A Happy 17th Birthday to ME!

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"Ginny, have you seen my shorts? I thought I left them on your bed this morning." I said to Ginny who was down the stairwell talking to her mother.

"Oh, sorry Beth I laid them on the chair next to the window. They might be covered in other clothes by now, so you might have to dig." she yelled up the stairs.

"Great thanks!" I said before turning back around to enter our room. While doing so I ran into Fred. "Sorr-" but before I had a chance to finish he was gone.

Now, this summer has been great, Ron told me all about their, Harry, Ron and Hermione's, adventure with freeing my father this past school year. I also found out that Scabbers, Ron's pet rat, was the actual cause of the reason my father was imprisoned. Well, it wasn't Scabbers, it was Peter Pettigrew, like my father his is an Animagus.  

Harry and I both are keeping in touch with Sirius, Harry writes his letter sends it to me, I write mine and send them both with Moe. We switch up the system, I write first, Harry second etc., so no one can track our owls. While writing we found out a few things about Sirius. For instance, Harry and I were delighted to find out that my father and his were practically brothers through their childhood. Sirius said that they went by the names of Prongs and Padfoot. I wondered where I had seen these names before, until it finally clicked. The Marauders Map! I asked Harry if he would bring it when he got to the Weasley's, which should be any day now. By then I will be receiving a reply from Sirius about the question of weather it was him or not, which I'm fairly certain it was.

On another note, like I said before, this summer is GREAT, but it is missing one thing. The twins. They have locked themselves in their room for basically the whole summer. We all hear 'bangs' and 'cracks' from their room, but nothing has started on fire... yet.

I would love to say this is the only reason that the twins are keeping their distance, but it isn't. Since Fred and I had that... well conversation about how we feel towards the other, we have only said a few sentences to each other this whole summer. Most of them are "Could you pass...(insert food item here)." Though the possibilities of food are endless, their are only two outcomes to Fred and I. I just need to know what he wants, before I move on-which I fear is going to happen soon if he doesn't start talking to me soon.

I finally realize that I have been standing in the same spot thinking about everthing for the past half-hour. Snapping out of my daze I continue to walk to my room and start to look for my shorts under the pile of clothes setting on the chair. I start cleaning my clothes off the chair and putting them in their proper place, when Ginny comes into the room.

"We are becoming slobs." she said looking at the state of our room. "Anyway, I came to tell you that the boys left to get Harry. They should be back in time for supper. Want to come help set the table?"

I nod my head and follow her down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and am greeted with a smile from Molly. "Hello dears, come to help?" Ginny starts saying something about her having no choice, but I interrupt and tell her yes. "Good, I also want to remind you that the World Cup is in a few weeks so make sure you are all packed and ready to go the night before."

"Already know what I'm brining." I say. I like to be on top of things when it comes to traveling.

"Good, maybe you can help me pack!" says Ginny, who unlike me is as easy going, and laid back as ever.

"Ginny! That is impolite to ask!" says Molly who is stirring something on the stove.

"It's no problem Molly, I was wanting to clean out our room before we left anyway. We can do that while packing!" Ginny shoots me an evil eye, she hates cleaning.

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