Haunted House

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Haunted House

We walked into the haunted house and almost immediately when I saw some scary guy I latched on to anybody near me. That person I latched on was not anyone I knew. I bounced off of the person in a second and murmured sorry. I looked around and found my friends. I quickly scampered off to them and we still waited in line. Well you see we were waiting in to get into the biggest haunted house ever! We will waiting in line, in the dark, and scary guys in masks were walking around us scaring the heck out of me. I hugged my best guy friend. He was gay. It was awesome having a gay best friend. I hugged him tightly because I hate haunted houses. Why did I agree to come. Oh, yeah! I owed him one. I loosely unattached myself from him but my arms were was still around his neck. I whimpered to him,"Do you think if I make a run for it I'll make it."

He shook his head and he's always right. I sighed and waited in the line occasionally rehugging him for the fright. We finally got to the door to go into the maze and I bit my lip from anticipation. The guy opening the door to let us in said,"Sorry, one person at a time."

I bit my lip and shoved my best friend, King, (P.S. Doesn't he have a cool name. Too bad he's gay.) towards the door,"You go first. I'll meet you at the end." He smiled weakly and decided that he would let me off the hook. He went in and I waited and waited. I felt someone staring at me but shrugged it off because I'm really scared right now. Then the guy said it was my turn. Well, you see it was a maze and not so scary people dress up as very scary things and chase you around pretending like they're gonna' hurt you. For all I know one of these guys could really be a killer. I went into the dark hallway and made one of the first crucial decisions of my life. There were 4 different dark pathways to take and they were all the same amount in scariness. I chose the last one to the right and slowly walked into the dark hallway. I could here chains rattling as I came closer to the first guy to pretend to want to kill me. I reached it and some guy with chains hooked up to his hands and feet ran up to me and started swinging his huge knife at me. I screamed and he chased me for a rather long time to I figure he went back. I started walking again and some girl dressed up like the grudge popped out from a wall and started chasing me. I got chased some many times and got lost with the many passageways that I started crying. Yes, I started crying. I dropped to the floor and hid in the corner. I want to get out of here. I let soft sobs except my mouth and almost blended perfectly into the wall with my black skinny jeans and black tank top.

A Boys POV

While wating inline I got hugged by some girl. She hugged me and then she was gone. If I didn't see her hiding in the corner crying I would have thought for the rest of my life that she was a ghost. I went up to her and from the dim light I saw her tear stained face. I said kindly to her,"Are you ok?"

Her lips quivered as she said,"I want to get out."

"Come on. I'll get you out of here." I held out my hand to her and she nodded and shakingly took it. I smiled and found an emergency exit. Once she reached outside I saw how beautiful she was. She was 4,11. Had bright green eyes, full pink lips, a permanent blush, and from the looks of it she had the most soft shiny black hair I ever seen. Her face had tear stains and once she saw this dude that was very tall she ran over to him like a freakin' lighting. One second she's here the next minute she isn't. I felt a ping of jealously. Wait! Don't tell me I'm crushin' on I girl I just met. Great. Just great. She ran up to him and sobbed in his chest. Her ran his fingers through her hair and they sat down. I think she fell asleep. He picked her up easily and walked up to me. He smiled and said,"Thanks for bringing her out of there. I shouldn't have forced her to go in there."

I accidently said,"Sure. Are you guys dating?"

He chuckled and said,"No. I'm gay."

I opened my eyes wide in shock and said,"Oh. Well, what grade are you  guys in. She's awfully short."

He raised and eyebrow and replied,"We're seniors."

"Oh. That's cool. I just moved here."

"Well,  I hope you are going to the same high school as us so I kinda' gotta' go because a girl is sleeping in my arms so bye." He said and winked. I wonder what high school she goes too.

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