The Snowball Fight

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I walked down to the common room after mailing my letter to Lucy and changing into some less wet clothing. I saw that Fred was sprawled on the couch snoring and George was on the chair drooling everywhere. I had to pick between the two, because I knew I wasn't going to be able to scare them both. I decided to go with Fred. So I creeped up beside the couch and put my face really close to his. I never really noticed before but he had a really nice face. It was almost cute seeing him lay there. But before I felt guilty I poked him in the chest and suddenly his eyes flew open and he screamed.
"Agghhh!" *plump* he fell down onto the floor while George was stupidly muttering,
"What? Where's the cat!"
I couldn't control myself. I started laughing hysterically. "You. Haha. Guys. Hahaha. Are so. Haha. Stupid." I said still laughing.
"Why would you give someone a bloody heart attack! Dear Merlin Beth. A simple "wake up" would do next time!" Said Fred sitting back down onto the couch.
"Sorry. I just had to seise the opportunity. Never know when you two will be in your element." I said still smiling.
"Well I suppose it could have been worse." Said Fred.
"Oh really? And how's that?" I asked.
"It could have been an ugly face that woke me up. Instead it was just a normal one." He replied.
"Ouch. Normal?" I asked pretending to be hurt.
"Yes normal... You still woke us up." He said eyeing me.
"It's noon! You should be happy I woke you up. I've been up sense 8:40!"
"Wait... Where were you then? We knocked on the girls dorm door so if you were awake you would have answered." Said George.
"I went flying with Oliver. Extra practice." I said trying to suppress my smile.
"Oh. That would make since then. How was it? Didn't look too cold when we came down here around 11." Said Fred.
"Yeah. Weather was nice. And the practice was okay. Oliver was a little rusty and my aim was pathetic. Other than that we had some fun." I said nonchalantly.
"Well good thing you went early. It's snowing now." said George.
"What!?" Said Fred and I together.
We headed to the window that George was standing by and sure enough there was about a foot of snow on the ground already.
"It's so pretty! Too bad it won't stay like that for long" I said.
"What?" Said Fred.
"Why?" Finished George.
"Because we are going to have the worlds biggest snowball fight." I said smiling.
"Wicked" they said.

We waited till the next day to have the snowball fight so the snow was almost a foot deep. We went out around 4 p.m. So we could be back in time for supper at 6. We also invited Charlie, Percy and Oliver to join us. Everyone but Percy accepted the welcome, not that that is a surprise. We were walking out of the castle when Fred said.
"We should do a team thing. Like who can make the best fort, and most hits."
We all nodded our heads in agreement and made Oliver and Charlie captains. Charlie picked Fred and me, so George was alone with Oliver.
"Okay since you guys have one less person we will give you 10 extra min to start building. We can make our fort down the hill." Said Charlie.
I walked by George and Oliver and got a nod and "good luck" from each of them. I told them I don't need any luck but I'll accept it anyway. They just laughed and continued working on the fort. 10 min. later Charlie, Fred and I and our way down the hill and decided to make a simple fort. It had three sides with a little "window" in the front to see if the were coming or not. I looked at my watch, we only had a hour left to have a fight. I was about to say something to Fred when a blob of snow hit me on the top of the head. I got up to see George getting another snowball ready when Fred yelled from behind.
"Ahhhhh! Ambush! Get them!"
I realized Oliver was on the other side of our fort and I grabbed some snow and packed it as fast as I could and threw and hit him square in the face. I was laughing when I then was hit by George from the other side. Fred and Charlie were now attacking Oliver so I had George to handle myself. We were sending snowballs back and forth when I was then grabbed from the behind and lifted over someone's shoulders. I looked up to see George, Oliver, and Charlie laughing.
"Fred!! Put me down!" I said annoyed and laughing at the same time.
"Nope. You failed our team. So you must suffer the consequences."
"Oh so it was just me then? Who was it then who had to throw around a hundred snowballs at Oliver until they hit him once." I said remembering looking over to see that Fred had horrible aim when trying to get Oliver.
"Yes. Very true. He only hit me like twice in the past hour." Said Oliver.
Everyone but Fred was laughing. He was a little red, but I knew he knew we were joking.
"So. Can I be put down now? We are at the castle, and I highly doubt you can carry me up the stairs." I told Fred.
"Now see here. You are rather light so don't worry about that. But stairs on the other hand. Yeah I'm going to let you down." He said letting me down gently. His hands stayed on my hips for longer than they needed to so I looked away blushing as did he.
"Come on love birds. You are blocking the stairs." Said Charlie.
So we all went back up to the Gryffindor Tower where we changed into dry clothes and such. We all then had a great time telling our adventure to Professor Dumbledore who was at the feast sitting at the Gryffindor table with us.
"When do you last think he had a snowball fight?" Asked Fred whispering into my ear. Just then a snowball hit the top of his head and I looked at Dumbledore who was shaking with laughter. I finally realized he must have heard what Fred had said and made a snowball himself. I was laughing with Dumbledore and enjoying the rest of the feast. Oliver and I talked more Quidditch strategies for the next game which was against Slytherin.
Once the feast was over we all were talking about what we should do tomorrow since it was Christmas.
"How about we just relax and hang out together?" I suggested.
"Thats exactly what I was thinking." Said Fred. I smiled at him and realized it was already 11:34. I told the rest of them goodnight while Fred walked me up to my dorm.
"Well. Goodnight Beth. Lo-I'll see you tomorrow."
"Night Fred. Try and get some sleep tonight. Don't want a repeat of this morning." I said smiling remembering scaring him.
"Eh. I wouldn't mind it. It was nice seeing you first thing in the morning." He said looking slightly embarrassed scratching his neck.
"Oh Fred. You are too sweet sometimes." I said and I don't know what made me do it but I kissed him on the cheek. And before I had to look at him again I yelled "goodnight" and ran into my dorm.
Why did I just do that.... Oh god. Just forget that happened and he will too. But there was a part of me that didn't want to forget, and I didn't know what part of me that was.

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