My Pet Dog

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My Pet Dog

"Scar!" I said into the DS microphone.

"Ruff!" My dog replied.






"Ruff." My Nintendo Dog responded and a box popped up and said 'Your dog has learned its name now type right in it so It can remember.'

I smiled and rote it in. Then it told me to say it's name alot so it can remember forever. Well, after awhile of repeating it's name it forget again. This is my 10th time doing it.

I sighed as I closed it and turned it off. That game should burn and rot in hell. It's way too hard. I tossed the D.S. into my purse. I looked around in it and whipped out my PSP. Now this is more like it. I started to play God Of War and right when I was on the last level it started raining. I sighed, saved it and threw it in my purse. That taxi guy should've been here a long time ago. How am I supposed to get home. I took off my highhills and walked in the rain somewhere. I put the highhills in my purse and it was getting heavy. I wrapped my leather sweater around and cussed at my self for wearing it. It wasn't making me warm and it was expensive. I listened to the sound of the rain hitting my soaked hair and also heard a sound I didn't want to hear. I walked a little faster and the sound speeded up too. I started speed walking and the footsteps behind me did too. I started running into a full blown sprint and then it started running after me. I got about 20 ft before something huge jumped on my back landing my my body into a huge puddle. Thank goodness my purse is water-resistant. I turned around and was attacked with many licks to my face. I pushed the face away from me and saw it was a dog? I inspected it and it was huge! It was a Siberian Husky and was black, grey, and white. It was about 5 ft high. Standing up on it's hind legs it was like 7ft high. It was huge! It looked super powerful too. I eyed it and it looked at me too. I told it,"Let me up."

It nodded, got off of me and I got up. I shook my body so  the my clothes weren't sticking on me. I looked at the dog and said,"Bye." I started to walk away and it followed me. I turned around and shooed it. It still followed me. I did everything I could and it still followed me. I sighed and finally said towards it,"You can home with me."

"Ruff!" I replied.

"Well, you look alot like my Nintendo Dog just bigger so I'm going to call you Scar, Ok?"


I sighed and said,"I'm talkin' to a dog. I need to lay off the meds. I don't even do meds. I'm just crazy."

I kept on walking with my new dog by my side. Well, atleast no one would even try to kidnap me. We walked for a very long and the dog kept on looking at me. I kept on shaking my head until I saw my street name. I smiled happily and started running towards my apartment. It was a normal size. 1 bedroom, bathroom, etc. It was ok but they absolutley positively do not allow pets let alone this huge dog. It was late and everyone would be asleep. We ran up the stairs and I put my finger to my mouth menturing him to be queit. He nodded and we silently went past room and made it to my room. I quickly unlocked the door and pushed him inside. I looked both ways down the hallways. Thank goodness this place never bothered to install cameras. I sighed and walked to the closet. I got out 2 towels for the dog and a towel for me. I dried the dog to he was fluffy and then dried me and put on some fresh pajamas. We went into my bedroom and I jumped on the bed. He jumped on it too and said,"Finally, I never thought were going to get to your house."

I looked at Scar in shock and stuttered,"Wh-a-t-t u-h-h h-o-o-w! Huh!"

He looked at me confused and said,"You can here me!"

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