A day with Grandma

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"Beth we can go now if you are ready!" My grandma yells from downstairs.
"I'll be right there I just can't find my other shoe." I say.
"What does it look like?" She asks as I'm descending the stairs.
"Black converse. I found my left one, but the right one-" just then she pulls out her wand and yells,
"Accio converse!" And my shoe comes flying through the air and into her hand.
"Wow. Thanks!" I say grabbing my shoe and putting it on.
"Now let's go get you some furniture." She says locking the door.

We get into town and go to the nearest furniture store. It's called "Take a Seat," and it is really quite small. We walk in and she is greeted with warm hugs and hello's. Apparently she shops here often.

Letting her talk to her friends, one of which is about her age and named Darla, I walk over to the bed room furniture area. From here I find a matching dark brown oak headboard, nightstand and dresser. I look at the price and see it is a total of 323 euros. I wave grandma over here and she exams my findings. Finally she speaks,
"Just what I would have picked, that's my granddaughter." She smiles at me and pays for the furniture. They say they will deliver it at 4pm today. Which means, sense it is only noon, we have another 4 hours before we need to head home. We stop by a ice cream parlor where I get a vanilla cone with sprinkles, while she get a chocolate dish with fudge on top. We sit down on an outside bench and talk about school.
"So you will be in your third year this upcoming school year yes?" She asks.
"Yes. Speaking of which, will you be taking me to Diagon Alley?" I ask.
"Yes. Your mother sent an owl yesterday saying you are staying over Christmas also. Unless you want to stay at Hogwarts."
"What!" I ask looking at her. "My mother... She hates me doesn't she."
"No no no. She doesn't hate you. She is just. Busy. Work stuff you know." She says combing her fingers through my hair.
"I know this may sound rude. But how old are you?" I ask trying to hold back tears.
"I will turn 56 this year. You and I share a birthday." She says smiling at me.
"Your birthday is August 13th?" I ask looking at her.
She laughs. "Yes."
We talk more getting to know each other a little better while finishing our ice cream. After about an hour of gossip and chit chat, she gets up and says, "Merlin! I almost forgot! We need to get you sheets and some accessories for your room! I know just the place!"
Without any questions I get up and follow her down the street. She takes a left into a shop called 'Accessories and More.' How original. We go in and look at bedspreads to match my room. We finally decide on a white comforter with ruffles and a iliac sheet for my bed. We grab a few decorative pillows and some baskets for around my room. Finally I spot a picture frame it has the word 'FRIENDS' written on it. I look to my grandma and ask, "may I get this also? I have just the picture to put in it."
"That's fine but get another frame. It's buy one get one free." She says rummaging through her purse. So I grab the exact same one and know exactly what to do with it.

It's around 8pm now and we just got done washing my sheets, putting furniture in the desired spots and putting away all my school supplies. Granted she could have used magic but I liked it better this way. We got to talk more and more and I really am starting to warm up to her. She even asked my to help with supper! But to my surprise instead of making supper we made pancakes and eggs. Yummmm. Then with a flick of her wand everything was cleaned up and she told me to come outside.
"It rather cold out here, grandma." I say shivering.
"Just follow me." She says. "Ah! Take a seat here."
I sit in the chair and she waves her wand again and a blazing fire starts in the fire pit. She waves her wand again and gram crackers, marshmallows and chocolate bars come flying through the air.
"S'mores!" I say really excited now.
"I may be old, but I still love me a good s'more." She says and we laugh together.

After several s'mores I lick my fingers and decide to ask her a question that has been in my mind forever. "Why have I never heard or met you before?"
She looks up from the fire and she starts to frown again. She opens her mouth finally and says, "when your mother was pregnant with you your grandfather passed away. I was dealing with depression and stress. So by the time I got my life back together you were already born and I missed it. I asked your mother to let me see you, but at this point she hated me. I have no idea why. It could have been because I never liked that boy she married. But she hated me and I don't know why. Maybe she was afraid I would mess you up or ruin you. She loves you very much." She says and I can see tears rolling down her eyes.
"Well. Even if she does hate you, she will never know how much I love you. This is the most mother-like talk I have had in years. I'm mad at her. She abandoned me. And don't say she didn't because that's how I see all this. As she is too busy with work so instead of quitting work, she quits her kid."
My grandma doesn't reply. Maybe out of fear that I will snap, but after a few minutes of quiet she asks, "what is your favorite movie?"

So we spend the rest of the night in the upstairs living room and watch the best 80s movie. I am rather she had this to be honest, but it is such a classic and I love it. '16 Candles.' We share a blanket and cuddle, and before I know it I feel more safe than ever before and I fall into a peaceful sleep in her arms.

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