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“Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand.”

In the beginning, there lived a man and a woman. They lived in a far-off place, past the horizons, past the deeply nourished skies, through the depths of the mountains, near the glistening stars, in some place called Heaven.  They lived alone. They weren’t lonely though. 

Every day both of them would walk the grassy plains taking in the beautiful art surrounding them. Sculpted trees that looked oh so perfect as the wind gently caressed and danced with them. Flowers of all kinds, names that were out of the ordinary, extraordinary. Various fruits beginning their first lights, ripening and reaching their full potential of greatness. Clouds that riveted their eyes with both imagination and dedication. The skies that took hold of the world and wrapped it all together in a beautiful blue bow. The ground, dirt, which was brown and vile with discomfort moved and sifted easily maneuvering and changing to the ever growing world. You learn to appreciate something that started all life.

As to say, this couple was never alone. So many beautiful and wonderful things surrounded them in which many other people couldn’t conceive. We all look at the bad in the world before enjoying and appreciating the good. The only way to fully appreciate anything is to separate yourself from yourself and comprehend what you already know. If you can’t do this, you’re just going to live in a world of sadness, despair, pain, hurt, and regret. That kind of life is never good for the soul. Truthfully, we are a part of this beautiful picture we call “Life” and whether we choose to appreciate this master piece and become a part of it, we will never learn and see past it into the abyss.

Why would you want to hide in the darknesss, hurting instead of healing yourself in the light? The world is anything you want it to be.

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