Another Christmas Gone

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The next few days at grandmas were a blast. We made sweets, cakes and any other type of food imaginable.
I boxed up an extra cake and sent it to Cedric for a Christmas gift for him and his family. I used my grandmothers barn owl for this trip because Moe was too tired to run about again. Instead he was content sitting in the barn outside, catching mice and presenting me with a few of them.
"Moe that's just gross. Keep those in the barn please." I said to Moe who had a mouse in his little claw. He must have got the message because he flew back out the window into the barn.

A few days later I received a letter from Cedric who thanked me for the cake and said he had something for me when I got back to Hogwarts.
"Oh gosh I hope he knows I don't need anything. I just sent him that cake to be polite!" I said to myself reading his letter. I shook my head and put his letter in the pile I accumulated over the holiday.

The last few days of break were spent sewing blankets together and watching movies with grandma. Surprised by my own talent of sewing grandma let me begin my own pattern for a huge quilt. We set it up in my room since I wouldn't be here much longer, and the quilt wouldn't be done for another few months. I picked several shades of red for the main color but added in a few stripes of golden fabric to really make the colors pop, I have to represent my house right?

"So how is the quilt coming along?" Asked grandma as she started our last supper for the holidays.
"Fine! I'll just need a few more weeks in the summer to finish it and then it should be perfect! You might want to take a look at it though. I might have messed up in a few places." I said while eating a slice of bread.
"Bethany! Don't talk with your mouth full." She said looking at me. I just smiled and continued chewing my bread. "Alright fine. I will take a look at the quilt, but you said to ask the Weasley's to watch you towards the end of this summer?"
I swallowed my mouthful before I answered. "Yes! Molly is the mother. She is such a sweet woman. I'm sure she won't mind if I stay a few weeks!"
"Alright. I'll send her an owl in a few days. I hope it won't be a bother." Says grandma beginning to worry.
"I can ask one of the twins to ask her if that makes you feel better? They always say I'm welcome there! I'm sure it won't be that big of a deal!" I say reassuring her it isn't a huge deal.
"No no. I'll ask. It's more polite if I send an owl anyway. Maybe I'll invite her over for tea one day to get to know her. Anyway foods ready!" She says laying a bowl of steaming hot soup in front of me.
"'Mmmm. Smells great!" I say while blowing on the soup to cool it down.
We continue talking about random things and before we know it the sun has set and it is time to rest.

The next morning I'm packing my things getting ready to head to platform 9 and 3/4 again. When I can't find Fred's sweater.
"Grandma! Have you seen a green sweater around here?" I yell down the stairs.
"You mean the one with an F on it?" She yells back up.
"Yeah, It's in the laundry room. I washed it last night. You drooled on it the past few weeks and I didn't think that boy would like it all wet and smelly."
I blushed and ran to the laundry room to see the sweater hanging up. I grabbed it and quickly placed it in my trunk.

"Hurry now! You don't want to miss the train!" Says grandma.
"I know I still have a few minutes to talk. Promise to write me! Tell me what Molly says!" I say to her.
"Well I write when I can anyway. But yes! I'll let you know don't worry."
"Alright, I better go that's the whistle for last call."
"Alright, have fun the rest of the year. Not too much fun though!" She says winking to me as I board the train.
"You know me grams. I am the queen of fun." I say with my head out the door as I wave to her one last time. And with another whistle the train is off.
I sit in a compartment by myself, because I cannot find Lucy and Lee anywhere. But it's completely fine with me. I would have had to listen to them snog the whole way to Hogwarts.

I pull out a muggle romance novel that grandma got me for Christmas. I read my book quietly on the train in deep thought. I'm so entranced by this book that the only thing that distracts me the whole ride is a knock at the compartment door. I look up and see Cedric waving me. I beckon him to come in and he opens the door.

"Sitting all alone? Good thing i'm here right?" he says smiling.

"Oh yes, my hero..." I say with a smile, laughing.

"Well... like my last letter said I have a present for you and I just couldn't wait to give it too you. So.." he pauses and pulls a small box out of his pocket. "here is your gift." I grab the little box and pull the yellow ribbon off the paper and neatly tear off the red paper. I open the box and it reveals a charm.

"Wow Cedric, it is beautiful. I hate  to ask though. What is it?"

I look up and he starts chucking. "Oh Beth. This charm is just a simple muggle charm. No real meaning,  but I did read somewhere in the store that I got it in it means fate. That would make sense, because its in the shape of a "x". Meaning that the lines only meet once, yes? I assume that is what makes it mean fate, because everything happens for a reason."

I look up at him and see a slight blush appearing on his face, "it is great Ced. I wish I got you more than a cake now, sorry." I say shrugging.

"Eh, don't be. that cake was AMAZING." he says getting up and opening the door. "I better get back to the guys. I will see you at the feast. Bye Beth."

"Bye Cedric." and with that I'm alone again. I attach the charm next to the one Fred got for me last Christmas onto my bracelet. I look closer at the charm and then wonder why fate? Why was this so special to Cedric and why did I get it?

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