Do I have to Mommy?

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Do I have to Mommy?

I washed my face and started to head downstairs. My parents wanted to tell me something important and they never really had family meetings. Only, one time when my parents discovered that I had a part job. They made me quit but I didn't care becasue I made about $6,000 from working there for about 2 years.  It's in my saving and I still deciding what I want to do with it. I walked downstairs and when I reached the living room my mother and father were looking very sad and my older brother looked furious. I was 16 and my brother was my twin. He was about 30 seconds older than me and he always makes fun of me for it but, I still love him. I sat down and could feel the tension in the room. I looked towards my parents and said,"What's wrong Mom? Dad?"

"Yeah! What's wrong!" My brother yelled at my parents. He must be really mad. He nearly never yells.

My Dad grunted and said,"Baby, hear me out. Well, um, uh."

"Get to the point!" I shouted at my dad who was now starting to look depressed.

"You have to get married." He said.

"I know I do." I replied shrugging.

He looked up at me shocked and said,"You do?"

"Well, no der? Once, I'm an adult I'm going to fall in love, get married, have kids, grow old, and die happily." I smiled but my family didn't smile back.

I looked at them confused and then my brother hissed angerly,"No, you're getting an arranged marriage!"

"What! This is not the time for joking around!" I screamed at them.

"He's not lying." My mom said.

I sunk lower in the couch and whispered,"You guys are freakin' crazy."

My mom looked up me at the brink of crying and said,"I'm so sorry baby! I didn't want to but we had no choice or else me and your father would lose our jobs."

I started laughing and after my laughing fit I said with as much hate as possible,"What gave you guys the right to decide what goes on my life. Now, I'm bound to a stupid marriage because you guys are stupid idiots! What's next I have to move in with him!?"

My parents looked at the ground and nodded.WTF! They weren't supposed to answer that question. I screamed at them,"You know what! You guys are the worst and I hate you!" I looked towards my brother and he nodded. I started heading towards the door and my bro followed me out of it. We walked outside and walked to the park in silence. When we reached the park it was isolated and we sat on the swings together. He looked towards me as we sat on the swings unmoving and said,"I'm sorry. I wish I could do anything to stop it but I can't. I would do anything for  my little sister but I can't do anything."

He looked down at the ground sad, I smiled at him and said,"Thanks bro but, it's ok. I've been thinking about it and I figured that Mom and Daddy really regret it. I decided to see the bright side of this situation. Mom always told me that she didn't believe in the bright side of every situation but I always did. I'm helping my parents in some kinda' twisted way and he might not actually be a bad guy. I don't like the fact that I have to marry him but I'm probably going to say no at the alter when I'm eighteen and run away to France with you."

"Yeah. I always wanted to marry a French woman. Well, ready to go home now?" He asked smiling.

I returned it and we walked back home. When I got their I told my parents sorry and they apologized too. They told me my new husband was coming to get me at 8 P.M so I had to pack. I only had 2 hours. So now I'm packing all my stuff away in a big luggage. I packed all my stuff and all I could think of how I was going to ruins this poor guys life. I smiled evily at myself and continued packing my stuff. I finished and got ready. I put on some black skinny jeans and a blue tanktop. I kept my long deep purple hair colored hair down. I put on some fake blue glasses and happily slipped on my blue flats. By the time the door bell was rung and my mom called me down I looked good. Nice and spiffy! Is that even a word? I walked down stares and was met face to face with a guy with warm blue eyes and was dressed casually. He looked nice and I was thinking of actaully being nice to him until he said,"I am not marrying this!" I walked up to him and put my foot up as if I was going to kick his balls and he saw me do this. He covered his balls and I faked it and threw a punch straight at his face. He fell back onto the ground in disbelief and I started kicking him all over. I put my foot on his chess in victory and shouted at him,"I am not a 'THIS'!!!!!". Then, I started laughing evily. After, my little phase was over I skipped over to my mom, dad, and bro and pecked them all on the cheeks. They looked at me in shock. I shouted at them with my luggage in my hands,"I love you guys!" I jumped in my car and thought,'This is going to be fun.'

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