it comes to talking online so, only have a handful of guy friends because they forced me to talk. You see, they added me to a party and I just joined without thinking. They were all calling me and crud trying to get me to talk and after like five minutes of them saying,"Hello! You there! Come on, we know you have a mike so just talk."

I finally said,"Hello."

Then it went completly silent and they broke out,"Did you hear that!?"

"Yeah! It was hella' soft, like a baby's voice!"

Then I muted my mike hela' scared and half-smiling. Haha, I have a baby voice? Everyone tells me they like my voice. To these guys it's hella' soft. Sorry, way off topic. Well, so this fool was all trying to tell me what to do and was all up in my character's face online and he like kicked every player if he didn't like their name and my brother did everything he like said. My mike was plugged in but I didn't talk to him but he sure talked a lot of stuff. I thought this guy was like in his 20's or something but then he suddenly asked what was me and my brothers age. I told my brother not to tell anyone my age but my bro's all like,"I'm 13 and my sister is 15."

I was seriously gonna' pimp slap my brother for being so stupid. I don't tell anyone my personal info. You know how many creepers are out there. I immediatly got off hella' scared and decided never to play with him again but after thinking about all night I was like,"Oh!! HELL NO!!!! I'm gonna' play with him again if my brother does. I ain't no wimp like that."

So, I went to bed happy because where he lived there was a two hour time difference and he played with my brother until like 3 in the morning and it was like 5 where he was at. I'm like that fools retarted. My brother ain't even that cool. So, I go to sleep right and then I have a dream that I went on a date with him. Freaking scariest dream of my life! I woke up screaming and my Dad was all freaked out. I didn't tell anyone of course and the next day I chilled around waited for it to be 9 so I could go on but of course my bro wanted to play with him again and me being the meanest sister in the world allowed him too only if I played too. While, playing I found out this fool was only one year older than me and I felt a whole better because now I figured I could realy pop a cap in this fool's head because were like the same age not to mention I'm turning 16 this year.

So, that's the story of how I met Mr. Douchebag. Man, he was lucky I'm such a nice person or I would've shot him too. But whenever we played versus we were always out to get eachother. So, we're basically enemies but whatever.

He's a douchebag so, I'm really not gonna' think about him anymore. We finished P.E. in a snap and then pretty much the whole day passed by like. I looked around and wondered,'How can you guys be having so much. I mean it's school!' I finally reached home. I jumped out of my car my brother and his little friends following him and laughing. I opened the door and sprinted to my room locking the door behind me. I walked up to my full body mirror and looked at myself. I was wearing black skinny jeans with six pockets on it. Two right above my knee, two butt pockets and two side. I had on an all black long sleeves shirt and  a chain hooked on my pants. I took off my leather jacket and smiled at myself. I had my long, black hair up in a high pony tail and I took down. I ran my finger through it flattening it down and looked at my peircing black eyes. Yup, I have black eyes. The eye doctors said it was true because they couldn't distingush anything in my eye from anything. It's just black. I sighed as I walked away from the mirror and sprawled out on my messed up bed. I need to go to sleep.

I woke up alarmed by my brother banging on the door excitedly."THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! COME OUT!!!!! COME OUT!!!!!" He screamed.

"Be out in a second!" I groaned back.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 9 PM. Crud, I haven't done math yet! I yawned while pushing myself up and dropping off the bed. I groaned and got up. I walked to my closet and opened it. I pulled out some  black mini-shorts bearly went past my underwear and a white tank top that flowed loosely over my belly button. What? I mean we're siblings and his friends have bound to left already and I only live with my Mom so fudge it. I put them on and found my black slippers and slipped them on. I grabbed my iPod and put on 'Fire and Desire' by Rick James and Teena Marie. I put my iPod in my bra and place one black earphone in my ear. I sung along as I unlocked the door and left the room. "FFFFFIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEE!!!!! BABBBBBYYYYY!!!!!" I sung loudly with Rick James!

As I walked down the hallway I heard the most horrible voice EVER!!!!! I opened my eyes shocked as I walked out into the open and saw there with my own two eyes. I said aloud,"Holy Crud! Mr. Douchebag!"

He looked up at me and opened his eyes shocked at my outfit. He smirked and I gasped. OH HELLLLL NO!!!!!!

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