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"No. Not her. Take me. Take me!"

"We don't need you for this you old hag. We need a little younger blood."

"She's done nothing wrong. TAKE ME!"


I awoke with a jolt. I was sitting upright in my bed, sweaty, and paralyzed with fear. It was only a dream. But, it was so real, and I saw these... things, and my Grandma, she was there too. They wanted someone, but my grandma was telling them to take her.

I got up out of my bed to think this thing through. It was just a dream. Nothing more. I decide that I need some fresh air to clear my head. I walk over to the window and dawn is nearly here. I decide to take a shower before the boys herd the bath. I take my time thinking and thinking about what I had just saw. Who did those cloaked things want. They sounded like men, but they had funny masks on. It is just too weird.

Once done with my bath I brush my hair into a braid and put on a light floral print shit and a pair of jeans. I decide against make-up due to the fact that the twins and I will probably be doing something that involves running and pranking Percy. While thinking this I hear something *pop* outside my window. From Ginny's room you can see the whole yard and I see a car, the same one that left the shed last night, return to its place. Then I see what, or in this  case who, the boys brought back with them. Harry Potter.

I rush down the stairs, but it is too late.

"YOU COULD HAVE DIED, YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SEEN! Oh of course I don't blame you Harry dear."

I muffle my laughter with my hands full on covering my mouth. Oh I am never going to let the twins forget about this one. Being yelled at by their mother, priceless.

"Now, time for a spot of breakfast."

I hear these words and finish my decend down the stars. I smell delightful foods and my nose leads me to the kitchen. I walk in and I see Harry shoving his face full of food.

"Hey Harry!" I say making my way into the chair next to George.

Harry takes a moment to swallow. "Oh, hey Beth. When did you get here?"

"Last night. I would ask you the same, but I saw you this morning in the car." Mrs. Weasley hands me a plate of food as I finish answering.

"I bet you disapprove of what the boys did. Flying that car. How could you." Says Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, of course." I say smiling to where no one but, Fred who is sitting across from me can see. He smiles back as in a "thank you for understanding" type of manner.

As we are sitting at the breakfast table Mr. Weasley comes home from work and hears all about the car incident. He at first excited, but Mrs. Weasley straightened him out. It was quite funny to witness. Then Ginny came down the stairs only to run back up at the sight of Harry. Oh young love. Just as I was thinking to myself Errol hits the window and Percy is sent to fetch him.

"Ah, Dumbledore must know you are both here Harry and Beth, he sent your letters as well." says Percy.

"This won't come cheap mum." says Fred. Who I can tell is really worried about the money issue.

"Well there is only one place we are going to get all this Diagon Alley."

A few days pass and we are heading to Diagon Alley. Lee and Lucy have already gotten their things so we decided to go on the day that Hermione was planning on going, which is today. We decide to travel by Flo Powder. Harry is they only one that has yet to travel by it so Ron shows him how it is done. Once Ron had disappeared in a ball of flames, Harry steps in Mrs. Weasley gives him some last second tips and Harry lifts his arms and says something completely different than Diagon Alley. Not having any time to worry about where Harry ended up at we all make our way into the fireplace and one by one disappear into a flash of burning green flames.

Once all there we make out way to a book singing that Mrs. Weasley and Hermione are eager to go to.

"Who is signing all the books today again Fred?" I ask.

"Gilderoy Lockhart. He wrote half of the books on our reading list."

"Lock- wait, Lockwho?" I say never hearing the name before.

"Lock-hart." says Fred chuckling.

"I bet the Defense the Dark Arts teacher is a huge fan then." We both laugh. Just as this happens I, being me, lose my balance and trip over a loose brick in the Alley. Just as I am about to hit the ground Fred catches me. I look up and he starts to blush, making me do the same. I know we are great friends, but when I see him my stomach just fills with butterfly's.  "Oh what would I do without you Fred?"

"Probably break a few bones." and as he says this he walk a bit faster to catch up with George. Ginny them comes up behind me.

"He wouldn't stop talking about you to George this whole summer, but now that you are here, he won't say anything."

"I could say the same to you. Your run-in with Harry the other morning didn't go very well." I say.

"That's different. I haven't actually talked to Harry in person. You and Fred are... well your really great friends at the least. You two should just date already. I mean you are in your fourth year at Hogwarts. It's not like you don't know each other." and as this eleven year old makes sense to me I roll my eyes and keep thinking to myself, it wouldn't be that easy. Fred and I are as Ginny said, really great friends. I don't want to mess that up. Plus I don't even think that Fred  likes me like that.

As we go to the Book signing, we find Harry who ended up on Knockturn Alley. Fred and George are always trying to go down there. I don't understand why. Its cold and creepy down there, not to mention the people who, I don't know what they do, but they just scare me. We also learn that Lockhart is going to be our new Defense against the Dark Arts Professor. How... and Why? I don't know. Herminone is excited as ever though. She and Mrs. Weasley are the first ones in line to receive their copies of "Magical Me," signed by the man.

Wanting air I exit the store and look up to see a man with long silver hair walk farther into the store, Draco Malfoy following close behind. Because I am wanting to be outside of the store I push past them, but not before I hear Malfoy yelling at Harry. Mr. Malfoy I presume the man is, steps in and continues talking. I try listening to the conversation, but cannot hear anything because of the loud Alley to my right. I wait, now worried about what is going on, for the twins and everyone else to come outside.

As I am waiting, I see, wait no it can't be. But I see my mum, who should be out of the country right now, walk into Knockturn Alley. As I get up to follow her Mr. Weasley, now tired and upset abut something, asks us all if we are finished with our shopping. We all shake out heading in an agreement and head back home. I nod also and we head back to the fireplace that dropped us off here this morning. I keep glancing around trying to fin done last sign of my mum. What was she doing down here?

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