Your Brother Did What?

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"Did you hear about Harry?"

"Yeah! And that Granger girl and the Weasley boy!

"How did they survive?"

"I heard they had to pass a three-headed dog!"

"Don't forget the HUGE chess set!

"And is it true what they are saying? The Harry fought you-know-who?"

Rumors were flying high for the next week over what happened on the third floor with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ron told the story to everyone who asked, but every time he told it, a new piece of information seamed to slide its way into the story. So I went to the only trustworthy person of the group and asked her myself what happened. Hermione said that The Sorcerers Stone was going to be taken by you-know-who unless they stopped him from stealing it. They had to pass what she likes to call "challenges" to get to the stone. Harry was the only one to actually see Quirrell reveal his secret behind the turban, which thankfully I will never have to see.  She says after a fight between Harry and you-know-who Dumbledore came to the rescue and saved the three.

"It's lucky you three came out of there in one piece." I say to her after she finishes the story.

"You're right. I wish I would have put more thought into what I was doing, but if what I did prevented you-know-who from rising again then that is enough for me." she says as she gets up to continue reading her book.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone." I say with a smile, which she returns. I then make my way across the common room and find Fred and George surrounded by people wanting to hear the story of what happened to his brother, and you know Fred and George, they like to ham things up a little bit.

"So then Ron, Harry and Hermione all took out there wands and with what little magic they knew, they sent you-know-who back  to where he belongs." Says Fred signaling the end of the story. Everyone looks amazed and continues talking to each other about the events that happened a few nights ago. I walk over to Fred and whisper,

"So I would like to hear the story about your brother please."

He turns around and laughs, "You don't think they all bought that do you? I mean come on. First years having more magic than the greatest feared wizard of all time? The thought even makes me question myself."

We both laugh and make our way to the end of the year feast seeing that it is the last night here at Hogwarts. We all passed our exams and will be continuing onto our 4th year in only a few months. Once we climbed down the several flights of stairs I contemplate if I should tell the guys I'm staying at their house for the end months of the summer or if I should just keep it a surprise. I decide on the later of the two, seeing as they surprise me all the time. It's about time I surprise them back. We all enjoy the feast until we hear a bunch of the Slytherins chanting at their table, "House Cup, House Cup...." It continues on until Dumbledore interrupts with an announcement. To be completely honest I tune him out because I know that he is just going to award the House Cup to Slytherin.

"However..." he says.

I turn my attention back on to Dumbledore as the rest of the table does and we listen to every word that comes out of his mouth

"To Mr. Ronald Weasley....." I hear him mention chess but I am overwhelmed with everything that is going on around me. "....I award 50 points."

The table shakes as people are now on the edge of their seats trying to hear every word. He says something about Hermione and then we all hear, "....I award 50 points.'

100 points gained! We are only 60 behind Slytherin! "And to Mr. Harry Potter..." Oh please I beg you 61 points! Then we win! "....I award 60 points."

The Gryffindor table is now completely on edge, people are trying to do mental math when I hear Hermione say "We are tied with Slytherin!" Everyone's faces are glowing and some are upset. We only needed one more point to win!

"There are all kinds of courage," Said Dumbledore, smiling. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom."

My ear drums almost can't handle the cheers that have erupted from the Great Hall.

"Gryffindor, wins the House Cup." says Dumbledore. He clasps his hands together and the Hall bursts into reds and golds showing our house pride. We all stand up and run over to Harry and the others to thank and congratulate them on winning the cup for us. I hug George and I get lifted off my feet by Fred.

"Fred! Put me down!" I say as I'm lifted over his shoulder.

"Never, or at least until you tell me when you are coming to visit me this summer."

"How do you know I want to visit you this summer?" I say in a very sarcastic tone.

"Well if I had as handsome of a friend as me I would want to visit him every summer."

"Oh, you think you are handsome, huh?"

"Nope, wrong answer. You are never getting down from there are you."

"I mean I don't mind being carried up all those steps." Almost immediately after I say this I am basically thrown onto the ground, luckily I catch my balance and land on both feet. "Well someone changed his mind rather quickly." I say.

"Well these guns can only show their true quality at their peak and I haven't finished my potatoes yet." Says Fred trying to makeup for his lack of strength.

"Oh alright, sure thing Fred."

We enjoy the rest of the feast and return to our dorms to finish packing our bags so they can be loaded onto the train in the morning. I fall asleep one last time in the four-post bed that I have called mine this past year.

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