On The Hogwarts Express

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"Ah, it is you. I thought I recognized that head of blonde curls you got there. Not sure if you remember me but-" before he could finish I interrupted.

"Yes, Fred Weasley I know who you are." I answered in a annoyed tone.

"Well, my bad Beth." He said, slightly surprised by my tone. "Anyway, do you mind if my brother and I sit with you, getting here a bit late and the compartments are filling up."

I realized my tone may have been wrong and decided to make a turn for the better now, "I guess that would be fine, some company would be nice."

"Sweet." He smiled noticing my change in emotion. "I'm going to go get him and say goodbye to my mother. She would go ballistic if she didn't see us off."

"You go do that, I can save the seats." I said as I pulled out one of my favorite muggle novels, The Great Gatsby. Around 5 minutes later Fred and his brother came and take the two seats across from me.

"Ah, so this is Bethany, my brother has been talking about for the past week." Said the other red head as he sat down. "I'm George by the way, this things twin brother."

"Was not talking about her! I simply said how I bumped into her, and she took offense to my natural charm." Said the now rather red in the face Fred.

"Ah, so I'm not worth the time to talk about now, am I? How rude of you to say." I said without looking up from my book. George started chuckling, while Fred was about to say something, but thought otherwise.

"But on another note. It's nice to meet you, George. Hopefully you can walk without running into people." I said, raising my head from my book to extend a hand his way. He took it and we shook, now introduced.

"Damn Fred, I like her already." George said smiling. "So, any idea what house you are going to be in Beth?"

"Well, my mum was in Ravenclaw, but I don't really want to be in that house. I read all about them, but the one that stood out the most was Gryffindor. Plus, they say the headmaster was in that house as well and he seems wonderful from what I have been reading." I said.

"Well, our whole family has been in Gryffindor, we have three older brothers. Bill just finished school and is working in Egypt. Charlie still goes here, he's in his 6th year, same with Percy he's in his 3rd year though. Mum and Dad were both in Gryffindor too. So, if we don't make it in there I'll be surprised." Said Fred.

"Well, if we don't get put in the same house, will you two still be my friends. It's rather weird but I sort of like you two. I don't make friends easy and talking to you guys just feels so natural." Why did I just say that. They probably think I'm weird.

"Of course, we will still be friends with you!" They said in unison. I was now blushing but was extremely happy they were now my friends. We talked about random things for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts, turns out that they are some serious pranksters. I laughed at what they did to Percy the last day of break. Apparently, they have magical gnomes in their garden and put one in Percy's room. It ended up biting him on the buttocks. I never laughed so hard in my life. Finally, a 5th year girl told us that we should change into our robes before we arrive. So, Fred and George stepped out of the compartment for me to change and I did she same for them. Finally, the train came to a stop, and we were told to leave our things behind, for they would be taken up separately to the school. While walking out onto the platform I heard a huge man yell, "FIRST YEARS! First years this way!" But I almost didn't hear him because of the enormous castle that was in the distance. It was spectacular and glowing from the inside.

"Wow." I simply said.

"It's huge!" Said the twins.

Unfortunately, we were distracted from our thoughts when we needed to board boats to head to the school. We were joined by a boy named Lee Jordan, who turned out to be a nice fellow. Next thing we knew we were walking up to the castle up a few flights of stairs and waiting outside two giant brass doors.

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