Where do I Go?

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As the year is coming to a close I learn that The Weasley's are going to Egypt over the holidays to visit Charlie, who studies Dragons there, with some prize money they won. So the question is now... where do I stay over the Holidays? My grandmother is still on her trip with her friends, and I haven't heard a sing word from her since the first letter I got back at the beginning of the school year. Several times they tried sending an owl to her to tell her what had happened to me, but no reply ever came. My mum however did receive an owl. She also sent a reply.

"Headmaster Professor Dumbledore,

I am sad to hear what has happened to my daughter, Beth. I am unfortunately not able to come to the castle to visit her. Work has me traveling everywhere and in order to keep up with expenses I must stay here. Please, have her send me an owl when she awakens and tell her that she will be staying with her Grandmother Francis, again this summer holiday. I know you will keep look out for her.

Mrs. Violet."

Wow... real heartfelt mum. Anyway I do as told and send my mum an owl. I not knowing what else to do tell her that grandmother is unable to take care of me this summer. I receive the reply as I am entering the train to head home.


How wonderful it is to hear that you are better! I enclosed with this owl enough money, courtesy of the Ministry, for you to stay in Diagon Alley at The Leaky Cauldron this entire summer. You are to stay only on the wizarding side! DO NOT GO INTO THE MUGGLE WORLD. Along with money for housing, I have included 50 gallons as an early birthday present. I'll send more later in the summer for you to buy your own gift, but for now this is for anything you see down there that might interest you. Have a good summer!


I look at the letter and untie the from the owl the heaviest sack of money I have ever held before.  I put it in my trunk so no one can see or steal it and join my friends in our usual compartment.

Just as if I was never peterfied we talk about the normal things, as well as our excitement, but dread of our fifth year.

"I heard that once a boy took the O.W.L. exam and died from the amount of pressure." says Fred.

"Oh please, if anyone where to die of anything it would be the N.E.W.T.S." I say back.

"Good point, but I heard that either are really hard." says George.

"Can we stop talking about them already? I'm getting sick just thinking about them!" says Lee and we all have to laugh.

Talking about other things I hear a knock at the door and see Cedric through the window. He opens the door and asks, "Hey guys, I was wondering if I could borrow Beth for a sec?"

"Yeah go ahead!" says Lucy. Winking at me as I get up to talk to him outside. I roll my eyes back at her and see Fred glaring at him from the corner of the room.

"Any objections?" I ask looking around, but my main and final focus is Fred. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"None here." He manages to say through gritted teeth. Wow. Someone is cranky today.

"Alright I'll be back in a second!" I say shutting the door, but apparently I close it too slow because I hear George and Lucy at the same time yell 'You IDIOT.' at someone, probably Fred. Why? I have no idea. "Anyway shall we go somewhere a little more quiet?" I ask Cedric.

"Great idea," he says looking a little confused by Fred's outburst, but shakes it off rather quickly because I see him smile again once more. We reach the end of the compartment and there is a little space here for a few people to stand, luckily no one is here at the moment so we choose this as our spot.

"SO. What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

Cedric takes a deep breath, and suddenly the smile on his faces disappears. "I am so sorry Beth. I shouldn't have let you walk back to your dorm that night alone. I knew that people were being attacked and I didn't help you in any way I could. I am so sorry that this whole thing happened to you."

"Ced. What happened that night was not your fault. If anything you saved yourself and was apparently a lot more careful than I was. I am glad that you weren't hurt also."

"I still feel like I should have been there to protect you. I could have done-"

"CED." I shout at him. "You cheered me up that night, I was feeling down and you DID help me. If you would have come with me, you could have ended up just like me, or worse killed. So I am glad you feel like you do, but-" but I don't get to finish my sentence. Because at that very moment Cedric grabs my face and kisses me.  I wasn't expecting it but, I don't pull away either. He lets go and says,

"I shouldn't have done that." and walks back to his compartment.

Shocked, to say the least I go back to my compartment and join back on the conversation and decide not to tell anyone about what happened.

The train arrives at Kings Cross and I suddenly realize, how am I to get to the other side of London? I have a heavy trunk and an owl with me. This is going to take awhile unless... I look into my sack of money that my mum gave me and find to my relief, what looks like enough muggle money to get a taxi to get me across town. At least she cares enough about me. So we all head off the train and make out way to the muggle side of the station. I say goodbye to Lee and Lucy who are meeting each others parents before they head home today, and walk with Fred and George.

"So, where are you going for the summer Beth? Your Grandmothers right?" asks Fred.

"Actually I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron. My Grandmother is still on her trip, and mum is Merlin knows where."

"Oh, well that wont be too bad! We will be there the last full week before term begins again! Plus you get to look around Diagon Alley for ages. That will be fun!" says Fred trying to cheer me up.

"Oh yeah! You can spend every day in Flourish and Blotts, you will have to find something to read there! Plus all the vendors on the streets, you will have a goo time there." Says George adding onto Fred's statement.

"I hope so, but I'm going to go now, I want to find a cab before it gets dark."

"At least stay one night at our place. Ginny would love having you around one night. Stay for just supper?" asks Fred. "We can have mum take your things to the Leaky Cauldron through apparition, and you can use Floo Powder to get directly into The Leaky Cauldron." says Fred.

"I shouldn't, I need to get settled for the night. But thanks for the offer Fred." I say smiling at him. "Well, like I said, I need to find a cab." I run over to the guys and give them a huge hug. "Have fun in Egypt! Wish I could go someday!"

"Not with our family, there will be so much trouble with all of us! But, we better let you go before we start talking again. Bye, Beth. Be safe in the Alley, you never know who could be down there." says George.

"Oh you know me, I find a way to get into trouble." I say teasing him for being worried.

"But, really Beth." says Fred hugging me now.  "Be careful." I hug him back again and I say my final goodbyes to the two. I then make my way outside and find a taxi almost immediately. I have them take me to a nearby muggle store so I don't look like I am going to a deserted part of the street. I then find The Leaky Cauldron and ask for a room. Tom the owner gives me a good deal after hearing my story and even lets me stay in one of the nicer rooms for the cost of a room that has less space and is not as newly refurbished as mine.

"Alright Miss Violet, here you are.  Your room." says Tom as he opens the door with the key. He was kind enough to help me with my trunk so I give him 2 gallons of my own money as a thank you. He sets my stuff inside and gives me the key and lets me know if I need anything to let him know. He really is a nice guy.

So setting in my room, with all my things unpacked I lay in the bed and even though it is only 7 p.m. I decide to go to bed, for even my 5 month "rest" couldn't help me from still being tired after the past few days events.

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