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I truly am mad. Not mad as in angry but mad as in crazy, delusional or psychotic. I must be mad because I'm agreeing with myself. I must be mad to be breaking out of the Ward. I can't help it. I can no longer stand it here. The Ward is a horrible. It's a facility where they place you in a huge white squared room. They give you no food or water but your just stuck in this room. There's no doors or windows and no one knows how you get out. They watch you go through stages from calm, to freaking, to crazy, until my stage. "Mad." But they are the suicidal ones.

They should've known that I am not just plain "Mad" but at the killer stage and will get you no matter what. I haven't had water for three days and my last meal was in my dreams. I am no longer starving or thirsty because I do not crave those things anymore. There's a single camera in my room with a glass surrounding it. There watching me through it and I smile at wicked smile at it. I hope there watching this. I start sprinting around the room in perfect circles. I count off my circles until I get to my hundredth circle and I do fifteen cartwheels back and forth. I could tell their truly confused by my doing. I then found the most most flexible spot in the room from my running around in circles and jumped on it. I jumped high and reached towards the glass. I missed and tried again with more force but used my forehead. I banged hard against the glass with superhuman force and I could feel the glass going into my skin.

I grinned like a maniac before holding my hand against my wound on my forehead. I looked at the camera and took my hand off my forehead. I jumped up and reached for the camera with both hands. I hung there supported by the huge cord connected to the camera and hoped the camera wouldn"t break off of it.

I chuckled evilly as I slowly climbed up the wire and punched the wall making it open wider so I could squeeze through it. I jumped on top of my room and grabbed the camera. I put it in front if my face winked and saluted with a peace sign.

I looked down and saw something that blew my mind. As far as I could see where huge squared rooms exactly like mine spanning as far as I could see. I gaped and noticed that all the rooms were made of glass and they were transparent from the outside. There was no floor. I looked down and saw my cube was floating and under it a foot away there was another cube floating and another cube floating from as far as I could see. I opened my eyes shocked. I grinned madly before saying,"This is gonna' be fun."

I looked around one more time and everything was a black vast of nothingness except for the white cube shaped buildings that were glowing white from the inside. I saw people in there some sleeping, some freaking out, some bored, some just plain crazy, but not any mad. I doubt they'll never reach my stage before dying. I smiled before walking to the far edge of my cube. I started sprinting forward towards the end and then - jumped. I flung my arms widely and bearly made it on the edge of the next cube. I looked into the cube and there was a guy around my age in their. He had dark brown almost black eyes that were dull. He was tall, lanky, and was staring at the spot I just landed on in confusion. He was very handsome too. I felt bad for him but shrugged it off and was gonna' leave until he said,"There's no way anybody could be on the top of me. No one is that crazy."

I have no clue why but I felt rage build up in me. He doubted that I could make it this far! I screamed before stomping with all my might making sure he could here me towards where he was at and threw my fist to where the camera was breaking the glass. My blood red hair fell over my face and my knuckles stained with blood broke through the glass. They guy was staring at me in shock and looked at my blood stainded face. I grinned crazily at him,"Are you sure anybody is that crazy?" He gaped at me and I barked,"Are you coming or not!?"

He opened his eyes shocked and stuttered,"Thanks?"

"Climb up the camera." I demanded.

I took a step back and brushed my bang behind my ear. I watched as he quickly climbed up and stood up right next to me. He's a lot taller up close and I was 5,6. He looked around shocked and asked,"Where are we?"

I gave him a look,"Like I know. I just broke out." I looked around too,"Probably, dead or something."

He gave me a side glance and I shrugged. "How do we get out here?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged,"I'm just winging it. Say good bye to the camera!"

I picked up the camera and pointed it at him. He smiled and waved. "So, what do we do?"

"Well, we jump from cube to cube."

He gave a shocked look and I said,"Better hurry. I don't know when there going to catch us."

I ran to then end of the cube and started sprinting towards the end and then jumped. I made it to the other cube and he gave a nervous look before I screamed at him,"Hurry up! I'm gonna' leave you!"

