Quidditch Party

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Months had passed with really nothing happening. Slytherin won the Quidditch tournament, and our team took a lazy third place. Charlie blames himself for our loss against Ravenclaw. The snitch was right by his head and he didn't see it, so the other team's seeker snatched it right in front of him. He hasn't spoken to us in a few days now. We have told him it wasn't his fault, but he won't believe us.

"Charlie. Come on. It's not just your fault. I could have scored more goals so we would have been in second! Don't be so hard on yourself. You have lead this team to plenty of wins your past 6 years on the team. We will all miss you. So come celebrate our 3rd place win." I said to Charlie in the Great Hall at supper.
"Celebrate our 3rd place win." He chuckles softly. "Alright. Fine. Just one question. What are we doing?"
I smile mischievously at him and say, "don't worry. You will see. Meet the team in the common room at 12 o'clock tonight. Fred and George have something planned."
"Oh Merlin. This can't be good." He says getting up from his seat.

A few hours later I meet the team in the common room. Everyone is here except Charlie.
"Where is the bloody fellow. This celebration is for him." Said Alicia.
"I'm not going to wait much longer." Said Angelina almost asleep on the couch.
"He said he would come just give him a second." I said.
After a few long minutes we heard footsteps on the stairs and around the corner we saw Charlie's dazed face looking at us.
"Sorry. I fell asleep. Anyway. What's the plan." He asked.
"Well right this way. But, be quiet we don't want any teachers finding us." Said George.
We all followed him down the hall way. I was walking next to Oliver who leaned over and asked, "any idea what's going on?"
"None." I said. Which wasn't a lie, but wasn't a truth either. The twins and I have been sneaking food from the kitchens all day. Where they took it, I have no idea. Probably a tower where we could be loud and have some fun.

Finally after a few flights of stairs and navigating our way through long corridors we made it to the end of a hallway and a lift was shining through a door at the end. We got to the end of the hall and opened the door. What we saw inside was incredible. FOOD. Everywhere. There was also music playing in an old record player, and the twins even managed to get a few gallons of butterbeer.
"How did you guys get all this stuff?" Said Charlie. Looking at the food and butter beer mysteriously.
"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs of course." Seeing all the weird looks they were getting the twins chimed in with, "we got it from the kitchens and a 3rd year from the butter beer for us. Now let's PARTY!"

No one wanting to object anymore to the delicious food smiled and all started dancing and eating food. We started a drinking game with some firewhisky for Charlie and the rest of us downed 4 gallons of butterbeer within 30 minutes! Angelina and George were dancing in the middle of the room and Fred grabbed Charlie and Alicia and started spinning them in circles. So Oliver, who was either very tired or very intoxicated from some firewhisky probably taken away from Charlie, came over to me almost tripping and picked me up and spun me around.
"Oliver! Put me down!" I said laughing with glee.
"You have to say the magic word!" He said rather loudly.
"Oliver Wood. Do me an amazing favor and put me down... PLEASE." I said in the most childish voice I could do.
"Oh alright." He placed me back on the ground and I thanked him. But, before I could walk away he grabbed my waist and started slow dancing with me. I looked around and say Charlie passed out on the couch and the others were also slow dancing. "So. Where does your grandmother live?" He asked randomly.
"Uhm. My mum really didn't say where. Just that it is on a farm in the country somewhere." I said. "Why do you ask?"
"Oh just wondering. I was going to see if it was near London at all. That's where I live."
"Oh. I see." I said still too embarrassed to look him in the face.
"Why won't you look at me?"
Damn. I was caught. I looked up at him and said, "Sorry. I didn't know I had too."
He laughed and said, "I'm going to miss you this summer. Write?"
"Only if you write me first." I said.
"Well I guess we will see if I do that or not." He said smiling at me. As the song was ending he grabbed my hand and swung me in a circle and said, "pleasure dancing with you."
I curtsied playfully and said, "it was a pleasure dancing with me also."
He laughed one last time and walked off.

After a few more hours of partying we all decided to clean up and head back to the common room. Fred and George had to carry Charlie and Oliver back to their dorms, because they were passed out. So the rest of us headed to our rooms and went to bed.

The next day everyone was studying for their final exams and such that were on Monday. It is our last week of school. Before I know it I'm going to have to face the fact that my mother is dumping me with a woman I don't know and will be spending an entire summer secluded and alone.

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