My Expiration Date

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well...yeah im brd so read da txt below.....n jst so u know i shoudn't be writin diz..i shoud b doin mie homework bt watev! c= read a txt below! 


My Expiration Date

I sighed as the doctor told me I had only 3 more months to live. You see, my name is Cassy but people just call me Cass. My full name is Cassy Dream. When, I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with an "unknown" disease that the doctors couldn't cure. Only cases like mine showed up probably every trillion years. It's that rare. So they've been trying to fix me up for while now. I'm kinda' sad I'm gonna' die. You know, I kinda' wanted to have kids, have a successful business.  

I don't know! What people do when they grow up. Happily, for me I'm not going to live until I'm 18. I'm only 16 right now I think it's a pretty good age to die but that's just my opinion. It's June 12 so, I just got out of school and this is my last summer. I told my parents for my last summer I want to go to the California. I live in New York and I hate it here. After, I leave the hospital were to Cali! Wahoo! I'm so happy! After the doctors told me my expiration date my parents cried. I soothed them and told them it was okay. I sighed again when they finally chilled out. After, my parents did a bunch of paperwork and we were out of there. We boarded the plane and here I come to L.A. California! I better make my 3 months well worth it. I might even get a boyfriend. I smiled at myself and at my silly innocent thoughts. I took out my iPod touch from my pocket and put it on shuffle. The song came on 'Talking to The Moon' by Bruno Mars. I fell asleep and woke up later to my mom shaking me and telling me to get my bags. I got them and walked out of the plane with my parents. My parents were rich. They both had successful business. I am not rich because I have no money. Just my parents. We walked to the limo that was supposed to pick us up and I threw my one bag into the trunk and sleepily walked in to back seat. My parents sat on the other side of me. They were still madly in love. They met when they were 16 and have been in love ever since then. It's so cute actually. I don't think they were very happy when the doctor said they couldn't save me because they had all that money and they couldn't use to save their only daughter's life. The limo drove for a long time and we finally reached our beach house that we bought when I told them i wanted to come here. I opened the door, grabbed my bag from the trunk and ran towards the beach house. There was beach behind us too and I could easily go anywhere I want because all the popular locations were near our house. I ran throughout the whole house and decided on a blue, black, green, pink,and purple room. I like rainbows. There was clouds painted all over my room and unicorns. I like unicorns too. I yelled at my mom so she could here downstairs were she was unpacking our boxes that were shipped here before,"Mom, I'm gonna' take a shower and head out to the beach." 

"Alright, Be safe out there!" 

I turned on the shower and washed my curly, long, dark red hair. I had bright green eyes and full lips. I am not ugly. I'm actually very pretty. I have good genes what could I say. Anyways, who cares about my looks. I don't really care about them at all. I'm pretty so what. I'm tall, so what. I got the curves in the right places, and your jealous. Just freakin' work out! I got ready and put on my favorite bikini. It was black with colors splattered everywhere on it. I freakin' loved it! I slipped my rainbow flipflops on and it matched my rainbow toenail paint. I like rainbows too much. I sighed and walked out the door in my room leading to the beach. I reached and lots of people were there including *wink wink* hot guys! Wow! I never knew what Katy Perry was talking about about till right now. I went up to the water and decided to take a swim because it was hot! I threw my towel on the ground randomly and kicked off my flip flops. I pulled the rubber band from my hair and ran into the ocean. Even though I was sick I didn't feel it. I felt like a normal teenage girl but you know it was rare and only the doctors could see how my body was rotting away. I started swimming and swam really far out. People were starting to stare at me and point. I like swimming get over it. I dived under and explored. It wasn't that fun exploring because everything was sandy but I just swam for awhile. After about an hour I got out and lied on my towel and sun dried. About 30 seconds into it a person came near me and sat down next to my body. I sat up too and the person said,"Your a good swimmer." 

"I know. I like swimming."I replied. I looked at the dude and he had short hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was tan but it obviously was his natural skin color. He was very good looking but he looked like a thug. He seemed nice enough thought. So, I'm gonna' pretty much spend my summer with this thugish guy and maybe fall in love with him. I can handle that. c=

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