My Father is Who?

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"What did you just say dear?" my mother said now looking at me curiously.

I took a deep breath, "I know dad isn't my real father. The sorting hat said my dad was meant for Gryffindor. Dad is a muggle and never knew about Hogwarts. So, who is he?"

My mother was now red in the face. I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or if she was angry. She finally responds with, "Not here. We must go home and talk about this." As she said this I looked around. There were now people looking at my mother and I funny. We walked out of the station and loaded my things into the car. I set Moe in the back seat so he wouldn't interrupt my mum's and my conversation.

I sat in the front seat as she got in the driver's side. She sighed heavily and said,
"I knew I would have to tell you this one day. Little did I know it would be this soon. I wanted to tell you myself a few years ago but your dad, no not your biological dad, wanted to hold it a little longer. You see I was pregnant with you; your actual dad and I were doing just fine. We got married and got a nice home together to raise you in. By the time you were born your dad had some... issues going on. He was sent to the wizard prison. I sent him a letter saying that what he did was too much for me to handle, so I was keeping you and divorcing him. I met your step-dad later that year and we started dating and got married when you were three. He knows everything that I just told you so don't worry. I told him the night you got your letter. He had a lot to process though, as do you now that I told you this." I just sat there. Not knowing what to think.

"So, my real dad is in prison? What did he do? What is his name? Why did you hold this from me?" I was now shouting at her. It wasn't my fault I was furious. I wanted answers. She just sat there and looked at me.

"Honey. It's in your best interest not to know his name or why he was sent there. I'm just going to tell you he killed many people, and he deserves to be in there. I know you may not be happy with this, but it is all I can tell you for your safety." She now has tears rolling down her cheeks.

I grabbed her hand and said, "Mum, it's okay. You still have me and dad." I knew she was sad because she missed my real dad. My mum and I had a very close bond so we could read each other very well.

"I know honey. And I do love your dad I really do. It's just that th-that I miss your biological father sometimes too. It was a bit of a shock when they to-told me Wh-what he d-d-did. He was always such a nice guy in school. Well, a bit cocky." She chuckled to herself. "But he was a loyal friend and husband. You look like him you know. You have his dark eyes and fair skin. The only thing that separates you from him is your hair. You got your head of blonde curls from your mother. That and your love of reading." She was smiling and was waiting for me to say something.

I finally said, "I'm glad you told me mum. I'm sorry I was angry before. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I was just upset you never told me and that I had to find out from some stupid hat."

"Oh, honey I'm sorry too. I just wish that I had told you sooner. I thought I was doing the right thing but apparently, I was just being selfish. Now. What do you say about going home and eating a nice big bowl of broccoli cheese soup, your favorite." I smiled at her to let her know that was perfect. She switched the gear of the car from park to drive and we headed home. My mom told my step-dad that she told me about him not being my biological dad. He was upset, not in an angry upset way but almost as if he was going to cry. I ran to him and hugged him. I whispered in his ear. "Your still my father no matter what."

He then held me even tighter, and we all ate our soup talking about what I had done in school and whatnot. I told mom about me wanting to join the quidditch team. She seemed delighted dad on the other hand was hesitant, but finally agreed.

After clearing the dishes, I ran to my bedroom and addressed a letter to the twins and Lucy, telling them what happened with my mom. I sent Moe to the twin's house with a small package for them. I wanted to send their Christmas present early, so they had it for the actual day. And I sent my mother's new owl, Wisdom, with a letter to Lucy and a friendship necklace enclosed. I decided to wait for one of the birds to arrive back home to send Lee his package and letter. He wouldn't be as worried as the other guys. With that being done I unpacked my belongings and went to bed. I was finally at peace with my questions on my father, so I had the best night's sleep in a long time.

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