Who is She?

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"Surprise! I got off for the next week so I'm taking you with me and then to your grandmas for the rest of break! Exciting isn't it!" My mum smiled and hugged me as she said this. I on the other hand stood there not knowing what to do.

"Yeah. Great." I manage to say.

Mum looks at me as to say, "that's all?"  But I ignore her glare and look at her. She is complete different. The last time I saw her... Which was Merlin knows when... She had a warmth to her face. Now she looks pained and pale. Her long blonde hair is now short and covers her face. She also looks like she has lost about 20-30 pounds. Not saying she was big before, but she did have some natural curves that are now gone.

"Well, let's head home." She says trying to ease the tension and grabs my trunk and heads to the car.
The car ride home is completely silent except for Moe. Who keeps hooting, as to say "WHO IS THIS?" Same Moe. Same. I don't even know how to have a conversation with this woman.

Once at mums house I decide not to even unpack my bag completely due to the fact I'm leaving in a few days anyway. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. "What am I doing here? I should be with grams." I think to myself. I continue on with my thoughts when I hear a knock at my door.

"Hello Dear. I just though we would go get a bite to eat! What would you like?" My mum asks peeking through my door.

"I'm not feeling too well actually..." I lie to her.

"Oh. Well if you feel better let me know! We can get something anytime!" She says sounding disappointed.

"Okay." I say turning my head to the wall. I hear her shut the door and walk away. Okay yes. I'm being a pain, but she basically abandoned me! What does she think will happen? I will be completely fine with her leaving for a year and then showing up again!? Ugh. I grab a piece of parchment from my desk and begin to write.

"Fred and George,
I'm only writing this early because my mum came and got me from the train station today. I have no idea how to talk to her. She's not the same.
With love,

"Here Moe. I know it's a long journey. But I know you can do it." I say attaching the letter to his leg. With a hoot he climbs out of the window and flies away. I spend the rest of my night in my room and fall into a uneasy sleep.

"Does she know?"


"Beth? Does she know you are one?"

"Why of course not! She wouldn't possibly know I am one. She doesn't even know what one exactly is."

"Would it look bad? If others knew?"

"Yes! Which is why you can't say anything! To anyone!"

I suddenly woke up and realized I was sweating. "What kind of dream was that?" I said aloud to myself. I look at my clock and saw the time read 7:27 am. I decided I wasn't going to get anymore sleep and went to my bathroom to draw a bath. Once the tub was full, I sat down and finally had time to relax. Millions of things were running through my head. But the one thought I couldn't shake was the dream. A man and a woman were talking. The woman sounded familiar and the man... I have no idea who the man was or is. Let's face it. It was just a dream. It probably meant nothing. It was nothing! Just a dream. With this now in mind I sunk deeper into the bath and stayed there for what felt like forever.

Once done with my bath I got out and headed to my room to change. I decide to go with a hoodie and jeans. Digging through my trunk for my hoodie I stumbled on something that wasn't mine. I pulled it out and smiled immediately. It was a sweater made by Mrs. Weasley. It was huge, green and had the letter F embroidered in the center. I decided to put it on with a light pair of jeans and a pair of black fuzzy socks. I put my soaking wet hair into a braid that went down my back. My hair is now black except for the last few inches. They were still a blondish color. Once ready for the day I looked at the time to see it was only 9:18 am. Feeling my tummy growl from no supper last night, I decide to head down to the kitchen and make myself a huge pancake.

Walking down the stairs I smell something delicious and hurry down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see my mother by the stove. I then look over to the table and see a man.

"Hello there Beth. Your mother has told me all about you. I'm Amycus Carrow." Says the man. My mum turns around and smiles.

"Ah! Beth! I was going to tell you a friend of mine would be stopping by, but you were fast asleep already last night! Here have a pancake!" She said holing a huge delicious looking pancake in a plate.
"Eh. No thanks. I'm still not feeling all that well. I think I'll just have an apple." I say grabbing one from the fruit basket, avoiding my mum and What's-his-faces eyes.

"Oh well do feel better soon dear! I'll check up in on you in a few hours!" Yells my mum from the kitchen. I'm already halfway up the stairs and shut my door and lock it. The reason behind this is my mum would never EVER, bring a man home without my knowing, and my mum cannot I repeat cannot cook.

Who is this woman.

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