Beautiful Monsters

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Beautiful Monsters

I inspected him carefully, trailing my eyes down his body ever so slowly inspecting everything about this young boy. He had odd eyes, looked around 10, and had black hair that he pushed backwards out of his face. I walked in circles around him many times, and he gave me the dirtiest looks as I circled him. Finally, he spat,"What the hell is wrong with you, old hag?"

I raised an eyebrow at the child and replied patting his head,"Do you really want to say that to your head mistress?"

He scoffed while folding his arms,"I don't care who you are. As far as I know, your just an old prune, totally giving me pervy looks."

I growled slightly agigated and said lowly,"Someone needs to teach you lessons on respecting your elders."

He rolled his eyes annoyingly and said,"It's not like we're related so, until then you can eat it." He pointed to his groan, in his pants, and bit his bottom lip.

My eyes narrowed and his eyes opened to horror as he watched my eyes sink into my face and as my mouth widened to half my face, with extrememly shap teeth coming out of my gums. I growled bringing my razor-sharp teeth directly in front of his face,"Wanna' say that again, little punk?" I said in a cold voice that made chills run through his inner spine and he looked as if he was about to cry. Instead of breaking down into apologies, he did the total opposite!

He put on a brave face and said with a smirk, while his bottom lip quivered a little,"What are deaf you old hag. I said, it's not like we're related so you can freaken' eat it." He looked slightly down towards his package and I looked down too with my non existant eyes. I brought my head up towards him and in pure anger. I quickly attacked his face, leaving a wound from the the top of his eyebrow, down the right of his eye but not enough to blind him, and down his cheek stopping it at the tip of his chin. He didn't make a sound the whole time.

When I backed up, I let my face morph back and I said quietly while gently rubbing the good part of his face. His right side already had blooding drenching everwhere and I gave him a saddened look,"I gave you so many chances."

He opened both his hurt eye and good one and gave me the dirtiest looks with his beautiful, green-blue hazel eyes that anyone could give. He looked at me and said with the straightest face ever,"You digusting grandma! I said my banana not my fudgen' face. Your such a freaken' idiot, I swear! Go back to freaken' school." He ran his fingers through his hair and said with his hurt eye closed while looking up,"Why am I surrounded by such idiots?"

I clenched his face temporarly squeezing my nails, into his fair skin, before I pulled away and smacked him across his face. He coughed for a second, then spit on my shoe. I gasped and growled,"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

He replied with clenched teeth,"I just don't give a fu-"

He got cut off by the timer, and I said flattening my shirt,"We better have a great experience next time I come back."

He rolled his eyes and spat,"We will, 'cause next time you will be eating it instead of talking this freaken' much. I thought we had it covered by now that no one wants to hear your ugly voice."

I growled about to smack this disturbing child but then the door opened. I growled at him and he blew me a kiss. I whipped around and walked out the door. He watched and as soon as the door closed, I sighed. What the heck are we going to do about that child?

Chapter 2

I watched the lady walk out of the room. I immediatly fell to the floor, blood dripping on the white floor. I sighed, I hope it doesn't stain. That lady was so beautiful but you could feel an evil auro emmiting off of her. She had gold-like eyes, dark pink thick lips, a natural blush, great teeth. . . .A perfect body. I shook my head, to get myself to stop thinking about how good she looked by remembering what a monster she is, and what she did to me.

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