What's up, Esa?

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I ran down the stairs and accidentally toppled face first down the stairs on my baby sister's toy elephant. "AWHWHAHAHAH!!!!!!" I screamed and my body landed in awkward positions on each step I hit. After, what seemed like forever! I finally hit the bottom face first. I groaned in frustration and immediately saw my little sister standing in front of me grinning evilly casting dark very, very, shadows over her almost black evil, evil eyes. Suddenly, my Dad ran into the house with a bat and screamed,"I WILL GET YOU! YOU FAT ROBBER!!!!"

I gaped at him and my evil little six year sister squealed happily while running towards my Dad,"DADDY!!!"

I rolled my eyes. What a faker. I pushed myself up and my Dad said seriously,"Where's that fat robber?!"

I sighed,"Dad, I fell down the stairs."

He gave me a confused look before eyeing me up and down. He asked skeptically,"Did you gain some wait or something Secret?"

My mouth dropped open shocked and my Mom suddenly walked on the side of me and closed my mouth while walking past me towards the door,"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

I sighed before saying,"Dad, I didn't gain any weight."

"Ahem, sweetie!" My Mom chirped and added,"Can you take your sister to school for me since I'm running late."

I groaned and whined,"Dad, why can't you take her?!"

He gave me a stern look before saying,"I'm working on your car. That you broke before we got insurance on it...The first day you had it too!"

I sighed. He's never gonna' let that one go. I groaned before grabbing my little sister's small hand. "Come on, twirp. Let's get you to school."

"Bye Dad."  Me and her stated at the same time.

My Mom kissed us both on our cheeks and jammed out the front door in a second. We got outside and I ruled,"Little punk. I swear to God if you do anything! I mean anything! I will seriously hurt you! You got that!?"

She hmphed while puckering her lips in defiance, jutting her chin up and looking away from me. I rolled my eyes as I went towards my motorcycle. I slipped on my black helmet with a sick white misty, skull of it's side and put a small pink one her head with black puppy dog ears on top.. She stared at my bike in horror and asked shakily,"Are we taking Zane?"

I raised an eyebrow at her and asked while fastening her helmet on the bottom,"Why are you scared?!""

"NO! I just think Zane isn't very safe..."

I grinned heartedly and patted her helmet on the top before saying,"Awh, you know you love Zane. Anyways, it'll be quick."

She gulped and I easily picked up her light body and swung her onto the passenger seat of my street cycle. I easily jumped on after and she quickly wrapped her arms tightly around me super scared. Her body was pressed firmly against mine and I could tell she was really freaked out. I screamed at her over the engine after I turned it on,"Hold on tight!!!!!!!"

Her grip tightened on my as I kicking the stand and I exited the driveway. I love my motorcycle. I was going 50 on a 40 lane which I think I did pretty good since my baby sis was so scared. I reached the school and couldn't help myself to do on wheely while swerving right into the parking lot infront of her elementary school. The little safety guard kids that I stopped only inches from where staring at me starstruck and a little chubby boy passed out. I giggled and kicked the stand. My sister stopped her screaming and I took off her helmet while she was still on the seat. She sighed wanting to get off my bike and I easily took it off. I placed her helmet in her backpack and stated,"Remember, don't-"

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