24 Hours

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24 Hours

Well, currently I'm in my prison cell. I was sadly sentenced for life and it's all my fault. Right now I'm thinking of committing suicide so by the time you read this I'll be long gone. Well, I am currently writing this on paper but sending it to my cousin so she can type it up for me. So this is my story.

That morning July 7, 1997 I woke up like any other day. I got up, showered and pretty much got ready. Little did I know what's to come. After, I got ready I strolled down the stairs and screamed,"Ma! I'm hungry!"

I looked at my mom and she was lying on the couch and she said back,"Hi, Hungry."

"Ma! I'm serious! We go through this everyday! I'm your child and you should feed me! I'm a growing man!"

"I'm serious too! Were are your manners! You say please when asking for things and you are grown man! Your eighteen already!" She half shouted at me while still lying on the couch lazily.

I grunted and said,"Please, Mom. Will you make me breakfast."

She got up, smiled and said,"My pleasure."

I sighed and said under my breath,"Gosh, that lady."

She suddenly shouted,"I heard that!"

"Love you!" I shouted back. "I'm going to the park Ma! Ring me when the food's done and I'll be back in a flash."

"Ok! Be safe!"

"Sure Ma!"

I walked towards the door and then heard my mom turn on her Mexican music and started singing along with it. Man, I love my Mom. I'm Mexican and come from Mexico but moved to the U.S. when I was 12. My Pops left when I was kid so I don't really care for him and if I ever do meet him, I'm going to beat the crud out of him for leaving my Mom. I am not in gangs or anything. Personally, I think that kind of stuff is retarded. I start walking down the street and head towards the park. It's only a block away so it's really close. I get there and sit down on one of the steps towards the slide and just sit there. I relax for awhile and just chill for what seems like forever. Suddenly, I hear a girl's scream and I look towards the screams way. It was a girl that looked around my age with long hair getting chased by 7 or 8 guys. She was definitely outrunning them but she was scared and I could tell she was losing stamina. I immediately ran after them and caught up with her. I'm a really fast runner. I'm very athletic that's why the chicks dig me. Once, we were side by side she looked at me with fear and I said to her,"Need help?" She cautiously nodded and I took that chance to easily lift her up and through her on my back and outrun all the guys. I found a hiding spot and set her down against a tree and just stood there catching my breath. Man, it's hard to outrun a bunch of guys while carrying a girl. Not that easy. Once, I caught my breath I looked towards her and she was staring at me with curiosity. I stared at her too and that's when I noticed how beautiful she was. She had long, black hair, piercing blue eyes, she was tall, skinny, she had pink full lips, and had a slight tan complexion. I looked in her eyes and all I could see was regret and worry. I wonder what she did that was so wrong.

She then stood up and walked towards me and said,"Why did you help me?"

"You were screaming and getting chase by a bunch of dudes."

"Does that give you a right to help people."

"I wouldn't of have but you agreed."

"What happens if I didn't." She says her piercing eyes looking straight at my warm, honey colored eyes.

"Probably would've done the same thing." I said shrugging my shoulders. I was fairly taller compared to her. I was fairly tall for a Mexican too. I was 6,4 and she looked about 5,9.

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