He gulped and ran to the end of the cube and started running towards the one I was on. He jumped and made it. He sighed and I said,"We got a long ways to go."

He gulped and asked while we were jumping cubes no with ease,"Who do you think was watching us?"

"I don't know. Probably some kind of weird freaks."

I suddenly looked down in one of the cubes and noticed a familiar face. A girl with brown hair and blue eyes. I stared at her and stopped. He gave me a questioning look and asked,"Why'd you stop?"

He stared at her before and I said,"I saw her before."

He shrugged,"So, let's go."

I glared,"You're not listening! I saw her before! I saw her in another cube after I got out!"

He gave me a strange look they probably looked alike. I walked slowly over to the edge and looked at the cube surround her. I gasped and saw that I saw all the same people in cubes that I saw before. "I saw all of them too."

I suddenly jumped a few cubes and gaped,"I saw them too!"

"Are we going in circles!?" He asked shocked.

I shook my head,"I don't think so....Mine and yours were broken. Let's keep going forward." We jumped a few more and then me and him both gasped in shock and horror. We saw us. I looked at myself through the top of cube pacing and I said,"What the heck! How is this possible! I can see myself!"

I put my hand to my face sighing and asked,"I am mad right now so, tell me if that me is really me?"

He stared at the other me in complete shock and said,"Yeah, you're right there."

I opened my eyes in horror and said wanted to get out. "Let's go!"

We jumped a few more and that's when we saw him - again. Instead of when I saw when he was cool and collected this him was freaking out and pounding on all the glass freaking out. Me and him stared at the other him in complete shock. He didn't say anything but just stared. I tugged on his white shirt that he was wearing. I was wearing the same exact shirt. I accidentally pulled up his sleeve and saw a number branded on him,"2" I said.

I gasped and pointed at it. "There's a number on you!" I said.

He opened his eyes shocked and pulled up his sleeve. He opened his eyes shocked and stared at him. I pulled up my sleeve and exactly like him mine said,"1".

I gaped and said,"I'm number 1"

I ran my hand through my head in confusion and shock trying to figure everything out. I shook my head and said,"Let's go a few more."

He nodded stunned while dropping his sleeve covering the number and we jumped a few more and saw the same exact girl we saw before with the brown hair. We gave eachother crazy look and when we reached her she was pulling up her sleeve. She opened her eyes shocked and as she saw the number branded on her arm,"87964".

We both looked at eachother shocked as the word raced through both of our minds,"Clones."

He started,"Do you think....?"

I nodded and started,"Are we....?"

I violently shook my head and then I suddenly got the craziest idea. I looked towards him and said,"We aren't making any progress obviously..I think I know how to get out of here."

He asked shocked,"How?"

"Let's jump."

He gave me a stupid look,"We have been jumping!"

I rolled my eyes and then looked down. He opened his eyes shocked before backing away."No way I am jumping down! Who know what down there and we don't even know where the floor is! We'll probably die!"

He started pacing back and forth near the edge of the cube and I sighed. He didn't notice me as I neared him and then opened his eyes shocked and I did what he told me not to. I pushed.

He shouted as he started falling straight down and I screamed,"Whoo!!!!" As I dived after him. I easily caught straight up to him and grabbed him hand. I grinned like a maniac at him as we started to descend faster and then he opened his eyes shocked. He brought me into a tight hug as we descended faster and faster and everything was blurring. We suddenly hit something but we didn't. We more like broke through plastic and suddenly hit something soft. I looked up and saw a blue sky. I looked at the tear in the sky and through it I could see it was the black and the floating cubes. I saw it quickly come back together until it was completely put together. We stood up and looked around. There was vast trees surrounding us and that was it as far as I could see. I grinned wickedly,"This is awesome."

He looked around shocked and asked,"How did we get here?"

I looked around and stated,"Well, we obviously fell through the sky."

He glared at me before screaming,"Why did you push! We could've died!!!!!!!"

I flinched before saying,"We didn't though!"

He sighed before grabbing the bottom of his shirt and licking it. He furrowed his brow as he gently cleansed my wound and I flinched from the pain. He smiled at his handy work and said,"All better."

