Fred Weasley

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I was speechless. It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. "Wow."

My mom just giggled and said, "That was my reaction when I saw it for the first time too. I know it's a lot to take in, but we have to get moving now if we want to be back home by supper."

So we made our way to Gringotts first, seeing that we only had muggle money on us. From here we went to my mother's vault, it was filled with mounds of gold, silver, and bronze coins. "Mother what is this?" I asked, taking the gold coin she was holding into my own hand.

"Ah that's right I forgot to tell you about the money system. This is a Galleon. There are 17 Sickles, the silver ones, in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts, the bronze ones, in a Sickel. It's going to be easy to catch on after a while."

Slowly my mum and I made it back to ground level and headed to get new uniforms, a beautiful brown barn owl, and my school supplies. All I needed was my wand now. "Oh, Bethany would you mind if I went to the book store really fast. Don't give me that look. You will be fine on your own. Mr. Olivander is a nice old fellow. I know you can do it!" And with that she ran off.

"Grand. Thanks mum." I mutered to myself as I found myself alone. Part of me was excited, I took all the shops around me in for the first time. It was a marvel to look at. I decided to start making my way to Olivanders. I followed the street back to the bank to see if I could find any sign of it, but kept going in circles as I found myself in front of Gringotts again. I was lost. "Okay relax. This place isn't that big. Olivanders must be around he-."


Before I could finish my thought, a boy who looked around my age pelted right into me. He had great big brown eyes and blazing red hair. He held out his hand to help me up off the ground.

"Uh. Sorry 'bout that. My brother George here thought it would be funny to push me out into the street." The red head boy looked right into my eyes before finishing his introduction, "I'm Fred by the way - Fred Weasley. I'll be starting my first year at Hogwarts this year. By the looks of the books you have, I would say you are too."

"Yep. This will be my first year also." I said shyly.

"Not much of a talker are you. Oh well, George and I will pick up on your slack. " He told me with a wink. "In case you couldn't tell, I can talk for ages. Same with George. I guess that is what happens when you have a twin, always trying to beat the other to the punch line first. Anyway it was nice meeting you- er.. What's your name again?"

"Bethany. Bethany Violet." I held out my hand politely so the boy could shake it. He smiled and grasped my hand tightly.

"Well nice meeting you Beth. Hope that's alright to call you. Bethany just seems like a mouthful to say all the time, but anyways my mum wants me over at the bookstore. Hope to see you soon!" And with one last smile he left. Even though he was utterly cocky. I had a feeling I would end up liking this guy for some odd reason.

I smiled to myself with a new confidence due to meeting a friend before term started, I decided to go left at the intersection I found myself turned around at and finally found Olivanders. Mr. Olivander greeted me in his shop and talked about my mum choosing her wand, he told me while reciting the story he remembers every single wand he sells and to whom he sells it to. Amazed by his memory and amazing story telling, I found myself in the store for almost half an hour. But, after trial and error consisting with an accidental firework show indoors, I eventually found the perfect wand. Dogwood with unicorn tail as the core, 10 and three quarters inch long. Mum met up with me just as I was paying and had a brief exchange with Mr. Olivander. We made our way back to where we started and using the floo network made our way back home.

With all the excitement that went on today from meeting Fred the crazy red head, to finding the prefect wand, I jumped straight into bed too tired for any more excitement for a while.

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