Meeting Grandma Francis

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I'm still standing in the compartment baffled by what just happened. How did he know? Did George and I talk too loud? I consider all the possibilities, but cannot think of one that explains how he knows! Still confused by what happened, I grab my trunk and start heading out to the platform. In the previous letter I got from my mom she said Grandma would be on the muggle platform waiting. I start heading over to the gateway when someone grabs my arm.
"Hey! Did you tell Fred?"
I turn around to see George.
"No. I don't know how he found out." I say.
"Oh gosh Beth. It's probably my fault. I was talking quite loudly on the train-"
"George don't worry about it. I have to go. I'll write about it later."
"Okay." He says walking off again.

I'm a few feet away from the barrier when Oliver stands in my way.
"So, couldn't wait to tell people I see."
I look at him confused as ever. "What are you talking about?"
"Fred just came up to me and started yelling a bunch of crap in my face. About how 'I need to be nice to you' and 'if you hurt her' stuff. But it's okay I'm totally fine."
"Oliver I don't know how he knows but I didn't tell him. I promise. I was going to wait for the perfect time."
He looks at me suspiciously, but ends up saying, "alright, I don't know how he knows either, but let's keep it on the down low for awhile. I don't want all the guys mad at me for taking the most beautiful girl." He winks at me when he finishes and walks away.

With thousands of emotions running through my head I remember I need to head to the barrier. Finally I'm waiting and its my turn to run through it. I gather speed and close my eyes. When I open them again I am back in the muggle world. I look at people rushing to work and children running around when my eyes land on an old lady standing a few feet away. I start to walk over to her and she examines my every move. When I'm within hearing distance I ask, "Are you Francis?"
She continues to look at me but finally replies, "yes. Now follow me."
She starts walking, and I have to say, for an old woman this lady has speed. I'm almost having to jog to keep up with her. We stop once we get outside.
"This one right here. This is my car. Put your things in the trunk." She says as she gets into the drivers seat. I set all my supplies in the trunk and put Moe in the backseat. I then take my spot in the passengers seat. She starts driving and the whole ride we are quiet. I look out the window to see where we are heading and it doesn't look good. We are now outside city limits and going out even further. I turn to her and ask, "So...where do you live?"
She stays silent for a moment. Finally the frown disappears and she says, "Quite a ways out in the country. My house is between hills, in a little valley. You will have plenty of space to practice Quidditch."
I look at her now. "How do you know I play?"
"Your... mother.... told me a few things about you. She said your favorite things are Quidditch and reading."
Then before I can even think about what I am asking my mouth says, "Why are you taking care of me this summer?"
She stiffens and her frown returns. "Your mum... Is working I thought she told you that."
"Yes, but I thought she might have told you more. I guess not." I turn away and look out he window. We travel another 15-20 minutes when we turn into a long driveway.
"Well. Here we are. Home." She says as she parks the car in the detached garage. I get my things out of the trunk and she grabs Moe. We walk towards her two story, yellow, picket fence surrounded home.
"It's like something I read about in my fiction books." I say.
"What is?" She asks looking at me.
"Your home. It is beautiful." I say still looking at all my surroundings.
"Well come now, I'll show you to your room."
We enter the house. She starts walking towards the hallway that is on her left. We go down the hall and she stops.
"The last room on the left. That is my room. So come get me if you need anything at night. In the afternoon I am usually in the garden, or in the sitting room and reading. Mornings I'm baking in the kitchen. Your room is on the second floor. Unless you want the one next to me."
"No. I'll feel more at home a floor up. That's where my room is at my mums."
"Fine by me." She says as she takes Moe again and starts climbing the stairs. There is a huge living area right as you walk up with one door tucked in the corner of the room. I move my way through the furniture and continue following grandma to the door.
"Well here is your room." She says as she opens the door. I look in and there is barely any furniture. All that is in the room is a book case filled with books. I look at her and I'm about to ask about this all when she says, "I know, I know. There is no furniture. I was thinking we could go shopping for some things for you tomorrow. I have someone putting in new carpet today, and the walls were painted last week. I hope the color is okay. Your mum said you liked purple."
"Yeah. Purple is my favorite." I say looking at my favorite shade of purple. Lavender. "Where do you want my stuff?" I ask not wanting it to be in the way of the carpet guy.
"There is a closet on the far end of the room. I'm not doing anything with the flooring in there. Keep your trunk packed and set it in there. We can set Moe's cage in there also. I just let him out for a little flight."
I do as I'm told and just as I'm finishing Bob, the carpet man, comes up to my room and starts laying a dark brown shaggy carpet down in my room. I have to admit. My grandma does have great style when it comes to paint and carpet choices. In fact her whole house is really modern. She even has a TV which surprises me, as she is a witch after all. Once Bob is done I thank him and my grandma pays him.
"You didn't have to get new carpets and such for me you know that right?" I say to her.
"I know. I just want you to feel at home here. I didn't think a black wall, and tiled carpets would fit you. Plus I have been dying to get that room updated. I have just never have had a reason to until now." she says and for the first time she smiles at me. But it quickly faded away. Still it's a start. I look at my watch and see the time is already 5pm. I walk over to the bookshelf, which I now realize is built into the wall and grab a random book off of it. I start to open it when grandma says, "Bethany, come down and eat!" I set it back on the shelf where it was and hurry down the stairs.

This is going to be an interesting summer.

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