Grandmother's New Locket

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I run away from the scene as fast as I can. I look for someplace to hide when I run into a young boy.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" I say wiping away my tears.
He straightens his glasses out and looks at me. He gets this sad look on his face probably because I'm still sort of crying. But then he smiles and says, "That's alright. I'm quite used to being ran into. But thanks for the apology. I never hear them." Says the young boy.
I try to stop crying by distracting myself. That is when I look at his forehead, and see something rather strange. A scar. It's shaped like a lightning bolt. Interesting.
"Are you going to Hogwarts this year?" I ask him.
"Yeah. It's my first year. Sorry to be a bother, but could you point out Olivanders? It's my first time here, and I'm alone." Says the boy sheepishly.
"Yeah just keep walking straight and it is on your left a few shops down." I say pointing down the Alley.
"Thanks.. Er what's your name?" Says the boy.
"Bethany Violet. But you can call me Beth. I'm a third year at Hogwarts. Anyway hope to see you around.. Um. Sorry what's your name?" I say chuckling a little.
"Harry. Harry Potter." Says the boy now known to me as Harry.
"Well nice meeting you Harry. See you around!" I say walking away.
Harry Potter. I swear I have heard that name before. Hm.
I continue walking until I stumble into a shop and take a look around. It has some antiques and such and I look for something for grandma for her birthday.
I look around the shop quietly when the lady who is the owner spots me and asks, "Hello Dear! What are you looking for today?"
"Just something for my grandma. It's her birthday." I say quietly.
"Ah! Well I have just the thing. Come come!" I follow her to the front of the shop where she stops at a glass covered case, taps her wand on the glass and opens the door pulling out a necklace.
"Here we have one of the finest lockets to be found in Diagon Alley. Place a picture of the one you love the most inside and it talks to you. Tells you how they are doing. For example." She says pulling out of her pocket a small picture of a baby. She places the picture inside of the locket and ally he sudden asks.
"How is Lucy?" The locket glows and says in return.
"She is talking to her friends. Happy." And the glow fades away.
"Wow." I breathe. "How much?"
"17 Gallons."
"I'll take it." I says pulling. Out my bag of money handing her 17 gallons.

I find grandma waiting for me outside of the leaky caldron entrance.
"Well how was your day?" She says. I can smell fire whiskey on her breath. Oh grandma. At least someone had fun on their birthday. I don't want to tell her about Oliver so I tell her about the encounter with Harry.
"Wait! Did you say Harry Potter?" she says stopping in her tracks.
"Yes? Why?" I ask.
She looks at me. Astonished by the fact I have no idea who this boy is. Wait. How does she know?
"You met Harry Potter? The boy who lived?" She says grasping my shoulders.
"The boy who lived?" I ask even more confused as ever.
"You don't know the story of the boy who defeated He Who Must Not be Named?" Asks my grandma.
"I'm sorry? Who?" I ask even more puzzled than ever.
"Let's go home. I'll explain it all there." She says getting ready to use Floo Powder.
"Wait. Grandma. I have something for you." I say holing out a poorly wrapped present for her.
"What is this?" She asks unwrapping it revealing the locket.
Place of picture of me and you in it. And ask 'How is Bethany?' The rest is self explanatory." I say smiling.
"You are the best granddaughter. Now let's go." She says hugging me. She walks off and says, "Home." And disappears in a green flame.
I do the same and return to grandmas. This is when I realize my definition of home has changed. From a home with mother to a home with grandma. I know that this is my new home. My new life.

Once at home my grandma explains who Harry is. How he is a orphan, how he stopped Volde- sorry. He Who Must Not be Named, only as a little baby. This kid is a hero to the Wizarding World! I can't believe I didn't recognize his name from somewhere.
Grandma and I finish the day off with some cake and ice cream. While doing this she would whisper to the locket and it would always reply,
"Bethany is happily eating cake. She is stuffed."
We would laugh until our stomachs hurt. Finally around 1 am we decided to call it a night. I went upstairs to my bedroom and tried going to sleep.
Believe me. I tried. But is is now 4 am and I have received not a wink of sleep. I don't know what to do so I decide to write Lucy. Telling her what happened between Oliver and I. But before I tie the letter to Moe's foot I decide to hold the letter and save it for tomorrow. Instead I decide to write to George.

"Dear Georgie,
Well you won't believe what happened to me today. And no it wasn't that I turned 13 thank you. (By the way, thanks for the sweets!) I was grabbing a book at Flourish and Blotts and I ran into Fred. Weird right? Anyway it gets a whole lot more interesting. I was paying for my book after my encounter with Fred and looked out the shop. Oliver was talking to another girl. Then... Then he. Then he snogged her. I wrote him as soon as I got home today saying we were over and I never want to talk to him again, but he replied with a long letter. I didn't open it. Instead I threw it in the trash.
Fred was right about him. He was just using me.
Much Love,

I tie the letter to Moe and send him on his way. I finally let myself fall into a dreamless sleep and didn't realize the owl sitting on the edge on my window, until I woke up the next morning.

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