"Hmph!" I folded my arms and glanced at what we were on. We landed in a mass of moss I jumped hard on it. It suddenly broke from under me and I screamed as I fell downwards. I reached up trying to reached for something and I saw his hand reach down. I grabbed for it and he bent lower. I opened my eyes shocked as my fingertips touched his and then I fell. He shouted then suddenly the moss under him broke. I watched as tumbled downwards and reached for me. He wrapped around me and we fell down. It didn't feel like we were falling but more like floating like a feather downwards. Both of our eyes were shut closed then I opened them. We were in a clear tube and speeding around in loops in circles towards a huge black circle like building. My gut dropped and I felt overwhelmed by horror. I panicked and screamed towards him,"I don't wanna' go in there!"

He shushed me and ran his fingers over my hair and I screamed,"We can't go in there!"

He looked at me and asked,"Why?"

I took a deep breath,"We're not going in there!"

Out bodies were being thrusting faster through the airtube towards the floating black thing connected to thousands of other tubes. I grabbed his hand and in one motion I kicked as hard as I could against the tube but it didn't break. I groaned as we neared it more and screamed,"Help!"

He nodded and we both kicked as hard as we could and then we suddenly flew straight out of the whole. I screamed and then we broke through another surface. We we're in a place with a bunch of computer monitors and was a grey color. I gulped and looked around. He made a confused look,"Every monitor doesn't have a computer next to it."

I groaned walked around searching through stuff. I found a file cabinet hiding in the corner and kicked it open. The door swung open before breaking open. I searched through it and found a briefcase. There was a name plate on it and it said,"Jerry Brown."

I flicked open the case and found 30 files. Each with a number on it.

I sat down on the floor and motioned him to come sit down next to me. I handed him the number 2 and I took the number 1. I stared at it nervous and we both opened the folders with our number on them at the same time. It was couple papers and the first one had a picture with me on it. I was smiling and saying peace to the camera with a giant grin on my face. There was beach behind me and I wearing a black bikini with a mini white swimming skirt that was as short as the bottom piece of swim wear I was wearing. I don't remember this.  All I remember was waking up in that room. Next it there was text. "Number 1: Theresa Brown.

Born on: July 4, 1994.

Father: Jerry Brown

Mother: Katylin Brown

Siblings: N/A

Likes: black, cats, ice cream, beach, food

Dislikes: pink, monkeys, onions & mushrooms, not eating

Info: Theresa Brown was the first specimen to be cloned. So far her clones do not behave like her but further testing will be done."

I gaped shocked.

I looked through every one and the first 30 were just people that were cloned and their trying to get all the clones to act and follow every moment their originals do.

Me and him were staring shocked at all the files we read throught. I choked out,"What's your name?"


"Hi, Shane. I'm Theresa."

He nodded and he said,"We gotta' get outta' here."

I nodded and felt a little bit better knowing that I wasn't a clone. We both jumped up as a huge alarm went off and the room flashed red and white. I groaned,"I think they know we've made it here."

He sighed,"Me too."

We saw a nearby door and ran through it. We suddenly looked around noticed we were in what seemed like nursery. It was a nursery of clone babies. I stared horrified as I watched huge tubes filled with a green substance get filled with different looking babies. I closed my eyes and grabbed Shane's hand. I ran forward past all the clone babies towards another door. I swung the door open and saw a ladder. I reached it and Shane said,"Let me go first."

I nodded and he walked ahead of me. He climbed up and stuck his head up into the open. He looked around and then shouted to me,"It's sa-"

I stared at him in horror as I watched something come and swipe off his head. I screamed and backed away as he headless body fell to the floor and and twitched. I felt tears run down my cheeks and I cried but only for a minute. I turned around and ran. I found a fire axe and punched the glass breaking it. I grabbed the axe and broke all the glass tubes holding the babies. They all fell out and after I finished the goo reached to my knees. They babies were all crying and I ignored them. I saw another door and pushed towards it. I opened the door and the goo slithered out. Trillions of boys and girls standing like in the army all wide eyed.

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