The Four Champions

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"The Tri-Wizard Tournament at Hogwarts, I cannot believe it." I say walking with the twins, Lucy and Lee to the common room.

"Yeah I cant either, too bad we cannot enter. Really? 17 or older, prats changing the rules." says Fred.

"They are doing it for the students safety. Do you know how many people have died in this tournament? It isn't supposed to be taken lightly." I say.

"You might be right, but think about it... Eternal Glory. Plus the prize money! It would be amazing to even be a Champion." says George.

"Like, my brother here said. Think about what would happen if you won! Amazing." says Fred. "I don't know about you but I am going to find a way to enter."

"Add me to that plan there also George!" says Lee.

I look at Lucy, she just shakes her head and mouths to me. 'Boys'. I smile and walk over to her letting the boys catch up and get on with their plan.

"What about you? Going to enter?" she asks me.

"I don't know, it's not really a me thing to do. I like being out of the spotlight." I tell her.

"I'm with you on that one, but change of subject. How are you and Fred." she asks me.

"Fine, defiantly a LOT happier than we were when we were fighting." I tell her.

"Wish I could say the same for Lee and I... we are constantly fighting, about everything. I just can't believe that after almost 4 years together we are just now acting like this." she says throwing her arms in the air out of frustration.

"Wow... 4 years?" I say. I can remember when they just started dating our second year, granted they were only 12 and all they really did was talk constantly, but since then they have really grown a unbreakable bond between the two of them. "I just can't imagine what you are fighting about..."

"Lots of stupid things. Mostly the future though, life after Hogwarts is starting to creep up on us." she says and I notice her eyes are watering. I get up out of my seat and sit next to her and hold her in my arms.

"It will work out Lu. But, always think of your happiness before anything else. Only do what will make you happy." I say rubbing her back as she hugs me tighter. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you a lot lately."

"Beth, don't apologize to me. If anything I ignored you always hanging with Lee." she says getting up out of my arms.

"Well we are here now. Past is in the past." I say, making her smile. We say goodnight to the guys and head up to our dorm to finally get some rest.

The next few weeks are filled with lesson after lesson, the work is getting harder and more difficult to comprehend. I, along with most of my class, has noticed that teachers are not going to take this year lightly, they want to prepare us for our N.E.W.T.S. Just like my O.W.L.S. I plan to get top marks in all of my subjects and need to prepare as soon as possible.

This year, however there is one particular class that I am not fully loving. Defense against the Dark arts is being taught by Mad-Eye Moody, an Auror for the Ministry of Magic. His approach to the subject is quite scary and has me worried about what is in store for the whole semester. Our first day of class he preformed the three unforgivable curses on a innocent spider. It was quite gruesome. After this particular class though, Moody tells me Dumbledore wishes to see me in his office.

I make my way down to the Griffin Statue, which is actually the "secret" entrance to Dumbledore's Office. I look at the parchment Moody gave me and see that on it is a two-worded password.

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