Me, a crazy person....

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Me, a person with a crazy problems is going to die alone and old. That's what the fortune teller lady told me. I walked out of the purple tent and said out loud getting stares from everyone,"Yeah riggghhhhhtttt! That lady was probably high!"

Some people stared at me like I was crazy and I flipped them off. Don't they know it's rude to stare even if I'm crazy. I'm 18, it's my senior year, I need a boyfriend. What's to lose! I ran up to my best friend and she asked excitedly,"What'd she say?"

I looked at her angrily and said,"That stupid old hag said that I was going to die old and alone!!!!! I asked her if the president was gonna' be assasined. She was way off!!!"

She raised an eyebrow and asked,"Why'd you ask that?"

I shrugged,"I didn't know what to ask her and if I did life wouldn't be fun, ay?"

She smiled and said,"I guess you're right."

I rolled my eyes and said,"Let's go on the Merry Go Round!!!!"

She whined,"But only little kids go on it!!!!!"

"Did you just call me little!!!!" I snapped.

She opened her eyes shocked and snapped back,"NO!!!! You freaking' retard! I said little kids and we're both 18 years olds!!!!"

"Does it look like I care!!!! It's the best ride here at this stupid carnival!!!!" The only reason we came was because she wanted to see some famous band come play here and they weren't starting for another hour.

She gasped and said,"Whatever!!!! You want to be like that go by yourself!!!!"

"FINE!!!!!" I snapped at her and stuck my tongue out.

She made a face at me and strutted away. I flipped her off from behind and silently grumbled,"Stupid, stupid, stupid. Fine, I'll just go on it by myself."

I walked up to the ride and gave the guy a dollar. He raised an eyebrow at me and I gave him a mean look. Leave me alone. I'm mad. He glared back and opened the gate letting me in and a bunch of miniature people following me. I got on a white unicorn and waited for him to start the ride. I saw lot of people staring at me but I was to furious for me to care. I heard the music start and we starting moving around and up and down. I suddenly felt really happy. I love the Merry GO Round. Everyone around me started fading away and I started seeing a world of rainbows, clouds, and rivers of pink medicine. Sigh, I hate pink medicine. Suddenly, I was brought out of my dream world by frantic screaming. I looked towards where it was coming from and saw that on of the tea cup rides stopped working and the other one was heading way to fast at it. Holy crud! There's gonna be blood up in this carnival.

I saw the guy working at that ride frantically try to shut it off but failed. I looked back an forth between my unicorn and the little kids riding in the crazy teacups and sighed. I jumped off the horse and ran towards the teacups at full speed. I jumped the small fence onto the ride. By now there was a lot of screaming and the spinning tea cup was just about to hit the other one and the tea cup was spinning like crazy. Like spinning so fast it didn't even look like it was spinning. I jumped into the stopped tea cup and grabbed the little boy. I slung him onto my shoulder and jumped on to spinning tea cup. I somehow kept my balance since it was spinning so fast and grabbed the crying little girl. I saw the stopped tea cup in the distance and started to see sparks coming from the bottom of it. Holy crud. There gonna' be fire up in this tea cup!!!!! It's spinning so fast I'm gonna fall. Which way is left and right.

I bit my bottom lip and pulled down the little boy so both kids we're in my arms. Man, holding two five year olds is hard. I took on fatal last minute leap out of there and skidded across the floor on my back protecting the kids. I winced as I slid and then hit my head against the fence on the other side of the ride. Man, I slid far.

The little kids cried into my should and I looked at them making sure they were ok. I sighed happily since they were fine and a bunch of people came up to me. I looked towards the tea cups and they we're on fire!!!! I saw people with fire extinguishers and taming the fire. Whoa, those kids could've died. Man, I saw two women run up to me and snatch the kids away from me thanking me while crying. I put my hands up and said,"No biggy."

They tried offering me stuff but I declined. My best friend ran up to me and embraced me in a tight hug saying how sorry she was and asking me if I was ok.

I grinned and said,"I'm aiite. My back hurts though."

I rubbed the back of my sore head and saw that there was a huge group of people around me. Soon, I saw a news cast and a camera stuffed in my face.

I slowly stood up and a news reported pushed through the crowd and came up too me,"Hello, this is news reporter Andy and it's just in that this girl right here just saved the lives of two little children. Are you ok?"

She asked me as the camera stared at us. I looked at her and said,"Uh...yeah."

She smiled and me and ran my fingers through my dark red hair pushing my bang back,"That was miraculous what you did out there. You're a national hero."

I looked at her confused and said,"I guess. I just wanted to help the little kids."

She smiled and said,"Still that was amazing. You risked your own life to save some else's. You seem like a hero to me."

"I guess but, all in all I wasn't planning on dying any ways even if I wasn't going to save them. This carnival obviously has some problems and all the rides should probably be rechecked by a professional so none of these problems end of happening again and someone gets hurt."

She nodded happily and said,"Well, what's you,re name."

"Star Light." I replied.

"What a great name. Well, Star thank you for your time and for saving these children."

"CUT!!!!!" The camera guy screamed and the lady sighed.

She smiled at me and said,"Seriously, thanks for saving those kids."

"No problem. " I said and she walked away.

Suddenly, everyone started bombarding me with questions and thanking me at the same time. Thankfully, my best friend saved me,"If you have any questions or anything you want to say send it to this site or call this number!!!"

She suddenly started handing out a bunch of little cards! She wasn't supposed to do that. I yanked her away from the crowd clawing at the cards and .ran out of there. I ran past all the stares out of the carnival to the car.

I unlocked it and hopped in. She did too and I asked,"Where did you get those cards."

Well, yesterday I asked the fortune lady about what was gonna' happen today and she said you were gonna do something amazing if she ticked you off!"

"WHAT!!!! So, she was lying to me."

"Yup." She said smiling.

Oh great.

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